Each new operator brings a fresh dynamic to the game in the ever-evolving world of Rainbow Six Siege. Players are presented with a unique blend of tracking abilities and strategic gameplay with the arrival of Deimos in Year 9 Season 1 as the latest Attacker. Deimos arrives in the game’s Y9S1 Operation Deadly Omen, ranging from his background bio, his DeathMARK Tracker, his weapons, and his synergies and counters. Deimos is the first villain operator that joins Rainbow’s roster. He’s the one who has been giving Rainbow a tough time the past year, a mastermind behind the Rainbow and Nighthaven’s fallout, and Harry’s death.

The new operator Deimos arrives for Rainbow Six Siege fans on March 11. His goal is to find out and lock on to enemy players using his gadget, much like Jackal. To hunt down his prey and absolutely destroy it no matter where they hide, Deimos has a very impressive arsenal of powerful weapons. Let’s delve into a comprehensive guide on how to effectively utilize Deimos, and understand his weapons, counters, gadgets, synergies, and tips for maximizing his potential on the battlefield.
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Deimos’ real name is Gerald Morris, and before 2012 when he turned rogue against his agency and killed his fellow agent, Daniel Bogart, he was a top Rainbow operator. Deimos comes directly from Birmingham, AL and he’s 51 years old. Their job was to search and arrest a bomb maker who was hiding in an Eastern European breakaway state. He snaps and fakes his death to kickstart his mercenary band, the Keres Legion as Deimos grows broken after years of experiencing being a government’s ‘pawn’.
Diomos had a close relation to his godfather who was a military veteran and would sneak Morris off to gun ranges and Western matinees. Deimos is cold and calculating, Personality-wise. He is a menacing villain who shakes the current Rainbow to its core as he’s combined his extensive experience with Rainbow. He managed to injure many of its operators during the past year but also executed the previous Six, Harry, in his house.
Deimos carries some new features that can influence the gameplay of his enemies. Players using Deimos should be smart and sneaky to maximize his effectiveness.
Primary Weapon | AK-74M (Assault Rifle), M590A1 (Shotgun) |
Secondary Weapon | .44 VENDETTA (Handgun) |
Gadget | Frag Grenade, Hard Brach Charge, smoke grenade |
Unique Ability | Deathmark Tracker |
Starting with his Speed ratio and Armor, Deiomis is well balanced, as he is sitting at 2 Speed and 2 Armor which makes him a powerful operator who can use his gadget well. He’s not too chunky, not too squishy for combat, and slow to move around the map.
Deimos’ weapons consist of two Primary Weapons and one Secondary Weapon in his arsenal. The first Primary Weapon of Deimos is the AK-74M, which previously only belonged to Nomad. This Assault Rifle has 650 RPM and 44 Damage which makes it a relatively slow-firing weapon, but this disadvantage is partially covered by its great damage. Deimos’ second Primary Weapon (M590A1) will suit you just fine if you’re looking to do it close and personal. While the M590A1 shotgun presents an alternative strategy for players seeking close-quarters combat advantages, the AK-74M assault rifle is favored for its versatility.
Deimos only needs his custom-made .44 Vendetta for his Secondary Weapon. This is a six-shooter revolver that has a special scope to help Deimos hunt down his targets. The .44 Vendetta somewhat resembles Kaid’s .44 Magnum which features high-powered optics for enhanced precision in engagements.
Just like the other operators, Deimos comes with a primary gadget. He has two secondary gadgets: Frag Grenades or Hard Breach Charges. You can equip the Frag Grenades to make Deimos a more formidable hunter if you would like to flush out Defenders in a favorable position during your hunt. If you want to have more utilities for the team, then the Hard Breach Charges will be your best choice in that scenario as your go-to secondary gadget.
Due to Primary Weapons and great secondary gadgets, Deimos’ Loadout is super solid all around. The star of his kit is the .44 Vendetta, which has incredibly high base damage, capable of killing even 3 Armor Defenders with 2 body shots, and low recoil. While a Smoke Grenade will help you cover your allies or yourself in risky situations, the Frag Grenade and the Hard Breach Charge are great for any defense-clearing jobs.
Also, check out the complete guide to rank up faster in R6 here
Deimos Deathmark tracking drones offer a formidable challenge for Defenders. Using the Deathmark tracker, Deimos can remotely track any previously scanned Defender, creating an evasion and a tense atmosphere of surveillance. Deathmark tracker is the crux of his and this miniature flying probe seeks out a chosen target and unveils their location to Deimos while also revealing his location. Then it creates a deadly hide-and-seek hunt, where either the hunter kills his mark, or the hunted becomes the hunter.
