Valorant: Phoenix Guide – (Tips, Tricks, Movements etc! 2024)


Today I’m going to be going in-depth talking about Phoenix going over everything from his abilities, and playstyle. We will give you everything you need to know to pick up Valorant Phoenix and start entry fragging and fragging out for your team.

Phoenix used to be known as one of the worst Duelists in Valorant but thanks to many creative minds and the understanding of Valorant as a whole expanding. Phoenix has become much more viable and even more powerful as the game progresses forward.

He is easily one of the most unique duelists. Phoenix has the oppressive nature of aggression as well as escape ability and outplay potential using his wall and his ultimate ability. If you are looking to master other agents then do check our Valorant deadlock agent guide, Valorant agent Gekko, harbor Valorant agent guide, neon Valorant map guide, Valorant agent fade guide, Reyna Valorant agent guide, astra Valorant agent guide, YOru Valorant agent guide, Clove Valorant Agent Guide.


Valorant Phoenix’s Playstyle

Phoenix is a very aggressive agent and you should always be the first person on your team to enter the site and take the first duel. Preferably start the fight with a flash then swing and kill the enemy. After that heal up without your wall or Molly. If you have good control over your team, you should use your wall to heal so that you have molly for the Post plant.

If you still have the wall when entering the site, wall off a part of it to help your team get onto the site. Since he doesn’t have any movement abilities like Jett and Raze then you really need to create spaces as well and get your Ult as many times as you can in a half.

When playing Valorant Phoenix then your main goal should be to collect as many Ult orbs as many as possible and get the entry kill. His Ult needs 6 orbs which is very low compared to other agents. If you really try to get a lot of Ult orbs then it’s possible to get your Ult four times in one half.

The other good combo for Util is with your wall and your flash. After you Wall then use flash through it and then peek. It is a custom one-way flash that you can do anywhere on the map.

How to Play Phoenix Valorant

Valorant Phoenix on Attacker’s Side

Valorant Phoenix on Attacker's Side

Let’s discuss the basic playstyle of Phoenix Valorant players. On the attacker side, you have one job as a Phoenix Player, because Phoenix is the prototype of an entry fragger, and many rounds you’re going to be running in, doing as much damage and getting as many kills as you can before dying.

The key thing there is before dying because your job as a Phoenix Valorant is to run in and die your team can get the site, and everything after that is a plus for your team. You should think of yourself as an escort for your team, where they can walk up behind you, and you buy as much time as possible for your team to catch up and take space while you do your duelist duty.

Another great way to utilize Phoenix Valorant on attack is to split your pressure. Valorant Phoenix is One Many army in a way because his wall allows him to isolate angles, his flashes give him kill pressure and buy him time, and his molly allows him to clear difficult angles and stop rotators. This allows you to solo pressure a site and force rotations while your team pressures another.

With the massive amount of utility that’s in the game, a team comp with decent smoke placement doesn’t always need an escort, and you can play off each other just fine. This means that on a difficult, rotate heavy map like Haven, the phoenix can run it down into B Site, and cause problems for the defenders there, forcing rotations from either garage or A Site. And stopping the rotation from the B Site players, all the while doing it somewhat safely and with a high chance of getting kills.

Your that’s pressuring A or C can almost guarantee that they are going to have to fight people maximum for the site because your Phoenix has cut off rotations and forced movements from other players.

The biggest problem for attackers in Valorant is that taking a site can be difficult, and not pressuring multiple sites at once can result in a stack on the bombsite that you end up taking. This is what makes Valorant Phoenix such a great attacker because he can fill either of these roles for an attacking team, and reduce a lot of the pressure for the rest of the team, allowing them to play the role they are best fit for.

Valorant Phoenix on Defender Side

Valorant Phoenix on Defender Side

On the defender’s side though, Phoenix’s role is often very difficult. As a defender, Phoenix excels very well at making aggressive or proactive plays on defense. Now the biggest thing here is to be unpredictable with your aggression because leaving your team a 4v5 on defense is often a round losing mistake.

You are also going to go aggressive only when the other team is defaulting, and you know you can get a 1v1, or the other team has ignored your site and you can get a huge flank on them. When going aggressive you should be asking someone to come with you to watch your push early in the round to make sure you’re not getting caught off guard, and then they can fully rotate and stack another site after you get your pressure pushed up.

