Fix Rainbow Six Server Connections Errors

Gaming on higher frame rates without compromising visual fidelity comes at a cost. A cost of being a pc game is that from time to time you would see an error or two while these errors might not come up regularly they sure are pretty annoying to face when you’re trying to play your favorite title. 


Most of these errors are quick fixes, some of them go away with just a restart and for some others, a restart works fine but some errors just don’t go away until you forcibly put them out.

These errors get more frustrating while playing competitive matches.  Most of these errors come with a code so a person can distinguish between them and solve the issue with the help of that code.

The range of errors and their fixes we will be looking at today is the network errors from Rainbow Six Siege. While there are not many issues with the game or its servers sometimes they do give an illogical error out of nowhere. The errors we are going to talk about All of these errors are related to server connections So in this blog, we are going to look at the most common ones and we will go through what causes a specific error and how you can solve it.

Error code 3-0x0001000b:


The cause behind this error is simple: it is a disconnection between the client and server. Sometimes it happens due to the ongoing server maintenance or sometimes the ticks between the client and the server get mismatched, resulting in disconnection.


The fix is pretty simple; you could check that the region’s servers are on maintenance. If that is the case the only thing you could do is to wait it out. But if that is not the reason, you could also restart the game and your internet connection. Doing this might resolve your issue.

Error Code 4-0xfff0be25:


This error code is a bug that Ubisoft has tried to fix again and again but they couldn’t get done with it. There aren’t any probable causes for this error to show up but there’s a fix if you got it around or at the beginning of a match, a temporary suspension on your account is pretty much guaranteed.


Just verify the integrity of files and you’ll be good to go. If that doesn’t fix then reinstall the game launcher and then verify the files again it will surely fix the error.

Error Code 8-0x00003700:


This error occurs for multiple reasons. The first reason is the inconsistent exchange of packets between the server and the client. The next cause can be a file error where the game’s server does not recognize a file and throws an error. Internet service issues can also be the reason for this error.


The fix of this error is pretty basic firstly you would need to quickly flush your DNS. if you don’t know how you can just click on this

If that does not fix your problem you could also verify the game files and if it also doesn’t work then restart your system and do all of these steps again. 

If all of those steps don’t work you could also call your ISP and let them know about this problem that you’re facing.

Error Code 0x00001:


This error is mostly caused by the battleye(the ac of r6). Sometimes it gets removed by Windows Defender or sometimes the programs we use daily make the battleye files corrupted and that triggers this error for whatever reason the fix of this problem is simple.


To fix this problem all you need to do is delete Battleye from your system, restart your pc and then reinstall it again. Hopefully, this will fix your problem

Error Code 0-0x00100608:

The error and its fix are pretty straightforward forward the error causes a bad connection and the solution is to fix your internet connection or Maybe restart your router or restarting your system would do the trick 

Error Code 3-0x001b:


The cause behind this error is the mismatch between the player’s region and the server they are trying to play on. If the distance between the server and the player’s region is ill-matched this error gets triggered. Another reason can also be that the server you’re trying to play on is undergoing maintenance. Whatever the reason may but here’s the solution to it


go to: Documents/My Game/Rainbow Six – Siege/7564b1ec-0856-4f93-8aef-71232c035d75. In this directory, you will find a file named gamesettings. Open this file and press control + F to bring up the finder now type server and you see that I would be on default. Change that server to whatever server with the lowest ping you have available and that’s it.

Error Code 3-0x00050001:

This error commonly occurs when your antivirus interferes with the connection of the game’s server. This error can also occur if there is a server issue in both cases a simple restart can do the trick and sometimes even reinstalling the game doesn’t work. So there’s not a definite solution for this error but try to set a new outbound rule in the firewall that could also fix the problem.

Error Code 2-0x0000c015:


This error is caused by the lost connection between the client and the server midway. So either you failed to connect with the server or the packet gets lost in the way of the server. In both cases, the solution should be easy.


The only thing that you can do is to change your DNS server and that is pretty easy if you know what you’re doing but if you don’t here’s how you can change your DNS Server.

Right-click on the monitor (or wifi) button on your taskbar and click on Open Network and settings it will open a new window. Now click on the option that says Change adapter settings

Select the connection you’re currently in and right-click on it. Now select the internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) and click on properties.

 Now it will show you two blanks. The first one is for Your IP address. You should leave that as is and go to the second blank space which says to use the following DNS server. Click on that option and put any one of these DNS servers now restart your system and you’ll be good to go.

Error Code: 10-0x00000000:

This error comes at random and I have not found a single thing that would cause this error. But the working solution I found was to restart your game and restart your router. For most people, this solved the problem.

Error Code: 0-0x0003:


The cause of this error is mostly your GPU driver. Whether you’re using AMD or Nvidia the error 0-0x0003 mostly happens when your video driver crashes and manages to crash your connection from the server with it.


The simplest solution to=-897654 this problem is to just reinstall a previous version of your GPU driver. This way you are most likely to knock out the problem from its roots.