Rainbow Six Siege: New Operator Rauora is coming with Operation Prep Phase

With Six Invitational 2025 closing Ubisoft dropped a bomb at Rainbow Six Siege fans. For the future of Siege Ubisoft announced new upgrade for Siege called Rainbow Six Siege X. Rainbow Six Siege X is set to cater upcoming 10 years of Siege. The game will include new graphics and audio and will be an upgrade to Rainbow Six Siege.

The Freeze For All event is coming to Rainbow Six Siege. The new game mode will be available to play starting December 16, 2024 and will run through January 6, 2025. It’s just not any Holiday event, Freeze For All brings a ton of exclusive skins and cosmetics to the game. As of now, players can get their hands on Freeze For All exclusive skins by purchasing the Freeze For All packs or by directly purchasing the bundles. However, all players can claim one free Freeze For All pack in the Highlight section of Rainbow Six Siege’s in-game store!

After the reveal at the BLAST R6 Major Montreal, the new operation is finally releasing in a few hours. Collision Point will be the final operation for R6s this year. It brings multiple operator changes as well as the Blackbeard Rework. More operator getting new gadgets include Sens and Thunderbird. Ying is getting a nerf once again. Moreover, Crossplay will be introduced across PC and Console players with Collision Point.

Ubisoft has finally shared the news about next Year and next Operation for Rainbow Six Siege. At the finale for Six Invitation 2025, we got to hear about future of Siege. This included a new overhaul with Rainbow Six Siege X and Year 10 Season 1 updates. Moreover, we got our first look at the upcoming operation with Y10S1 Rauora.

Rainbow Six Siege’s new Operator Rauora

Rauora is a brand-new attacker who will be two speed and a two health operator. Rauora brings her D.O.M launcher which she can use to block down doors by shooting the launchers at the door. This allows her to control areas. These door blockers are bullet proof as well. However, they can be broken with Explosives and C4s.

How to use Rauora’s D.O.M Launcher

Players can use Rauoras D.O.M launcher by pointing it at the and shoot the launcher at the doors. This deploys a barricade with a lock at the top. Both attackers and defenders can shoot the lock mechanism to unlock the barricade. However, the time it takes to unlock the barricade is different for both Attackers and defenders.

For attackers, to unlock the barricaded doors it takes 1 second and for defenders it takes 3 seconds. This gives a great advantage to take control of sites. D.O.M. Launcher will allow attackers to create and modify the bomb sites to make planting easier. These gates can be destroyed with explosives and Fuze and Ying can place their gadgets on these too.

Rauora’s gadget will have a bunch of counters. One of them will be Jäger’s ADS, which will catch the D.O.M. Launcher projectiles if these travel close to the system’s range of action.

Rauora’s Loadout

Rauora brings a new weapon to the game: the MK2 Machine Pistol. This one will be a secondary weapon. Meanwhile, Rauora will also bring the M249 LMG and the 417 Marksman Rifle, as well as Smoke Grenades and Breaching Charges.

Rauora will be available for players to try next week in the Test Servers for Rainbow Six Siege. However, she will be available as a new operator in R6S Y10S1 which is called Operation Prep Phase.

That’s all you need to know about Rainbow Six Siege’s new Operator Rauora and her loadout.