Just make sure when you go aggressive you are not overcommitting without the enemy team pressuring something, because if you are not seeing them on the map fighting for control, then they are probably watching your flank that you are going to come around from.

Another way to use Valorant Phoenix on defense is to jiggle peek, and hold safe angles on site. Phoenix Valorant is one of the agents that you don’t want to get caught off guard pushing because his molly can stop pushes in their tracks, and his flashes give him time to peek and try to get kills, all the while he is buying time for his teammate to rotate.

Your job as a Phoenix on defense is to play with calculated aggression to get picks safely, or play lockdown defense on site and delay their push by using all of your utility to let your team come back up because you can get picks on site whenever they are pushing but want to make sure that just slow them down as much as possible so your team can stack whenever they over aggress on the push.

Valorat Phoenix Abilities

Now we have covered the basic playstyle of Phoenix. Let’s talk about Phoenix’s abilities, and how they interact with each other.


Blaze phoenix valorant

Phoenix’s first ability is his Blaze. A blaze is a flame wall that when fired creates a line of flames that moves forward, creating a wall that blocks vision and damages players passing through it.

Duration8 Seconds
Damage30 health per second
Heal50 HP if Phoenix stays in the wall for the 8 seconds duration
This ability can be curved, by holding down the mouse and it will follow the direction of your crosshair, it lasts for 8 seconds and heals Phoenix for a total of 50 health if he stands in it for the entire duration. Phoenix’s flame wall is a vital part of Phoenix’s main kit because it acts as a solid wall when in conjunction with the flashes.

It blocks all enemy flashes from you and protects your team and you, from your flashes whenever you throw it through the wall. This is one of the best strategies for taking a bombsite because by throwing the wall and splitting the entrance, the enemies are not sure exactly where you will come out of the wall, and you can flash through the wall creating a perfect flash on the enemy team, while being protected, and you can push through the smoke to pick up your kills on the flashed enemies.


Curveball phoenix

Phoenix’s next ability is his Curveball ability. You can have two curveballs total, costing 200 credits a piece, and they will curve left or right from the character depending on which mouse button you press to throw them.

Windup0.5 seconds
Debuff Duration1.5 seconds as maximum (It depends upon how close the opponent is to the flash)
The flare orb travels a set path before detonating and blinding all enemies for a maximum of 1.1 seconds, and the duration of the flash is determined by how closely the enemies are looking at the flash whenever it detonates.

This is Phoenix’s most well-known ability because it provides the biggest utility for his entry fragging, and picking up on easy kills on enemies that can’t see you. Just beware of the random spray that comes shortly after flashing someone who’s holding the angle you are about to come out from behind.

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Hot Hands

Hot Hands phoneix valorant

Next up we have Phoenix’s Hot Hands. This is his signature ability that he will have available every round and comes back whenever he gets two kills in a round. Much like his Blaze, hot hands damage enemies that walk through the puddle of flames and heal Phoenix for 50 health whenever he stands in it for the entire duration.

Charges1 (recharges after 2 kills)
Duration3.25 seconds
Damage60 health per second
Heal50 HP if Phoenix stays in the molly for 3.25 seconds duration

After about 25 meters of flight away from Valorant Phoenix, the molly will drop straight down from where it is, making it very easy to molly off bombsites or difficult areas that you need to clear.

One of the best ways to use Phoenix’s Hot Hands is to throw it in a doorway that you don’t want enemies to push through, that you are going to push through yourself. Somewhere like Garage on Haven, whenever you use molly off the entrance to the doors you ensure that no one in their right mind will run through them, and it creates space to back them away from the doors you push. Most enemies will let their guard down because they don’t expect you to push through your own fire.

Your fire doesn’t hurt you, walking through that fire and flashing your way out is one of the best ways to catch enemies off guard, all while making sure you don’t get timing by their push at the same time.

Phoenix Ultimate Valorant (Run It Back)

Phoenix Ultimate Valorant

Valorant Phoenix’s last ability is Run It Back which is the Ultimate ability, which upon activation instantly drops a marker, which when Phoenix dies or the time expires, he gets teleported back to. This ability is the entry fragger’s dream because it allows Valorant Phoenix to do exactly what he does best, run it, kill, and do as much damage as possible before dying, but this time he gets to live again and join the team on the site take for the second time.