The DeathMARK Tracker works similarly to Lesion’s Gu Mines, where Deimos get a tracker over time, to a maximum of 3 DeathMARK Trackers. To make this gadget work, you have to first pick which Defender you want to hunt. You can point out these defenders by droning them and using red ping or waiting until one of your allies dies to a Defender that reveals their identities. The first method is preferable before activating the DeathMARK Tracker because the second method requires you to sacrifice one of your teammates in exchange for one of the Defenders’ identities.
After you manage to achieve a Defender, the next major step for you is to activate Deimos’ DeathMARK Tracker by scrolling through the Defenders, after you pick your target. Hold the gadget key (the default is the middle mouse) and a prompt will pop on the screen that notify everyone that Deimos is currently hunting a Defender.
After that, there’ll be a little time when both Deimos and the target Defender learn each other’s location and provide live pings every time they make any movement. To end the hunting phase, there are following two ways.
· Deimos ends the hunt by holding the default gadget key
· One of them is killed
To add a layer of vulnerability amidst chaotic encounters, Deimos can only wield his .44 Vendetta sidearm when his tracker is active.
Deimos sounds too good to be true as it sounds pretty overpowered. He also has his upsides and limitations that must be seriously understood before you make a plan to use him.
· The .44 Vendetta revolver is one of his strengths. It has high base damage, zero recoil, and a scope that Deimos can utilize to hunt down his enemies.
· Deimos can live-track defenders that provide valuable real-time information to his team.
· He is designed to counter aggressive roamers and he adds a strategic advantage in dealing with this common playstyle.
· Deimos’ secondary gadgets complete his kit well. Both the Hard Breach Charges and Frag Grenades are solid options. Frag Grenades is the best choice to utilize to offer him a better tactical advantage to flush out his target.
· Equipped with a strong shotgun, potent pistol, and strong assault rifle, he can easily adapt to various situations.
· AK-74M is not a strong Assault Rifle and will encourage you to land your shots well before the Defenders can react against Deimos.
· The DeathMARK Tracker is easily countered by Vigil’s ERC-7 Device and Mute’s Signal Disruptor making him temporarily unable to hunt these operators or other operators who are searching for refuge at a Signal Disruptor.
· Deimos can only utilize one-time sights on his primary weapon that put him in danger in certain engagements.
· Live pings may lead Deimos to risks, impacting his effectiveness.
· Due to the reliance on team communication, Deimos’ effectiveness may be reduced in solo or lower-rank scenarios.
Deimos has a great tracker and his loadout is good enough but lacks something that would let him feel comfortable at all engagement ranges.
Where should you use Deimos?
It’s still difficult to calculate or predict areas of a map or certain maps where Deimos might be good in. The condition that Deimos cannot equip his primary weapon while using Deathmark Tracker can be tricky. It won’t be effective to use Deathmark Tracker in a scenario where you are vulnerable or exposed to multiple angles. While the rest of the team is on the other side, Deimos can be used as bait and have him on one side of an area.
What’s Deimos role in Rainbow Six Siege?
In Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, it’s difficult to assign Deimos with a single role as we expect him to play as a roamer cleaner and entry fragger. Deimos is a two-health, two-speed operator with two deadly weapons. He can easily live-track the location of a single defender regardless of its movement, so it’s worth saying that Deimos is an adapted version of Operation Chimera’s Lion.
Droning a roamer during the preparation phase will let Deimos track it using his ability. Doing this will unveil the roamer’s position in a second. After that, it’s up to Deimos to share this information with his teammates.
How to Use Deimos Gadget R6 Siege
Deimos’ gadget is very easy to use in Rainbow Six Siege, but conditions can change sometimes. The most important thing you need to learn is how to use Deimos gadget in Rainbow Six Siege the way it should be used properly to get the best output from it. Activate his ability by choosing a specific Defender to track after the action phase begins.
This live tracking feature allows continuous updates on the tracked Defender’s position. Remember that only Deimos is able to see these live pings. You can use this information in solo play or roam hunting situations. Utilize Deimos’ unique two-shot kill 44 Vendetta pistol to capitalize on the tracked Defender’s position. Provide the live tracking information to your team for the lethal attack.
Let’s discuss how one should play Deimos R6 Siege.
· Work Mutually with teammates, especially operators like Lion, Jackal, Blitz, and Dokkaebi, to take advantage of Deimos’ live tracking information.
· To execute precise and aggressive play, make strategies that involve coordinating attacks based on the tracked information.
· For quick and lethal kills, use the two-shot kill capability of the 44 Vendetta pistol, treating engagements as opportunities.
· Hold the live tracking feature to pinpoint the exact location of the tracked Defender continuously.
· Admit that Deimos is a versatile solo operator capable of providing valuable information.
