Destiny 2

Destiny 2: Rite of the Nine mode Release date, rewards and more
Bungie has introduced what’s new to Destiny 2 during the Heresy Act 2 livestream. With the episode Heresy coming to ...

Destiny 2: How to get Palindrome and PvP and PvE god roll
Palindrome hand cannon is returning in Destiny 2. We will help you guys with how to get your hands on ...

Destiny 2: How to get New Land Beyond Exotic Sniper Rifle
New Land Beyond is the rework of a fan-favorite sniper rifle from Destiny 1. Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Act 1 ...

Destiny 2: All Sundered Doctrine Weapon and Armor Loot
The new Destiny 2 Dungeon Sundered Doctrine is now live and has some exclusive and powerful weapons for you. We ...
Destiny 2: How to get Bento Tokens from Event Quests
Heretic’s Fervor is a Stasis Rocket Launcher in Destiny 2. Rocket launchers are great and come with cool perks and ...
Destiny 2: Heretic’s Fervor god roll and best perks
Heretic’s Fervor is a Stasis Rocket Launcher in Destiny 2. Rocket launchers are great and come with cool perks and ...
Destiny 2: How to get Slayer’s Fang Exotic Shotgun
Slayer’s Fang is a new Exotic Shotgun in Destiny 2 added with Revenant Act III. Revenant Act 3 will be ...
Destiny 2 Revenant Act 3 Release Date Kell’s Fall Exotic Mission and more
Destiny 2 Revenant is getting its third and final Act with Act 3 which will bring new features and a ...
Destiny 2: Xur Exotics for this week and where to find him
Xur the Exotic vendor in Destiny 2 is coming back this week and we got you covered with everything he ...
Destiny 2: Tinasha’s Mastery best god roll
Destiny 2 has added a new sidearm Tinasha’s Mastery, which equips a Rocket-powered pistol and Stasis element. It’s the first ...