Rocket League Rules Book That Every Player Should Know

Do you want to know if there are any rules in Rocket League? What are those rules? Even if you have not thought about them, now is the best time to understand those rules. Because Rocket League Championship 2024 is around the corner and without knowing the rules you won’t understand it. In this article, you will find all the rules of Rocket League.

Rocket League Rules book

The Rocket League rules are:

Rule 1: Do not break the lock.

When you are playing Rocket League, do not break the lock. The lock happens when two cars move towards each other at high speed, they collide and get stuck with each other.

It can break on its own due to a collision with another car. But, do not break it intentionally. Following this rule shows respect for the unwritten rules of Rocket League.

Rule 2: Faking

The second rule is faking. It is about strategic deception either to deceive your opponents or to hide your missed aim.

For example, if you pretend to hit the ball, the opponents will try to block your shot. Since you do not do so, they will miss it. This will give opportunity to your teammates to score a goal.

It is also used in another scenario when you completely miss hitting the ball by accident. Here you say “I’m faking” to your teammates in a humorous way to admit your mistake.

Rule 3: Don’t Double Commit

The third rule is not to double-commit. Double committing refers to a situation when multiple team members try to take the hit simultaneously. It should be avoided because it reduces the chances of scoring a goal. Or worse, it allows your opponent to score a goal.

Rule 4: Believe your Opponent

The fourth rule is that you should always believe your opponent and decide your next move as per the opponent’s skill level. You need to understand your opponent’s abilities and skill level clearly. It will help you recognize their capabilities and shortcomings so you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

For example, if your opponent is airborne with the ball and you think he is very good at aerials then you should wait on the ground and prepare for the counter.

But, if your opponent’s aerial shots are poor, you should challenge him right in the air.

Rule 5: Steal Boost And Bump into Your Opponents

The fifth rule is that you should steal your opponent’s boosts in each attack. You can do this by not rotating back to your own side immediately after making a pass and grabbing the boost pads on the opponent’s side. This will create a lack of resources for the opponents and give you an edge.

This rule also says that you should be aggressive and bump into your opponent’s cars to disrupt your position. It will nullify their strategy and increase your chances of winning the game.

Rule 6: Left Goes First

The sixth rule says which players should take the kickoff first. In Rocket League, According to the “Left Goes First” rule, the player who is closer to the ball or on the left side of the field should be the one to take the kickoff. This rule will improve the coordination within the team.

Rule 7: Cheating in 2V2 is Good But Not In 3V3

The seventh rule says that it’s acceptable to go for a strategy called “cheating” in 2v2 games but not in 3v3 games.

In 2v2 games, it increases the chances of scoring goals, but in 3v3, it might leave the team vulnerable defensively if the opponent gains possession of the ball quickly after kickoff.

Rule 8: Teammates Go For Corner Boosts During The Kickoff

Rule eight in Rocket League is related to the kickoff strategy. It says that during the kickoff, if you and your partner are in different corners, then you both should collect boosts from your respective corners. It will help you in counterattacks.

Rule 9: Leave Mid-Boost For Player Taking The Kickoff

The ninth rule focuses on boost management and positioning during gameplay. It says that the mid-boost should be left for the player who is taking the kickoff.

If you follow this rule in synergy with rule 8, you won’t struggle with the boost management.

Rule 10: Offensive Rotation

The tenth rule tells how players should position themselves and move when their team is trying to score a goal.

If one player is aiming for the goal, a second player should be alert in case the opponents deflect the ball. And, a third player should also be there behind the two to defend against potential counterattacks.

Rule 11: Defensive Rotation

The eleventh rule is about structured defensive rotation to defend against opponents’ attacks effectively. It says one player should be on the net to stop goals. And, other team members should come from the back post. By approaching from the back post, defenders can avoid colliding with teammates who may already be in the net. Plus, it will also help them to cover more of the goal and have a clearer view of the ball’s trajectory.