Duration10 Seconds
Ultimate Points6
Phoenix’s Run it Back should be used from a safe location where enemies can’t push around because the weakest part of his ultimate is that he has to go back to that exact location, making flankers and aggressive enemies very dangerous for an Ulted Phoenix.

When you have your ultimate up then you should be trying your best to coordinate with your team to have someone sit back and watch your body, while one or two people rush with you to capitalize on your entry fragging, and making sure to keep control of the space that you get for them.

Oftentimes, players will turn and run whenever they hear the Valorant Phoenix Ult running toward them, and without teammates there to take control of that area, your ult can become useless because the enemies just flood back to the area and you have effectively lost all control that you gained with your ultimate.

Best Ways to Effectively Use Phoenix When Attacking

⦁ Wait for your team before using Run it Back.
⦁ Use Blaze to cover areas that your Controller can’t.
⦁ Flash for your team when entering the site.
⦁ Try to lurk if there are better Duelists for entry fragging (Neon, Jett, and Reyna)
⦁ Use Hot Hands to clear corners.
⦁ Use Blaze to block off sightlines or create safe paths for your team.

Best Ways to Effectively Use Phoenix When Defending

⦁ You can use Run it Back for retaking.
⦁ Use Hot Hands and Blaze to block entrances and stop rushes.
⦁ You can use Run it Back aggressively at the start of rounds to try and get early picks.
⦁ Try to save your flash for retakes unless you’re sure you can get kills.
⦁ Deploy Blaze to delay attacker pushes or split their entry paths.

Best Maps for Phoenix

In terms of maps, Phoenix is a unique agent. If used correctly then he is comfortable on any map. From the competitive map pool, there are a few maps where he is very effective. The maps are the following.
⦁ Split
⦁ Ascent
⦁ Haven

At Haven and Fracture Phoenix is the best. For agents to play in the Haven then Phoenix should definitely be on the list. In both attack and defense, Phoenix’s flash could be painful for the enemy team as the flash-peek strategy will secure many picks for Phoenix because there are many corners in Haven.

Fracture has 4 total orb points that Phoenix could utilize to farm his Ultimate. Many players choose the Phoenix when playing in Fracture as utilizing the ultimate often is quite doable in Fracture.

Phoenix Team Composition

Phoenix and Omen are the best pair to play maps like Haven, Ascent, or Split as they will surely dominate the map. Since we have a duelist and one controller, so now we can get two sentinels and one other controller or we could have three sentinels like Sova, Cypher, and Sage to make a perfect team comp. You could also run another smoke character so you could replace one of them with Brimstone If you wanted to have more smokes for more control.

Omen could smoke both sides of the site while Phoenix is coming up and then Valorant Phoenix would flash the entry onto the site and then Omen could also paranoia and continue like sending Phoenix in. Omen sets him up with the smokes and then Phoenix would flash the entry and since Omen has a Paranoia that could go through walls. Omen can be a secondary flasher for the Phoenix.

Phoenix Pro Tips to Play

Let’s discuss some pro tips that you should always use when playing Phoenix Valorant in maps like Split, Ascent, or Haven.

Vandal vs Phantom on phoenix

Let’s quickly talk about the Vandal and the phantom. The vandal and the phantom come down to preference most of the time, but we are seeing most phoenix mains stick to the phantom. While on Valorant Phoenix it could go either way, his kit synergies better with the Phantom because Phoenix’s ultimate, and kit, allow him to get up close to enemies and look for those quick kills and double kills before he goes down.
In these quick, close-range engagements, damage output is the most important factor, and the phantom allows for faster spray transfers and a faster time to kill overall at close ranges. The phantom allows Phoenix to more easily get those round-winning kills and double kills on his entry onto sites. While Valorant Phoenix can fight longer-range engagements which favors the Vandal, most of his engagements are going to be closer range and very fast-paced because he is entry fragging onto the site.

