Valorant Patch 9.08 has been released alongside Episode 9 Act 3 coming on October 23 and 24 2024, depending upon your region and your Riot Games Account region. Episode 9 Act 3 is going to be the final Act for this year and Episode 9 as well. It will be the second season for the Valorant Esports in this case.

However, Valorant announced on 22 October 2024, Patch 9.10 will be including major changes to Agent such as Phoenix. They also introduced a brand new armor type to be included in the game with Patch 9.10. The new armor type is to help in saving rounds to help increase the chances of clutch situations.
Patch 9.10 is finally here, and Riot Games has officially revealed the patch notes for 9.10 on November 19, 2024. This is going to be the last big update of the year bringing crucial changes to how Valorant is played. Bringing new Armor types, huge Agent changes, and bug fixes.
Here’s everything you need to know about Valorant Patch notes 9.10 and all the Agent Changes coming along with new armor.
Valorant Patch notes 9.10 All Changes coming
The new Valorant Patch notes 9.10 has been divided in to different sections going through Agent changes, map, weapon, and shield changes.
Regen Shield New Armor
Valorant is expanding on the competitive gameplay and bringing in a brand new shield that will help in those save and economy rounds. Regen Shield will now be available to buy from shop and regenerates your HP.
Here are all the stats for Regen Shield in Valorant Patch 9.10
- Cost: 650 Credits
- Damage Absorption: 25 HP
- Regeneration Pool: 50 HP
- Absorbs 100% of incoming damage taken before damage to health occurs.
- After a brief delay, the shield regenerates by draining any remaining points left in the Regeneration Pool.
Cypher Nerf
Riot Games added in their interview “Cypher has been a dominant force with his map-wide information gathering and powerful kill setups. Because Cypher’s map-wide info is intended to be his unique strength, we want to target the efficacy of his kill potential.
We’re adjusting the Trap Wire to increase the counterplay time window after hitting it, so that there is more of a balance between a well-crafted setup and enemies deliberately trying to break trap wires. Additionally, this will help team compositions who don’t have as much utility to deal with unbreakable traps.
Cypher’s ultimate has been extra powerful after adding the second reveal and the removal of time restriction on enemy corpses in patch 5.10, so we’re bumping up the cost to put it more in-line with other comparable ultimates.”
- Trap Wire:
- Now has a .5 second windup before the full wallhack reveal applies and fades in.
- Trap wire now has updated minimap icon treatment to better display what the trap wire is connected to.
- Neural Theft:
- Ult Cost 6 >>> 7
Sage Buff
Riot Games added about the upcoming Sage buff and her life evolution through Valorant “Sage has been feeling weak with relatively low pick rate in high-level play. We want to continue to hone in her ability to stall and slow down attackers when pushing into areas her team controls.
With the added dash speed reduction on Slowing Orb, well-timed, proactive casts of her Slowing Orb should feel rewarding and make slows a more meaningful debuff against duelists with dashes.”
- Healing Orb: Self Heal 30HP >>> 50HP
- Heal time matched to ally heal at around 5 seconds
- Slowing Orb: Now will additionally reduce the dash speed of enemies caught inside the slowing zone by 50% similar to the Concuss changes in the Gameplay Systems Updates later in the patch notes.
- Resurrection: Ult Cost 8 >>> 7
Phoenix Buff
Riot Games added in their interview about Patch 9.10 about Phoenix now will be able to make more space in site with “ Following up from our updates to Duelist in 8.11, we’re taking an opportunity to let Phoenix shine brighter as the bold and confident duelist he is. His updates encourage him to get back to the fight quickly, break into sites with his Curve Ball and reward him for succeeding on entry.
Phoenix now applies a Heal over time to himself whenever he touches his flames which persists even if he leaves the fire. This allows him to dip into his flames and then continue to press the offense.”
- Curve Ball:
- Changed to the signature ability slot
- Grants a free charge on round start
- 2 kill reset to generate an additional charge
- Changed to the signature ability slot
- Hot Hands:
- Changed to a non-signature ability
- Cost 200 credits
- Blaze:
- We want to support Phoenix’s hybrid “jack of all trades” utility value by allowing him to cast Blaze from safety for his teammates similar to other vision-blocking utility.
- Initial projectile goes through walls, allowing Blaze to function similarly to Harbor’s High Tide.
More Agent changes come to Deadlock, Omen, Clove and Jett going through quality of life updates and smaller changes to their abilities. This will help improve the Agents overall role and higher skill in Competitive matches.
Sunset to have Better Lighting
Sunset will now have better lighting throughout the entire map in Valorant. This appears to be an issue before with some players having difficulty in spotting enemies in darker parts of the map.
That’s all you need to know about Valorant Patch Notes 9.10. And major changes with new Regen Armor and Phoenix and Sage buffs making them better at their role.