Find all Secret Locations In PUBG, Key Card, Security Room 2025

Unlike Fortnite, where multiple secret locations exist on every map to get elite loot. And most players drop there  In Pubg, those locations are in scarce supply Tencent creates secret locations for good loot but not everybody knows about them. In those secret places, you can find great loot like an m24 or a Level 3 helmet.

There’s a certainty that if you go into these secret locations on any you will find good loot and because most players don’t know about them you will not have to worry about them giving you a hard time.

So here are all of the locations of those secret rooms and bear caves in the game. Keep in mind that these room keys are not always inuuhthe same spot on some maps the locations are random while on others you can get them in the same spot. I have done my research and will try to give you all of the possible locations where these rooms are found.  The room on the other hand does not change their locations so if you got the key you’ll find that room in the same spot.

So here we go:

Erangle Secret room Locations:

First on the list is the most popular map of the game. On Erangle you can still find these secret rooms but as I have mentioned above most maps place their secret room keys randomly. So that’s why I can’t put a precise location here that’ll tell you where are the secret room keys.

Although they do appear in Rozhok’s school side you can look around there if you are fortunate you will find a key there.

So these are the locations of the secret room 3 of them are in the military base while others are scattered around the map. In my opinion, since the keys are randomized in every match you shouldn’t drop into the match thinking that you will get into a secret room. 

In Erangle Only go to secret rooms if you stumble upon a key or else focus on your match rather than loot of the secret rooms.

Taego Secret room Locations:

Next on the list is Taego which was released a while back ago. So in Taego the secret room keys also spawn randomly. So best course of action is to just loot a lot and pray that you’ll find a key somewhere. After finding one the only thing that you would have to do is to grab a vehicle and go to these marked locations.

You could find really good items in all of these secret rooms like level 3 Kevlar or level 3 helmets. You can also find AWM or a Groza it depends on the loot but as always your aim shouldn’t be to only loot from a secret room. Play your natural game if you get a key then surely go to these rooms and enjoy.

Deston security rooms and their key locations:

Deston is the only map where you do know where the keys are. They are not randomized like in the other maps. But by being on precise location they do make those locations a hot drop making the keys very hard to attain. So here are the locations of the secret rooms in Blue and next to them in red, are the room keys.

In these rooms, you are guaranteed to find excellent loot that you would normally get in an airdrop. Like an Awm or level 3 helmet and other gem-like items. Now you could see a bunch of red and blue markets in the location of Ripton but I would not suggest you go there since the loot you would find there against the resistance that you will face through other enemy teams will not be a good trade. So go into the other rooms all around the map rather than going into Ripton.

Paramo Secret room locations:

The second smallest map in the game also has secret rooms but not the biggest one in Myanmar. None paramo also has some secrets that also give out a high standard of loot like adrenaline syringes, tier 3 kevlar, and helmets. the good thing is the keys to these rooms are also nearby. Because the map is so small it is still randomized but you will find a key if you look hard enough. 

Vikendi secret locations:

Vikendi is regarded as one of the best maps in the game. In Vikendi not only there are secret rooms but you can also go into the bear caves or lab rooms. So before giving you the locations I have to explain how can you go into them.

So firstly there are 10 bear caves on the map some of them are next to each other. The loot in those caves is elite you are guaranteed to find air-drop items in there and the good thing is that you don’t need a key to get there. But in the bear cave, you will have to fight a bear. Killing a bear requires some effort because it has around 1800 hp. So he takes a good time to get executed.

The next locations are lab rooms and they are as easy to get in as it gets but whenever you or any other player enters a lab room a loud gets triggered after 5 seconds. This siren is audible to the player within 100 meters of range. So beware when you are looting items in these lab rooms. 

There are also crowbar rooms where the doors can only be unlocked by using a crowbar. So if you happen to stumble upon one. Be sure to check those crowbar rooms out. The secret rooms are the same in Vikendi as they are in every other map keys are randomized and loot in those rooms is also random. Nonetheless here are all of the secret locations on the map.

Final Thoughts:

The secret rooms are a great way to gain an advantage over enemies. I have given all of the secret room locations but keep in mind that it’s great to get into these secret rooms but the goal of your match should not be just to get into a secret room but to win the match. In some maps, they are a great way to get into some action and get some early kills Keep that in mind and enjoy the game. If you find the article helpful be sure to comment down below. I mean it !! go down and write something.


What are the secret rooms in PUBG maps? 

Secret rooms are the buildings which have good loot in them. They are not distinguishable from the outside. They look like everyother building on the map but these rooms require a secret key to enter.

What is a secret key in PUBG?

The secret key is used to unlock the secret rooms in the game. Currently, the secret rooms are in Erangle, vikendi, Paramo, Taego, and Deston and the spawn for these keys is randomized. So players have to loot throughout the map to attain them and unlock the secret rooms.

What is in the secret rooms?

The secret room’s lot is mostly random but they do sometimes have airdrop weapons like awm and Groza while they also do have level 3 items like Kevlar and a helmet.

What type of loot can be found in secret rooms?

These secret rooms usually contain high-tier loot. For example, you can find

  • Level 3 armor and helmet
  • High-powered air drop guns.
  • Ammos of all types of guns.
  • Several medkits 

And much more.

How to open Vikendi’s secret room?

Vikendi has more secret rooms such as bear caves and lab rooms than in any other game map. You can easily open the bear cave and the lab room by just entering them but for the secret rooms, you would need a key to get into them.