Bank Flash

Bank Flash also known as XTR flash, enables quick peeks when you are peeking with the flash. Bank Flash will allow you to quick peek with your flash but this is very situational. This flash will also blind you when you are peeking and it just might backfire at you. The bank flash tends to excel most in 1v1 situations as it gives you the upper hand in the fight.

Use your Curveball High

Try to aim a little bit higher than usual when throwing the flash and you can take full advantage of your flash. You will be able to surprise your enemies by following this method as it’s not the common way to throw the flash and as a result, they will have less time to react.

Use Ultimate Sufficiently

One of the best aggressive ultimates in Valorant is Phoenix’s Ultimate. Not only for kills, but you should use your ultimate to also pick up a dropped Spike in a tough position or even if you want to pick up a gun when you don’t have one. To bring early information for your team, using the Ultimate at the start of the round could be very useful as well. To initiate a fake rush and to force rotations in the map you should always use your ultimate as it is very effective.

Wall and Flash combo

The best tactic to follow on Phoenix is to simply launch your wall and mix it up with your flash. This will give you a free kill as your enemies will have no time to react to the flash and as a result, they will be fully blinded.

Use Phoenix Molly

You can throw Phoenix’s Molly in two different ways, underhand throw and long-range throw. Long-range throw will drop after 1.5 seconds no matter how you throw it. Since his molly does 60 damage per second, the enemies cannot have to spike if the Molly’s on it.

There is a way to line up with his molly no matter where you are on the map. The only thing you need to do is to look at the minimap and run towards a spike and as soon the spike is fooling the audio circle throw the Molly and it will always land on the spike.

All Phoenix Valorant Voice Lines

The voice artist of Phoenix’s character in Valorant is Afolabi Alli. He also made a little appearance in the House of Dragon which is a spin-off of Game of Thrones.

Phoenix Voice Lines During Abilities

Following are the voice lines of Phoenix that he uses during his abilities

Hot Hands:
“Careful now.”
⦁ “Flash!”
⦁ “Watch your eyes!”
“Goin’ up.”
Run It Back:
⦁ “Yo, you can do that too?!” – Resurrected
⦁ “Joke’s over, you’re dead!” – Enemy Cast
⦁ “C’mon, let’s go!” – Ally Cast
On Defense
“Yo, let’s stop these guys, for real. No one gets past me again.”
On Attack
“All this for some radianite? It’s mad. Let’s get it and be done!”
Match Start
⦁ “Okay fam, if any of you die I’ll be vex so just keep alive, yeah?”
⦁ “Keep a healthy distance! I burn hot!”
⦁ “When I’m done, they’ll be nothing more than ash.”
⦁ “Relax, settle down, I’ve got this. And I’m not leaving until we’re done out here, yeah?”
⦁ “Yes, yes, it’s me, autographs if we survive, yeah?”
⦁ “Let’s make this quick bro, I got things to do.”
⦁ “Don’t worry guys, they say I’m a prodigy. Not my words! Not my words, baby!”
Man, this weather is not on. Anyone got a jacket?
Really? You dragged your fire guy underwater? Fam, you’re killing me!
Call for a save
“I’m savin'”
Offer to buy for allies
“Anyone need something?”
Call for a buy
“I’m buyin
Request weapon
I need a drop.
Barrier Down
⦁ Let me show you how the boss does it.
⦁ I got you, bruv!
⦁ Don’t hold back.
⦁ Let’s go!
⦁ Let’s keep it rollin’!
⦁ Let’s push ’em out.
⦁ We got it this time!
⦁ Let’s turn this around, squad!
⦁ They should stop tryin’!
⦁ Bring it up!
⦁ They’re not gonna get an inch!
⦁ Let’s get the advantage.
⦁ Gotta plug those holes, guys!
⦁ Knock ’em down!
⦁ Stop them! This is our turf!
⦁ Keep it hot!
Spike forgotten
⦁ Someone get the spike.
⦁ You’re kiddin’, right? Fam, get the spike!
Round Start
⦁ “Y’all better keep up!”
⦁ “This is crazy, it feels like we’ve been doing this forever. Anyone else feel like that? Just me? Okay.
⦁ “New fight, new tactics, keep it fresh yeah?”
⦁ “Buy stuff, kaching, lil’ skrrt, then we’re done, yeah?”
⦁ “Their MVP is mine. Let’s do this!”
⦁ “You man ready for a light show?”
⦁ “Remember, stay out of the fire. Super high level tactic, remember that, yeah?”
⦁ “I’m twitchy here, let’s go already.”
⦁ “Look, don’t start restin’. There’s still work to do.”
⦁ “You want me serious? You got it!”
Last round won
⦁ “They’re still fightin’? After seeing what we can do? Not wise.”
⦁ “I’m kinda feeling myself right now, y’all better keep up!”
⦁ “Do they still want it? Mad guys.”
⦁ “Feels good to stretch my wings.”
⦁ “That was easy!”
Last round won while in the lead
⦁ “Who else is havin’ a great time? Just me? Tsk, ah, I’m gutted!”
⦁ “Damn, this is fun! Let’s keep it going.”
⦁ “Ayy, I like this game!”
Last round in the half
⦁ “Spend it now, or it’s gone!”
⦁ “Either spend all your money, or give it to me. Good cause either way.”
Making a comeback
⦁ “They’re in for a rude awakenin’.”
⦁ “Oh, okay! We back in it now!”
⦁ “Knock me down, I’ll get right back up.”
Match Point
⦁ “One more win and we’re going out for drinks lads!”
⦁ “We win this battle, we win this war. Let’s do it!”
⦁ “Get outta here!”
⦁ “You’re out.
⦁ “Put down!”
⦁ “That’s done.”
⦁ “No you don’t!”
⦁ “What?”
⦁ “Skrra!”
⦁ “Embarrassin’!”
⦁ “Sorry bro!”
⦁ “Dead!”
⦁ “Target down.”
⦁ “Really?!”
⦁ “Pay attention!”
⦁ “Walk it off, G!”
⦁ “Eh, what’re you doin’?!”
⦁ “Oh you ain’t comin back!”
⦁ “They’re super dead!”
⦁ “Sit down!”
⦁ “Head’s up!”
⦁ “Look sharp!”
“Triple, baby!”
Last kill
⦁ “I got it! Yeah!”
⦁ “That’s it, break time!”
⦁ “You tried, ahaha, I’d stop that!”
⦁ “Easy mate. There can only be one hero.”
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
“Game point, bruv!”
Last kill enemy MVP
“Uhhh, I can’t see your guy.
Defuse successful
“We good, we good.”
Defuse time running out
“All good, all good.”
Defuse resumed

