Sage Valorant Agent guide – Dominate Every Map With Sage

Today, we are covering Sage Valrant Agent. We’ll go over everything you need to know about her kit, where she fits in as well how to best play her. Sage is a Sentinel or well kind or back in the beta she had come of the most annoying stalling abilities in FPS. She’s a must-pick agent on the map like Icebox and there’s not a single map where she truly struggles.

sage valorant

In this guide, you’ll learn tips and tricks on Valorant Sage’s abilities that nobody has seen yet, the best position to use each ability, tactics to open up sites for your team, and so much more. So, without wasting any time let’s dig into it. If you want to master other agents in Valorant then do check our Valorant Deadlock Agent guide, Valorant Agent Gekko, harbor Valorant Agent guide, neon Valorant map guide, Valorant Agent fade guide, Reyna Valorant agent guide, Astra Valorant agent guide, Yoru Valorant agent guide, Clove Valorant Agent Guide.

Sage’s Role in Valorant

Sage is a sentinel, meaning she’s a defensive expert who can lock down areas of the map. Along with that, she also plays a supportive role with abilities that can heal and resurrect teammates. With these aspects in mind, you may want to play more passively to ensure that you have these abilities available for coordinated teammates and areas of denial.
This doesn’t mean playing far back behind your teammates and baiting them. You want to be cautious being the first person but you want to make sure that you are still with your teammates and trading them out if they do end up going down.
Also, make sure that you pay close attention to comms from your teammate as well as any sound that the enemies make as it will highly dictate where you want to be positioned to back up your teammate or to stall an enemy push.

Barrier Orb

First off, let’s go over one of Sage’s most valuable abilities, her barrier orb. Place this down and you’ll be able to completely block off a choke point. The most common place you want to place near the wall is in the middle of the map, such as A short on Bind map and middle on Split map.

Barrier Orb sage valorant

Before we go into when you want to place the barrier orb, it’s important to note that you can rotate the wall to get the you would like. You can first do this by pressing C which will flip the barrier orb 90 degrees, but you can also hold right click and move your mouse left or right to rotate the wall more precisely.

Tips for Sage’s Barrier Orb

This aspect of Valorant Sage’s barrier orb is very important, as it allows you to play more positions on the map while still being able to place the appropriate wall when necessary to slow players down. Now a common mistake that players will make is that they will place the barrier orb at the very start of the round, once the timer ticks, they will place it.
The issue with this is that you are taking a gamble on whether enemies are going toward the site that you walled. If they end up going elsewhere, you have wasted the ability and will not have it available for a retake. Not only that, but barrier orb is one of the most expensive abilities in the game, costing 400 credits. So, using this ability carelessly can potentially be very risky to winning a round.
To identify the right timing and placement for this wall you want to listen in for sound and If you hear several players about to come through your choke point, that is when you want to place the wall down. Now you know for sure that your ability effectively blocked off a push from the enemy team.
One thing to note about the barrier orb is that it can be difficult to place if there are any elevated areas such as stairs near your position. An easy way to fix this is to bring your crosshair higher than normal to ensure you get the position that you want. This will help to mitigate the flickering that can occur when trying to place the wall normally.
Another tick that you can do with the barrier orb is boosting onto it to surprise enemy players. For example, you can wall off the middle on Split and then peek out to surprise enemy players. This is a great way to grab some frags on unsuspecting enemies. Be careful, doing this for multiple rounds though, as enemy players will start to catch on, but it can be good to use time to time to catch players off.
To wrap things up with Valorant Sage’s barrier orb, it’s important to note that it can be shot down. It has 800 health. With more players shooting it, the wall can be broken quite easily, so don’t let your guard down and believe that a choke point is completely safe just because you have placed the wall up.

Sage’s Slow Orb

Next up is Sage Valorant Slow Orb. This is a throwable projectile that will spread onto a designated area, slowing anyone that goes through. Not only that, but it will make noise when anyone walks through it, giving you a heads up if players decide to push through the slow.
If they do though, their movement is going to be significantly lowered, making them an easy target to grab headshots on. However, if enemies walk on the sow orb, they will not make any noise, so continue to be alert of the areas you have placed your slow orbs at as enemies could still potentially push through it.

