Jett Valorant Agent Guide – Dominate Every Map With Our Complete Guide

Valorant Jett has always been one of the most broken agents in Valorant. She has the ability to escape almost any situation and can manipulate the pace of the game using her abilities alone if played properly. By the end of this guide, you will have learned tips and tricks on Jett’s abilities, the best position to use each ability, tactics to open up sites for your team, and so much more. If you want to master other agents in Valorant then do check out our Valorant Deadlock Agent Guide, Valorant Agent Gekko, harbor Valorant Agent Guide, Valorant Kay/O Guide, Neon valorant map guide, Fade Valorant agent guide, Reyna valorant agent guide, Astra valorant agent guide, Yoru Valorant agent guide, Clove Valorant AGent Guide.

Jett Valorant

Valorant Jett Role in Valorant

First off, we need to talk about Jett’s role on the team which greatly impacts the way you want to play this agent. Jett is a duelist, meaning She’s a self-sufficient fragger with abilities that allow her to play aggressively, outmaneuver enemies, and get kills for the team. Jett should always be the first player to open up the site and confuse the enemies with her mobility while the rest of the team comes in afterward to assist in eliminating the distracted player.

Jett’s abilities also make her a fantastic operator as well. With her abilities, she can get into multiple unique positions on the map that can surprise enemies and allow her to get easy frags and picks. Likewise, if she engages in a poor duel against multiple players, her abilities also allow her to quickly disengage and get out of the fight.

One unique aspect of Jett is that she can float in the air for an extended period, to do this, all you have to do is jump and hold space to accomplish. This can be very useful for getting onto ledges that you may have trouble getting into or surprising enemies by staying in the air longer than they would expect.

Do not that your weapons will not be accurate when you are in the air, besides when using Jett’s abilities or a shotgun. One simple way you can use Jett’s float is to get positions from the higher ground. For example, you can get onto multiple surprise positions on the A Site of Haven by using this mechanic.

Start at heaven and then jump down to float over to the middle containers. You can also float over the boxes further down next to A Long or to the boxes next to A Short which are other surprise positions that can catch you off guard, allowing you to get easy eliminations and better hold a site.

Be careful when using this floating mechanic in the middle of a round where enemies could potentially be close to you though. It does make noise that can give away your location and eliminates the surprise factor. This mechanic can also be used in combination with Jett’s abilities.

Updraft (Q Ability)

First up, Jett’s ability is Updraft. This ability allows you to fly up in the air and get into surprise positions against enemies. Jett’s passive ability allows her to Glide as long as she’s in the air by using the space bar. You can use it to glide on top of the object to avoid fall damage in any situation.

valorant jett gun

For example, on Haven, there are multiple containers that Jett can boost onto using Updraft. There is a container in the middle of the B site that can make for a good angle to peek window or grass. Unless there are a larger number of enemies peeking at you, you should be able to get a quick elimination before they can react or flick your character model.

This additional positioning is especially powerful as it makes the enemies second guess whether they want to peek out the middle again. Perhaps they will pre-aim towards the boost position next round, in which you can then switch things up and play on level ground, which will again catch the enemy off guard.

Default KeyQ
Duration0.6 seconds
Dash Distance5 meters
Cost150 Credits

Tips for Valorant Jett Updraft

To take an extra step further, you can also double peek with your teammate which will catch the enemies off guard. To accomplish this, you as Jett want to boost up to the container and peek at the window. From there, you should have other teammates over on the right side of the B also peeking window. With this setup, regardless of where the attackers decide to aim, they will be met by an additional support player that they will not be ready for, which will make for an easy kill or trade if someone does get wiped out.

Another boost you can do with updraft is the containers onto C. This gives another off angle that players pushing through C Long will not be expecting, which you can again get a pick onto an enemy.

There are multiple boost positions you can do with Updrafts, so make you to take advantage of them, as they can make for easy picks and give your team an easier chance of winning a round on defense or winning a round on attack with powerful post-plant positioning.

One thing to keep in mind when picking a position to boost onto is to make sure you are not exposed to potential enemies from multiple locations as this can put you in a sticky situation. Besides boosting, updraft does have other uses when combined with other Jett’s abilities.
Also note that you have 2 updrafts available to you, which you can also use to check over walls on the map to spot potential enemies earlier, allowing ample time for your team to react.

Jett Valorant Tailwind (E Ability)

Now, let’s talk about Jett’s Tailwind ability. This is Jett’s signature ability, where she can instantly dash across an area. What most new players don’t know about Tailwind is that you can adjust the direction in which you want to dash. Normally you can hit W and place your crosshair in the direction you want to dash from in front of you, but there will be times when you may want to go another direction, and this ability has that covered.