More Tips for Phoenix

⦁ Flash zone is where a flash is thrown, the enemy has no escape route. It’s either they turn their back in the flash or they’ll get fully blinded and almost always lose on the fight.
⦁ Reverse flash is performed by throwing the flash on the opposite side of where you want to peek. This flash is not as fast as the bank flash but it is more versatile and much faster.
⦁ Phoenix Wall (Blaze) main usage is to block line of sight and healing. This ability is best used when scaling an area or to temporarily block vision to either pick up the spike or a gun or escape from a Less-than-ideal situation.
⦁ When you are using your Ultimate, don’t be afraid to use your flash. It’s also definitely okay to use your ult when picking up a gun or the spike. Also use your shift walk with your ult. 10 seconds is a long time and you can make plays with it.

Many pro players all of these tips to win every match in the Valorant. Knowing only about the abilities will not let you win the fight but knowing every tip and strategy to use the ability will sure turn the tide of victory on your side.


If you are not playing Phoenix Valorant already then you are making a big mistake as Phoenix is a perfect agent to consider playing. Phoenix could bring up a lot of damage with his kit. Not only in ranked games but also in the official game, many professional players like to play Phoenix. Use various tips or tricks and also Don’t forget to study and improve your game on Phoenix.
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How old is Phoenix Valorant?

Phoenix Valorant is one of the first Duelists His age is estimated to be around 20 to 25.

Where is the phoenix from Valorant?

Phoenix Valorant was a theater kid who grew up in South London, specifically in or around the district of Peckham.

What is Phoenix’s Real name?

Phoenix’s real name is Jamie Adeyemi before being Recruited into the Valorant.

How tall is Phoenix Valorant

Phoenix’s height is 6’0” or 182 cm.

Who is the Phoenix Valorant voice actor

The voice actor for Phoenix in VALORANT is Afolabi Alli.