Sage’s Slow Orb valorant

Tips for Sage’s Slow Orb

You can place these orbs directly on the ground, but you can also bounce them onto walls to land into positions that you would not normally be able to hit. You can throw a normal slow orb onto the middle on the split, but it doesn’t go very deep into the stairs, and players could potentially still push through it quickly and catch you off guard. However, if you bounce this ability off the wall, you can get some extra depth and cover the entire stairs, making it more difficult and less tempting for enemies to try to push right through it.
Similarly to barrier orb, you want to use these abilities only when you hear enemies nearby or your teammates have called out an enemy’s position to slow down a push. For example, if you play back site and hear enemies coming through A short, you can then throw a slow orb to try to delay the push.
Likewise, if enemies try to attack B and you have rotated over to spawn to help your team out, you can throw slow orbs onto the window and octagon. Even though you were not able to hear the players pushing out, your teammates were able to call it and you can throw these abilities in the locations they have called out enemies at. One small note is that there are some lineups that you can use with slow orbs, similar to Sova’s shock bolt and recon bolt. I have seen players trying to practice these out, but they are not all that efficient with this ability in particular.
This ability does not do any damage and only slows players down, you will not find much benefit to lining up a slow orb from a far away distance. For example, throwing a slow orb lineup on a default spike plant position will not do any damage or stop the players from defusing and by the time you can run into the position where you hit the slow orb, you have likely lost a large amount of time that the slow orb was triggered for.
The majority of the time, placing the slow orbs normally or bouncing them off of walls to get the area you want will be more than efficient in delaying player pushes.

Healing Orb

Next is Sage’s signature ability, the healing orb. This ability is pretty self-explanatory, a left click will heal one of your teammates, and a right click will allow you to heal yourself. What makes this ability complex is having a good awareness of your health and teammate’s health all the time. When you see that your teammate has gotten into a fight and won it, you may want to check on that player’s health on the top of the screen to see if they took a lot of damage.

Healing Orb sage valorant

You press E and get a line of sight of a teammate and press mouse one on the top of them to get them back up to 100 HP or you can heal yourself for 30.
If they did, you may want to try to maneuver yourself over to them to heal them back. This could include simply running over to heal them or walling or slowing off a choke point and then running over to ensure that players can’t push through the area you were responsible for.

Tips for Sage’s Healing Orb

One unique thing about the healing orb is that it will automatically target the lowest health player. So, if you are in the heat of the moment, you don’t need to spend additional time to find which player you need to heal. Instead, simply click E and click where your teammates are and you will be able to get that player.
While playing Sage Valorant, you are likely to have many teammates who will constantly ask if you have Heal available during a round. Perhaps they need one and you told them that it’s on cooldown for another 30 seconds which they proceed to ask if it’s up every 10 seconds.
A neat trick you can tell your teammates who do this is that they can check for the heal themselves by pressing LEFT ALT. This will identify the abilities that Sage has available. If the heal is not up then you will see the ability blacked out, and if it is up, you will see the ability fully colored.
Also, be cautious when using a healing orb in locations where the enemy may hear you. The use of this ability does make a sound that others can hear and this can give away your or your teammate’s location. Luckily this range is relatively small but it can make an impact on whether your location is revealed or remains hidden.

Resurrection (Ultimate Ability)

Now we have Valorabt Sage Ultimate ability which is resurrection. Just like the name implies, this will revive a dead teammate, giving them full health but they will not have any armor. When using this ability though, you do want to be careful when you are trying to approach your dead teammate.

