TFT has received a new Augment with Set 12 called High Stakes Augments. We are going to cover An Upgraded Adventure, which is a new High Stakes Augment. It is like a hard mode, where you will have a high risk and high reward. Such Augments were part of Teamfight Tactics back with Set 6 and Set 4. Meta in TFT has finally taken a shift with Patch 14.17 and Ahri getting nerfed again.

There are match conditions that will give you the maximum reward for playing High Stakes Augments. Also, High Stakes Augments are a great way to improve your game.
Here is everything you need to know about how to play An Upgraded Adventure Augment.
An Upgraded Adventure TFT
Upgraded Adventure is a high-stakes augment in which you will have to upgrade 4 champions to 3 stars. This can take a lot of time in order to upgrade your 4 champions to 3 stars and cashing out. This makes Upgraded Adventure a high-risk augment match, and it takes a lot of time. You will require a ton of gold and stay on the low level, which makes the levels hard. This will significantly increase the payout in the match.
This new High Stakes Augment is basically a hard mode. The best way is to all one cost units and this way you can maintain your gold and clear levels. If you are trying to push and reroll with 2 and 3 cost units multiple times, it will be very hard to cash out.
So, our strategy is 1 cost unit to reroll and 1 cost to carry through the level. We advise you not to click on the level-up button until all 4 of your champions reach 3 stars. You can level up this way after cashing out.
How to play An Upgraded Adventure
The best combination for this augment is rerolling Poppy, Lillia, Zoe, and Seraphine. You can use Zoe and Ahri as the main carrys and Poppy as a tank in Upgraded Adventure. Ahri’s main items you can use are Adaptive Helm. For Zoe, you can use, Blue Buff and Shojin to hold. With Poppy you can use Iconic Spark or other Supportive items. You can also use Poppy’s defense items.
2nd Augment in An Upgraded Adventure
On 2nd Augment your main goal is to level up your 3 Stars as fast as you can. This augment gets tough and becomes a hard battle. You can use Tiny Titans and Silver Tickets to help you in cashing out. Once, you have reached all 4 champions to 3 Stars you will get a variety of rewards.
After completing this 2nd augment your goal is to hold as many items as you can with your 3 stars. This way you can push levels and cash out more effectively. You can also check out Tocker’s Trials mode to help you prepare for high-stake augments.
Here are the main rewards for An Upgraded Adventure. These include Gold, Support items and anvils, Artifact anvils, Radiant Thief’s Gloves, and other items.
Ahri reroll team Comp on Level 7
Once on level 7 you board, you hopefully have hit 3 Star on Ahri and received your extra items from the cashout. However, in some cases, Ahri might not hit 3 Stars yet which is totally fine. This comp will use 4 Bastion units to help delay and run down your opponents. You can use Ahri with the Arcana emblem to get extra AP.
Ahri Ryze High Cap Team Comp in An Upgraded Adventure
This is one of the highest caps with 4 Bastion units and 4 Scholar units. You can Seraphine in this if she does not have strong items on her. It is very hard in normal Augments and is even harder in An Upgraded Adventure.
You can use Ahri as the primary carry in this level and Ryze as your secondary carry. Poppy can be used as a tank. You can also pair a second tank Lillia. Be sure to use the Arcana emblem on Ahri while using Bastion units.
An Upgraded Adventure augment can be a simple match if you keep building your team comp with your 1 cost units. You do not need to sell your 3 stars 1 cost champions in this augment. Using this technique, you can also, win other high-stake augments.