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Jett Valorant Tailwind (E Ability)

If you hit the other movement keys, right or back, and then use tailwind, you will be able to dash in those directions instead rather than forward. You can also combine direction keys to go off at an angle. Tailwind can be a great ability to use to outmaneuver enemies and catch them from multiple angles.

Default KeyE
Dash Duration0.45 seconds
Dash Distance10 meters
Buff Duration12 seconds
Windup0.75 seconds

Tips for Valorant Jett Tailwind

Do note though that after using Tailwind, there is a bit of delay before you can shoot your weapon, in which enemies can easily pick you off. So when using this ability, make sure you dash through an area where enemies are not or dash onto a position where it’ll be difficult for enemies to adjust their crosshairs to get to you.

Taking it another step further, with good coordination, your teammate can push onto a site as well while you dash onto the other half of the map. If the timing is right, the enemies will end up focused on where you dashed over and will try to adjust their aim towards you. This is great, as the other four members of your team can then focus on those enemies that ended up distracted by your movement and will have easy kills handed to them.

You can also use Tailwind as an escape route when you are in an exposed position. For example, when playing on the C site, you could play a position such as back containers. If the enemies find out you are playing there though, they may throw abilities at you, such as a Brimstone or Sova ultimate. This would normally force a player to run away and expose themselves to C Long where they can get easily killed. Instead with Valorant Jett though, you can just use Tailwind to dash out that condition and keep yourself safe.

Likewise, Valorant Jett’s tailwind can be combined with updraft to catch enemies off guard with her mobility. There are two ways you could do this, first, you can use an updraft to rise in the air and then dash forward with the tailwind. The other way is the reverse of this sequence, where you use tailwind first and then immediately use updraft. The latter is more commonly used, as it creates more of a sweeping motion that can catch the player off guard.

This particularly works well on these shotguns, as you can use tailwind to close up the gap between you and the enemy and then follow it up updraft to get up in the air and use the close-range accuracy of the shotgun to get a frag.

You want to be cautious using this combination with other weapons such as an operator or rifle. These weapons will not be nearly as accurate while you are in the air and as a result, you may have a tough time killing enemies this way and could potentially end up being a free frag for the enemies instead.

One of the unique aspects of the tailwind is that it can trap Cypher. This is another main reason you want to be one of the first players when playing Jett Valorant. If you are entering a site that’s been protected with tripwires, Jett Valorant can simply dash through and break them, allowing the rest of your team to safely push onto the site without worry of getting trapped and having their positions exposed to being wall-banged.

Valorant Jett Cloudburst (C Ability)

Valorant Jett Cloudburst (C Ability)

The third ability of the Valorant Jett is Cloudburst. This is a smoke that will pop up instantly once it has hit an object. What makes Cloudburst so powerful is the speed at which it blooms, allowing you to quickly react to enemy plays and cover off choke points during a push.

Default KeyC
Smoke Duration4.5 seconds
Cost200 Credits

Tips for Jett Valorant Cloudburst

The simple way to use this ability is to place your crosshair onto the area that you want to smoke and you will usually be able to get them down where you wanted it. However, there is some gravity involved as you try to throw the ability further or higher so do make note of this when trying to properly position Cloudbursts where you want them to.

There is another unique aspect of Cloudburst that allows you to easily get those positions that would normally be harder to achieve. Once Cloudburst has been used, you can hold the ability key to maneuver Cloudburst in the air. This allows you to get those tricky choke points that a normal ability press would have a tough time doing.

Being able to move Cloudburst also allows you to safely smoke off choke points without exposing yourself to enemy sights. For example, instead of peeking out C Long on Haven to spot out the enemies and then re-peek to smoke them off, you can throw a smoke onto C Long from the back of the container by shooting your cloudburst in the air and then quickly lowering your mouse at the right time to block off the choke points, and you have now achieved this without risking your life with another peek in which the enemies already had identified your position.

Jett Valorant Cloudburst

This is the easiest way to utilize the directional maneuverability of Jett’s cloudburst. Get Your crosshair in the direction of the smoke point that you want to cover, then aim up and flick down once the smoke reaches its destination. You can also throw the smokes at an angle to the left and right, however, these are much trickier and require a significant amount of mouse movement and precision to get the spot you want.

