The Freeze For All event is coming to Rainbow Six Siege. The new game mode will be available to play starting December 16, 2024 and will run through January 6, 2025. It’s just not any Holiday event, Freeze For All brings a ton of exclusive skins and cosmetics to the game. As of now, players can get their hands on Freeze For All exclusive skins by purchasing the Freeze For All packs or by directly purchasing the bundles. However, all players can claim one free Freeze For All pack in the Highlight section of Rainbow Six Siege’s in-game store!
After the reveal at the BLAST R6 Major Montreal, the new operation is finally releasing in a few hours. Collision Point will be the final operation for R6s this year. It brings multiple operator changes as well as the Blackbeard Rework. More operator getting new gadgets include Sens and Thunderbird. Ying is getting a nerf once again. Moreover, Crossplay will be introduced across PC and Console players with Collision Point.
Rainbow Six Siege is a tactical shooter from Ubisoft with over 70 different operators between Attackers and Defenders. Each operator is uniquely designed with their own set of abilities/gear and background story. Every player has their own set of operator preferences on both Attackers and Defenders which they can play confidently and bring a victory to their team.
Ubisoft has finally addressed and fixed one of the major problems with competitive Rainbow Six Siege. The new update to R6s anti-cheat mechanic changes how the whole game is played. This ensures better ranked play. The Devs revealed on Social media, that the team at Rainbow Six Siege wouldn’t take cheaters lightly and such cheaters will be immediately be banned.
Here’s everything you need to know about new Cheater detection and match cancellation features in Rainbow Six Siege.
Ubisoft has revealed they are focusing on three major changes and will be implemented in the R6s anti-cheat.
Botting to be banned on the First Offence
‘We’ve heard your feedback and are updating our sanctioning systems for players detected for botting. Players will now be permanently banned on their first botting offense, rather than an initial 15-day ban followed by a permanent ban on the second offense. This stricter and more aggressive sanctioning has been made possible by an improved detection system that drastically reduces false positives.’
Cheat match Cancellation
‘As of now, cheaters sanctioned by our systems will be kicked from their ongoing match and the match will be automatically canceled.’
Ubisoft’s Cheater Match Cancellation and Live Kick will allow the game to kick out players who get banned for cheating in the middle of a game. As a consequence, the match will automatically be called off and no points will be lost.
Binary Hardening and Security
‘Along with Y9S4.2, we are shipping a new round of hardening and security updates, as we did in each patch (4.0, 4.1, 4.1.1) with major disruption and impact on the most prevalent cheat providers.’
Operation Collision Point, new updates would be made to the game’s anti-cheating system to prevent cheaters to have an easy life. In this month’s anti-cheat update, Ubisoft has confirmed the arrival of the Cheater Match Cancellation and Live Kick feature.
These features will greatly help improve competitive matchmaking and playtime. That’s all you need to know about Cheater and match cancellation features in Rainbow Six Siege.