· To get an advantage in engagements and disrupt enemy rotations, position yourself strategically, and use the live tracking information.
· Use vertical gameplay by pushing Defenders from different floors as this technique can be effective in surprising and pressuring the enemy.
· To escape or reposition by using Deimos’ live tracking information, your main goal should on counter aggressive roamers and make it challenging for them.
· For operators like Vigil and Lesion, you should be well prepared as they can disrupt or avoid the live tracking process.
· Based on the live tracking information, increase communication with your team by providing accurate callouts.
· Capitalize on the live tracking feature and consider that Deimos can be particularly advantageous in higher ranks where communication is better.
Keep in mind that mastering Deimos’ gadget involves coordinating with teammates, strategically using live tracking information to secure kills, adapting to different scenarios, and disrupting the enemy team’s plans.
Now you’re well aware of Deimos’ weapons, gadgets, strengths, and weaknesses, it’s time to learn his counters. Three defenders can disrupt his DeathMARK Tracker during a match, Mute, Vigil, and Solis.
One of the Pathfinder operators from the SAS in Rainbow Six: Siege is Mute, who can counter Deimos. Due to his Signal Disruptor gadget, Mute is a prime counter to Deimos as it will block all electronic gadgets within the range of Mute’s Signal Disruptor.
The Deathmark Tracker will stop functioning if Deimos is trying to target Mute while he is stepping in one of the Signal Disruptors as it will return that charge to Deimos. However, if Mute is tracked after the few seconds window before Deimos can fully track Mute, then moving into a jammer’s area will only temporarily pause the DeathMARK Tracker’s timer which gives Mute or other operators who step into his jammers sometime before the timer diminish.
You are forced to stay inside the jammer’s radius continuously and that’s the drawback of this strategy and that’s alright if you’re hidden behind walls, if you’re safe within the bomb sites, and much more. However, if you’re in a hallway or close to the Attackers’ positions or any unfavorable position, then you have no choice but to engage them in a firefight.
Vigil is the next defender that can effectively counter Deimos Vigil, who is a South Korean operator and can protect himself from any prying eyes due to his ERC-7 Device. Similar to Mute, if Vigil activates his gadget before Deimos can fully initiate his hunt through the DeathMARK Tracker then he will be free from his hunt and it will refund a Tracker charge to Deimos. You can only stop the timer temporarily until either your gadget or Deimos’ Tracker wears off by activating the ERC-7 Device after Deimos manages to track you.
No drones mean no red pings. Deimos can’t use his device if there are no red pings. If the defender eliminates every attacking drone, then the Colombian operator could make Deimos’ ability non-existent. Lack of droning from the attackers would make Deimos’ job even more difficult. Solis is also the best counter to Deimos due to the removal of red pings resulting from the elimination of attacking drones.
Now, we’ll discuss his Attacker synergies. Deimos has many allies that can work well with him to hunt down the Defenders.
Lion is one of the Attackers that can collect intel about the Defenders in a simple way due to his EE-One-D Drone, ‘big brother’, capable of pinging and tracking the Defenders who move an inch during its active phase.
As we mentioned earlier, Deimos can track and isolate one Defender but having good communication with your team’s Lion is key if you are looking to create mass panic amongst the Defenders. Whoever Deimos targets, that defender will be forced to stay still for 1.5 seconds or they will be tracked not just by Deimos, but also by Lion, if we combine these two operators.
Dokkaebi is the kind of Attacker who tangles well with Deimos’ DeathMARK Tracker due to her expertise in electronics. He is capable of disrupting the Defenders’ way of surveillance with her Logic Bomb gadget. Using a Logic Bomb can force them to either let their phones ring for 12 seconds or enter a 3-second forced animation to disable this call, only when the Defenders use one or several Roamers. Deimos can utilize this time window and start a hunt against these Defenders, and it will separate them from the rest of their teammates through a pincer attack.
Additionally, you can have a massive combo of intel gathering by having Deimos, Jackal, Dokkaebi, and Lion all once in a team, where you can quickly surmise about the Defenders’ lineup and their positions through Logic Bomb calls and live pings. This team lineup is best suited for a fast-paced attacking method, where every Attacker makes an entry into the building for 45 seconds and starts bringing down the Defenders one by one.
Best Deimos Skins in Rainbow Six Siege
It will be quick to judge the best Deimos skins in Rainbow Six with only two of them being known so far. One of them has Deimos wearing a green sports jacket with a forest camo scarf and the other one has red stripes and an urban camo scarf. There will be more Deimos skins in the future and the fans have already predicted what they could be.