The most common way that you will use cloudburst is to cover off chokepoints to stop enemy pushes. However, you can also use them to confuse enemies and give yourself time to reposition to a new unsuspecting location. For example, if you had just planned on the A site on the Haven, but the enemies have already rotated over to the spawn then your position has been exposed and you could easily be killed.

To add complexity to the situation though, you can throw a smoke down to cover off enemy vision, giving you more options to reposition elsewhere to catch the enemy off guard. Now the enemy has to guess where you ended up moving over to after throwing the smoke. You could push next to the smoke, or you could end up safely making your way over to A Short or back of A Short and the enemy will now have to spend additional time trying to figure out where you move.

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Keep these aspects in mind when using Jett’s Cloudbursts. You want to use them to block off choke points but also to unclear enemy vision and allow yourself the ability to change up your position to add a surprise factor to your engagements. These smokes also only last a brief moment of 7 seconds so you want to act fast after using them.

Blade Storm (Ultimate)

Blade Storm (Ultimate)

Valorant Jett ultimate ability is Balde Storm. This ability gives Jett 5 throwing incredibly accurate knives. You can run while using them and still be able to hit targets if they are within your crosshair. Regardless of what movement you are doing, Blade Storm will remain accurate so you want to make sure that you are moving whenever you use this ability to give enemies a tougher time hitting you while they have to stand still to stay accurate with their weapons.

Default KeyX
Recharge Time0.5 seconds
Ammo5 Blades
Damage50 (Body), 37 (Legs), 150 (Headshot)
Cost7 Ult Points

Tips To Use Jett Valorant Ultimate

If you left click with this ability, you’ll throw 1 dagger at a time which will either do 50 damage to the body or 150 damage to the head. This is the main way that you want to use Balde Storm, as it allows you to rely more on quality over quantity during your shots and you do have some leeway to take your time throwing each knife as the enemies will usually take longer to kill you while they try to adjust their aim to your movement.

If you right-click with this ability, you will throw all five knives at once, which will do 50 damage each if it hits an enemy. When right-clicking though, there will be some spread within each knife, so you want to save this for close-range encounters. Close range, right-clicking will usually be enough to get the kill, but at longer ranges, the spread from throwing all the knives at once will likely lead to some damage being dealt, but enough to get the kill.

If you end up getting a kill with Blade Storm, you’ll automatically get your knives reset and will have another 5 to deal with the next enemy. This can make for some very flashy multi-kill frags. However, if you miss all your knives, there will be a bit of a cooldown before you can take out your normal weapons and fire.

This is especially true for right-clicking with this ultimate, if you miss with that, you’ll have to deal with a very long cooldown on which enemies will easily be able to kill you before you can get a weapon out.

Make sure that you take a little extra time to aim when using Valorant Jett’s Blade Storm or you’ll end up a sticking duck. To take Blade Storm to another level, you can also use the ability combination. For example, you can use the Tailwind updraft combo to move into the air and then hit enemies with your ultimate. You can also use a double updraft to get a very high boost that can give vision of a site and then with Blade Storm’s accurate knives you can get more surprise kills.

Playing Valorant Jett on Attack

Let’s discuss the effective ways to play Jett Valorant on the attacker Side. On the attacker side, you want to be one of the first players onto a site. Valorant Jett’s mobility will be incredibly useful for distracting the enemy while still being able to grab frags herself.

Along with that, if the team attacks a site that was holding then Jett going first will completely reduce the effect of Cypher’s trapwires, allowing the rest of the team to follow the head lead and take over the site. Once you have taken over the site, you want to use your smoke to cover the choke points and prevent enemy players from rotating early to try to retake it. This delay then allows the rest of your team to reposition to another area. From there, you want to hold an angle and if you haven’t used up your tailwind yet, you want to play a position that you may suspect enemies pushing and if you get overwhelmed you have a place to dash away.

For example, holding the garage on C site Haven, you can take a quick peek but if the spray starts to be off or multiple players peek at you, you can immediately dash away into cover at the C long cubby and reposition for the enemy team to push further in, in which your team can set up a crossfire for.

Another option Jett Valorant could pull off is being the operator on the attack side. With Valorant Jett’s abilities, she can go in for peeks against different angles and if she happens to miss the shot, she can dash away safely. This safety net allows her to take more risks that other agents can’t and this option allows Valorant Jett to pick on enemies that aren’t suspecting it.

Tailwind can also be used to confuse the enemies as well on where they need to place their crosshairs. For example, a simple use to attack A Long is to dash across the doorway, and then you and your teammate peek at the A Long player at the same time to overwhelm whoever is holding that site.