Resurrection (Ultimate Ability) sage

Enemy players may be suspecting that you are going for the resurrect, and could be waiting for you to push towards that area. Not only that, but it will take a few seconds for your teammate to return to the action and be able to shoot back, so you want to make sure you are guarding the body until your teammate can play again.
To safely bring back your teammate from the dead, there may be situations where you may want to use your wall to block enemies off and then use your resurrection so that enemies can’t take full advantage of this delay.
One more trick you can do with Valorant Sage’s resurrection is use it to bait enemies to peek at you. You can resurrect the enemies and then hide slightly while the animation is occurring. Once the animation is near completion, you can then peek to throw the enemy off guard and get a kill while they are distracted by the resurrected player.

First Round Buy

Now that we have over Sage’s abilities, let’s review what you want to have a first-round Buy in the pistol rounds. Valorant Sage’s barrier orb has a large amount of health and it is quite difficult to break with more pistols. Because of this, you should be purchasing the barrier orb at all times during these pistol rounds as it will take quite a wall for enemies to take down, and most players will decide to avoid it, which allows you to rotate onto other parts of the map.
If enemies do decide to push it, they will not be able to break it for at least a couple of seconds, during this time your team can then rotate back accordingly before enemies can make a push. From there, you have two options you do with Sage Valorant. You can either purchase 2 slow orbs or light armor. The slow orbs are a great secondary ability to help slow down a push. On the attacker side, you expect to need to go a little more aggressive and push into the enemy crosshair and if the enemy has a ghost, you could be easily eliminated with 1 headshot.
To avoid this, you can go for light armor on the attacker side as you expect damage as you engage enemies versus on the defender side where you will be more focused on stalling enemy pushes rather than going for aim duels.

Sage Ring Valorant

Valorant Sage Rings is the perfect addition to any gamer’s accessory collection. For both men and women, these adjustable rings are designed. For a sleek and stylish look, it features a silver-plated finish.
Sage’s rings are suitable for a wide range of finger sizes and are comfy to wear all day due to their adjustable sizing. For any gaming enthusiast or Valorant fan who wants to show off their support for the game in a fashionable way, this is the perfect gift as well as for any gaming enthusiast.
To become a staple in any gamer’s wardrobe, these rings are made up of high-quality materials. Avail this chance to get these unique and trendy Valorant Sage Rings.

Best Valorant maps for Sage

Sage’s abilities can also be used as a defacto Duelist. Now her ability to self-heal is reduced but she is still a pack of aggressive pack.
Below are the best Valorant maps for Sage:
⦁ Haven: Valorant Sage’s Barrier Orb can be utilized in multiple places. Try to use it in Garage or to get info, use it across B to slow down attackers.
⦁ Split: On Split, Valorant Sage is one of the best defenders of Mid. To block the entirety of Mid you can use Barrier Orb which will force the enemy team to shoot it and give away info. To hold off rotates while your teammates secure Spike plants, you can utilize a slow orb on the attack.
⦁ Icebox: Icebox has several chokepoints in which the Barrier Orb is the perfect size to block. On attack, to create height advantages and catch defenders off guard you can use Barrier Orb. While on defense you can use a barrier orb at the start of A Site or either in Tube.

Sage Spray Valorant

There are two latest items to arrive in Valorant which are the All Yuck, No Yum spray. Valorant Players can collect it for use in the game via Prime Gaming until 29th January 2024. Below are the methods to get them
⦁ Open the Prime Gaming’s Website and log in with your Riot Games account.
⦁ Now you will be moved to the Prime Gaming page.
⦁ On the pop-up on the screen, you can see the latest cosmetic item that is being given away and will include All Yuck, No Yum spray.
⦁ To get the player card added to your inventory you need to simply click on ‘Claim Now’.
⦁ You can see All Yuck, No Yum spray under your collection tab once you open Valorant.

Playing Valorant Sage on Attack

On the attacker side, you want to usually be in the back of your teammates, trying to support them as much as possible. Now this does not mean to bait your teammates, wait for them to fight an enemy and get killed before you decide to peek at them.