R6 Deimos Tips and tricks
Strategic targeting of tracked Defenders is crucial to maximize Deimos’ effectiveness. Here are some recommended tips and tricks that you can use to maximize your effectiveness as Deimos on the battlefield:
Avoid Solo Rushing
Deimos is not well suited for solo rushing due to the disadvantage of wielding only your sidearm and the risk of your position being revealed. You need to focus on working with your team to execute coordinated strategies and a surprise attack on the tracked enemy.
Coordinate with Your Team
Effective teamwork and communication are key to success as Deimos. Work closely with your team members to convey all the crucial information and coordinate attacks on tracked targets. Collaboration increases your ability to exploit the information provided by your tracking drones.
Operator Combinations
Team up with operators like Dokkaebi, Lion, and Blitz for deadly combos. Exploit the live tracks, especially in higher ranks where communication is stronger by coordinating with your team. Blitz’s flash shield and Lion’s scan can complement Deimos’ tracking ability for devastating plays.
Counterplay and Survive
Adapt your playstyle if you’re on the receiving end of Deimos’ tracks. Move continuously to make yourself a challenging target or run back to the site for safety. Solis, Mute, and Vigil can counter Deimos effectively by disrupting his tracking abilities and turning the tables in your favor. Deimos flourish on aggressive plays and information.
Choose Targets Wisely & Focus on Valuable Intel
If you’re tracking defenders like Solis, who can see your position in real-time once you get in range, can be a bit risky. To avoid being vulnerable, you need to be very specific about who you pick.
If you’re tracking defenders who are anchoring on-site, may not provide valuable intel. Choose to track defenders or roamers in key positions to obtain strategic advantages for your team.
Prioritize Droning
Droning out the map is necessary for gathering intel and activating your gadget. Make droning a top priority to set up successful engagements for your team as a support player. To find out the enemies, Deimos, and his teammates must first spot it with their drones. Droning will become more aggressive during the preparation phase. Deimos will be able to use his nano-technology on it after a defender has been red-dotted.
When to track
He has a primary gun for a reason whether you chose the shotgun or the AK, it doesn’t matter because you need to learn when to use those weapons versus wasting a scan and using your revolver. You would actually use the scan and your revolver, and actual ability if you don’t know the exact position someone’s in you just know the room that they’re in.
But if you know and you can hear or maybe even see or you drone them out and you know the exact position they’re in. Maybe they’re behind the Aqua Bar on Coastline like you know where they exactly are then pull out the primary gun as it’s going to be a lot more reliable. You can use those frag grenades to flush them out of positions to use your primary gun to get that kill.
Due to the recharge time of this ability how long does it take to get your ability back up again because it is a rechargeable ability, sometimes it’s just not worth using the ability at all. You only want to save it on somebody that you need to wall bang or that you don’t know the exact position of. Another great example is if you know they have a Vigil then maybe don’t waste a track on a Vigil.
As R6 continues to evolve, Deimos emerges as a formidable addition to the Operator lineup. Deimos offers a fresh perspective on Attack strategies with his versatile loadout and unique tracking abilities. By understanding synergies, adapting to countermeasures, and mastering the gadgets, players can tackle the full potential of Deimos and tilt the odds in their favor on the battlefield.
Whether you’re arranging precision strikes or tracking down elusive roamers, Deimos is poised to leave his mark on Operation Deadly Omen. Sharing information with the rest of the team won’t always be the best play. If someone else from your team picks Deimos then there’s a probability that they’ll use the tracking to gain personal advantage which is not effective as compared to sharing it with the team. Lion and Dokkaebi are the recommended operators that are best suited to team up with Deimos due to their unique abilities and playstyle.
What is The Best Gun For Deimos R6?
The AK74M is Deimos’ primary assault rifle and a solid choice for engagements. 44 Vendetta is his secondary pistol which boasts minimal recoil and a two-shot kill capability.
Is Deimos worth it in R6?
Deimos works exceptionally well with other recon operators, Lion and Jackal, and is a must-pick for any player who is good at communicating.
What is the role of Deimos in R6?
Deimos is a formidable operator who is best at tracking defenders. He sends out drones to live-ping and track specific enemy operators. The information is very worthy and allows Deimos and his team to capitalize on the tracked defenders’ positions.
How to Unlock Deimos in Rainbow Six Siege?
You need to unlock him by buying him with Renown or R6 Credits or through in-game progression. Unlocking Deimos brings evolution to the game due to his unique tracking abilities and loadout.
How to stop being pinged by Deiomis in R6?
You can shoot Deimos which will interrupt the tracking altogether and some operators like Vigil, Mute, and Solis can disrupt the Deimos gadget.
Is Deimos a bad guy in R6?
Gerald Morris aka Deimos, is a former Rainbow operative who became a villain once it was revealed he was the mastermind behind the assassination of Masayuki Yahata.