Playing Valorant Jett on Defensive Side

On the defender side, Jett’s aggressive capabilities allow her to go for initial peeks against attackers to get an early pick and then tailwind to safety as necessary. Playing unusual positions is going to allow Jett Valorant on the defender side to catch enemies off guard and force attackers into a 4v5 situation.

Jett can push into C Long to get information and if enemies are there, she can get a quick pick and then smoke herself off to run back to the site safely. If this still seems dangerous, you can also smoke and dash away to get to the site even faster, allowing you to get a free kill and get away.

You don’t have to do this every single round though as it can be predictable, but it is a move that Valorant Jett is more capable of doing than some of the other agents. Whether or not you decide to go for this initial pick or not, you will usually want to play out the rest of the defender round any agent, where you’re playing back on the site waiting for defenders to push and once you hear them, you can smoke the choke point they are trying to enter to delay or allow your teammates to rotate.

If possible, continue using those unusual positions to catch attackers off guard. The operator is going to be even more powerful in Jett’s hands on the defender side with the combination of these position changes as well as her abilities.

Play a surprise position and then, if necessary, you can smoke off a choke point or dash away to prevent yourself from being traded or overrun. Make sure that if you do use the operator with Jett Valorant you do change up the positions from time to time to keep enemies guessing and continue to surprise them over and over with sniper picks. If you don’t have an operator at hand, you can still apply these concepts of positioning and ability used to be in and out of an area after grabbing picks and then defending a site like normally with her smoke afterward.

As a reminder, Jett’s smoke doesn’t last a very long time, so it’s important that you save them and use them only when you do hear enemy position nearby and they have the potential to push you. Combined, you will only be able to block a choke point for 21 seconds, so you want to use up that time wisely.

Jett Nerfs Valorant

Valorant’s Patch 7.04 is out and the Riot games made several changes in agent. However, today will discuss the Nerfs that Valorant Jett received in this patch. To bring the power curve closer to that of other agents, Riot Games has nerfed her. Below are all the changes made to Jett through Patch 7.04
⦁ The dash window has gone from 12 seconds to 7.5 seconds and the activation wind-up time is now longer from 0.75 seconds to 1 second.
⦁ The Cloud Burst will now only last 2.5 seconds instead of 4.5 seconds and your gun will take slightly longer to re-equip after throwing a smoke.
⦁ Updraft now only has one charge instead of two
⦁ Valorant Jett’s ultimate has gone up in price from 7 points to 8 points.

Jett Valorant Knife

Jett’s ultimate is named “Blade Storm” and using this ability you can throw deadly knives. You have to equip a set of high-precision and accurate knives. You can recharge knives on a kill once you throw a single knife. You can throw knives one by one in a single fire and has full 100% accuracy and precision whenever used.
If she kills an enemy then it will fully recharge her ammunition count. The right option to hold Valorant Jett Knives is when you have 2 knives or less Holding. To be successful as a Jett Valorant player you always have to hold the knives.

Best Agent Combos with Jett

Best Agent Combos with Jett

When playing Jett Valorant, your squad must include the agents that can surely dominate every map in Valorant. For me, the best agents that can pair up with Jett are the Omen, Skye, Killjoy, and Viper.

When your squad has the Omen, they can make really good plays. Omen player can use his paranoia to bind all the enemies that could potentially allow Jett to take duels from Rubble easily. Skye is also the best agent to pick in the squad when playing Jett, by utilizing her flash Skye can blind enemies. Killjoy is also the good pick to make enemies vulnerable with the Alarm bot with the help of Jett, Killjoy can help Jett with the turret contact peek as well. To make the duels easy for Jett, Viper can use her toxic screen so Skye can flash through it.


Jett is the only agent with such high movement ability. She will forever be a must-pick agent in pubs and most pickup games. If you’re looking to be the playmaker of the server the carrier of your team then Jett is the perfect agent to pick. She’s the number one pick in pubs and is slowly making a name for herself. Having the amount of movement that Jett has access to makes her one of the most aggressive agents in Valorant. All you need to do is follow all the abilities accordingly and use tips wisely to dominate every map with Jett Valorant.



How Tall is Jett Valorant?

Jett Valorant is 5’5” in height and her age is between 20-25.

Who voices Jett in Valorant?

Jett’s voice comes from Shannon Arrum Williams, a British-South Korean singer and actress.

How old is Jett Valorant?

Jett is a duelist agent and her age is between 20-25 in Valorant

Is Jett good for Haven?

Jett is a high-risk, high-reward agent, that is a must-pick on Haven.