Valorant Patch 9.11: Neon Nerf, Vyse Buff and more changes

Valorant Patch 9.11 will bring major Nerfs to Neon and devs revealed these changes. Riot is also updated with how Neon’s slide is a bit OP for competitive matches and it can be hard to counter with two slides. These set changes will help make Valorant more fair in ranked matches. Moreover, Vyse is getting quality-of-life improvements and buffs coming to her Razor Vine. A part from agent changes, the Pinging system in Valorant is getting enhanced which before could distract players if an eliminated teammate continuously pinged on the map.

Valorant Patch 9.11 is coming in hot, with players loving Patch 9.10 with recent buffs to Phoenix and Sage. Moreover, the new regenerating shield is also helping players make more plays during eco rounds. Next, in line, we have patch 9.11 which is a call listening by Riot regarding the broken movement of Neon. Many players have been waiting for the new patch for some weeks now. And this will surely change the competitive meta and pick rate for neon in Comp matches.

Valorant is one of the most played FPS games of recent times, popular for its extensive gameplay mechanics which vary for each Agent in the game. As fans love to compete in its various modes with other players, a majority of fans enjoy having the lineup of cool Skins that the game has to offer.

Valorant is among the popular competitive games of recent times and Riot Games does a fantastic job of keeping the game fair in all regards with changes like agent updates, map updates, behavior penalties, and of course the anti-cheat, Vanguard. There are very minimal chances of getting away with abuse of cheats in Valorant, and that is one of the many reasons that this game is popular in the competitive scene.

Valorant Patch 9.11 Release date

Patch 9.11 for Valorant is arriving on December 10, 2024 bringing Nerfs to Neon and Buffs to Vyse. This is going to change the meta for ranked matches and in higher matches as players have shared their frustration with Neon being broken with her slides.

With year coming to an end Valorant Flashback 2024 is live and you can get a throwback to your year. You can get your recap with Valorant Flashback 2024 including how many games you played, how many headshots you got helping you flex your game. It’s time to get your recap and post it to your friends. We got you covered with how to access your recap in Valorant.

Patch 9.11 Neon Nerfs

Here are all the changes and nerfs coming to Neon with Patch 9.11 in Valorant.

  1. Slide Charges
    • The number of slide charges is being reduced from two back down to one.
  2. Accuracy While Sliding
    • Full accuracy while sliding is being adjusted to resemble the accuracy of crouching and moving. It will still be slightly more accurate than it was in earlier versions, but significantly less accurate than it is currently.
  3. Ultimate Duration
    • The duration of Neon’s ultimate is being reduced, although specific values were not provided. The developers mentioned it will have a “tighter window.”
  4. Ultimate Cost
    • The ultimate cost is being increased from 7 points to 8 points.

These changes amount to a total of four nerfs for Neon, but additional adjustments may be detailed in the patch notes released on Tuesday.

Patch 9.11 Vyse Buff

Vyse will be receiving a Buff to her Razor Vine ability which will improve her usage more and dealing more damage. As well as Vyse will receive a overall quality of life update to make her a better pick in competitive games.

Ping System Rework

Significant adjustments are coming to the ping system in patch 9.11:

  1. Minimap Pings
    • Pings placed on the minimap will no longer appear in the real world. This change eliminates scenarios where dead teammates can ping the bomb or targets for others to interact with.
  2. Ping Through Smoke
    • Players will no longer be able to ping through smoke. Pings will now drop at the edge of the smoke the player is targeting.
  3. New Ping Sound
    • A new ping sound will be introduced for pings placed specifically on the map.
  4. Custom Game Option
    • Players will have the option to revert to the old ping system in custom games.

Riot Games has released the Arcane 2.0 bundle and fans are excited more than ever. Arcane has been one of the most fan-favorite bundles in Valorant. The new bundle will be released in Episode 9 Act 3. It will be another collaboration between Riot Games and League of Legends, with their upcoming show Arcane Season 2 on Netflix.

That’s all you need to know about Valorant Patch 9.11 Neon Nerfs and Vyse Buffs and ping system rework coming on December 10, 2024.