Sage on Attack

You want to go in with your teammates and be there to help assist with eliminating enemy players and being ready to heal any players that end up being low on health. The reason you want to be behind your teammates is so that you can increase your chances of survival.
If you end up going in first and enemies focus on you and kill you, then the team no longer has that heal available for them. You want to be the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th player going into a site to ensure that enemies will focus you less, your teammates can take the brunt of damage initially and then you can heal them back up.
When trying to push through a choke point, you want to use your wall and slow orbs to block over enemy vision and slow down enemy rotations so that you have more time to push a site against fewer enemies.

Example # 1

For example, on Split, you want to place a Valorant Sage wall on the right side of the garage entrance point, which will block off the vision of any player that is around heaven and rafters. You can then focus more on players that could be on the site or the back of the site and if successfully done, you will have control of B and be able to get a plant down.

Example # 2

Another example is if your team decides to push through mail room to B, you will want to wall off vents to block off any players that could be there or planned to be rotating there and then your team will be able to safely focus on pushing players that could be in mail, heaven, or rafters.
By doing this, players going through vents will have a tough decision of either shooting down the wall and revealing their location or running back to B through the defender spawn which will take up a lot of time and allow you to plant the spike and set up to defend it. If you have any slow orb available then you should pay attention to sound and team communication and if you hear any players approaching, you want to place your slow orb there to stall them for an additional 7 seconds.
Do be cautious though for players that may try to make the unexpected move of pushing through the slow orb.

Playing Sage Valorant on Defense

On the defender side, the main goal for Valorant Sage is to cover a choke point and use her abilities to stall enemies for as long as possible. To fully fulfill this role, you should play the middle areas of each map. Middle is usually where attackers will be able to perform powerful split pushes, and Sage’s wall is perfect for preventing this from happening.
Pay attention to any noise or communication at the enemy location. If you hear them approaching the middle, you should use your wall. If you hear the enemies pushing onto a site itself, you should rotate over to support your team in defending that site. You should save your wall to block off a choke point that an enemy player may be at.
For example, if attackers were able to plant the spike on A long, chances are that they are hiding in that choke point for when defenders tap that spike. Now that you have saved the wall, you can completely deny this strategy and get yourself a free defuse or a free kill when the enemy panics to try to shoot down your wall.
The key point for defense with Sage is the following.
⦁ Play Middle area
⦁ Heal Teammates
⦁ Use the wall to defend the middle from enemies or to block off or slow down choke points when retaking a site.
Use all the tips and tricks to dominate every map with your teammates in Valorant.

How to Play Sage Valornt

Now on play styles and honestly there isn’t one specific one you should live. Valorant Sage is not good luckier since none of her abilities help her with it and both of her heal and res are best used on teammates but other than that you have a lot of freedom with what you want to do.
Admittedly on maps where she’s very strong like Icebox and Pearl, you have very specific jobs to do like walling off or be plant walling off back sight walling off art or walling off b-long plant and you’re pretty much expected to do these tasks or else your team probably loses.
On defense and on maps where she’s good but not a must-pick as there’s a variety of different things that you can do and get value from. You could use your wall to hold sights or guard important areas think Ascent short, split mid, or Haven B. You could even use your wall to get kills in creative ways and you can play Valorant Sage somewhat aggressively trading your Duelists but you can also be a bit more passive if you don’t have the proper Sentinel to hold the flank.


Valorant Sage is a solid agent that has both strong abilities to get value from as well as a good amount of Freedom so you can develop your play style and experiment with different things. Her wall is her strongest ability but also her heal survive and slow orbs are useful in their ways. Don’t wall into the Trap of thinking Sage is just a Healer. She is good to any team as long as you play her right. If you are looking to dominate every map in Valorant to be the best healer in the entire match then you need to follow all the tips and tricks accordingly that we mentioned earlier.


How old is sage Valorant?

Sage Valorant’s age is estimated to be between 25 and 30.

where is sage from valorant

Sage is a Radiant healer and she is from the Shaanxi province in China.

What is Valorant Sage’s real name?

Sage Valorant real name is Wei Ling Ying. She originates from China and her name supports that.