Rule 12: Watch Your Words

The twelfth rule is related to the behavior of the players while communicating. It says that phrases such as “What A Save” after every goal are toxic or disrespectful and should not be used.

Rule 13: Playing The Ball Across The Net And Corner Clears

The thirteenth rule says that players should not hit the ball directly across their own goal because it can accidentally score for the opponent. Instead, it’s better to hit the ball towards the corners or up the field to keep control of it and reduce the chances of giving away goals. This strategy helps maintain possession and keeps the game under control.

Rule 14: Farthest Up The Pitch Should Make Runs

The fourteenth rule says that if a player is positioned farthest forward on the pitch, he should make runs towards the opponent’s goal. This will help him in finding good positions for receiving passes or redirects from his teammates.

Rule 15: Run Through After Passing

The fifteenth rule says that a player should continue moving forward after passing or hitting the ball toward the opponent’s goal. This way the player will be able to disrupt the position of the opponent’s goalkeeper. It will also increase the chances of receiving redirects.

Rule 16: Guard Net On Kickoff

The rule sixteenth is about the net during kickoffs to prevent easy goals. It says that the player taking the kickoff should position his car in a way that blocks the angle to their own net. This makes it harder for the opposing team to score dunk shots. The players in the corner should also be ready to dive in if they are needed to prevent a goal.

Rule 17: Flip Constantly To Maintain Supersonic

The seventeenth rule advises players to perform flips regularly to maintain supersonic speed thus helping them in collecting maximum boost pads. Instead of waiting for large boost pads, players can use flipping to move swiftly across the field. By incorporating small turns while moving straight, players can maintain speed efficiently. This method conserves boost and aids in quick recovery after collisions.

Rule 18: Look For Demos While On the Net

The eighteenth rule tells the goalkeeper to keep moving because the opponents will try to disrupt his position by barging into him. So, it is better to keep moving sideways, forward, and backward to avoid such a scenario.

Rule 19: Flip Through 50-50s

The nineteenth rule is about flipping strategically during the 50-50s. A “50-50” situation occurs when two players from opposing teams hit the ball at the same time. It’s a good idea to flip your car through the ball. Flipping can help your team gain control of the ball and create chances to score. It also gives your teammates time to get back into position. So, flipping during these situations can give your team an advantage and help you win the ball more often.

Rule 20: Shadow And Make Yourself Big

The twentieth rule advises adopting a defensive stance known as shadowing when positioned as the last line of defense. This involves closely mimicking the movements of the opponent carrying the ball towards the net, aiming to buy time for teammates to recover and support the defense.

Additionally, it says to make yourself appear larger in the net by positioning your car to cover as much space as possible. This increases the chances of deflecting or blocking incoming shots, making it more challenging for opponents to score.

Final Rule:

As for the final rule, if you are not able to increase your rank, you can choose Rocket League Boosting squad to increase your rank in 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 modes.


To conclude, these are the twenty unwritten rules of Rocket League that everyone follows even the top Rocket League players of 2024. So, if you follow them, your game will improve and you can be among the top players.



1. What is the rule 0 in Rocket League?

The rule 0 in Rocket League says that don’t let the ball touch on 0 seconds.

2. What is the rule 1 in Rocket League?

The rule 1 in Rocket League says that don’t unlock the cars stuck with each other.

3. Can you cheat in the 3v3 Rocket League?

No, you should not cheat in the 3v3 Rocket League. It will leave your team vulnerable.

4. What is a dunk shot in Rocket League?

A dunk shot in Rocket League refers to a play where a player hits the ball directly into the opponent’s goal from the kickoff.

5. Are there any unwritten rules in Rocket League?

Yes, there are 20 unwritten rules in Rocket League.

6. What is the unwritten rule in Rocket League?

The first unwritten rule in Rocket League is that you should never unlock the cars.

7. What is the ban time in Rocket League?

The ban time in Rocket League is 72 hours.

8. Is there any mercy rule in Rocket League?

No, there is no mercy rule in Rocket League.