Overwatch 2 Season 6 Recap – Everything You Should Know

Overwatch 2 was released two years ago, in 2022. Since then it has gotten 10 seasonal updates with numerous changes to the base game. Apart from that, we also got 8 new characters through some of these updates. Most of the characters are from the offence class, but all in all, Blizzard has been trying to constantly change the game to make it well-rounded and suited for all types of players. 

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Apart from characters, we also got fresh game modes and much more with each of the seasonal updates. In this blog, we are going to do a recap of a season from the past and supposedly the biggest update of Overwatch 2 ever. We are going to do an overview of things that have made an impact on the game. So, if I did not include something in the blog, then it means that it hadn’t impacted the game that much.

Season 6 was called Invasion due to the all-new PvE missions, which I will talk about in a bit. The season was released on 10th August 2023 with a span of two months and 9 days.

New Support hero: Illari

In season 6, Blizzard announced a new support hero. Illari abilities were based on the Sun with a rail gun as a primary weapon. The community welcomed her with a warm hand since her pick rate skyrocketed. I will put down a brief intro about each of her abilities so you don’t get left behind.

  • Solar rifle: it is her primary weapon which is based on a hit scan. It damages the enemies for around 75 hp on maximum charge. The alt solar rifle is her primary healing source; it is a beam that heals the allies for 115 hp per second.
  • OutBurst: it is a dash since it launches you into the direction you are moving it also knocks down the enemies who are in front of you. You could time the jump and get a much higher elevation to get an off-angle.
  • Healing Pylon: it is a simple turret that heals the allies when they get too close. The best thing about it is if you tucked it properly it can last for a full match.
  • Captive Sun: it is her ultimate, which is a grenade launcher, which, upon activation, does splash damage. It damages the enemies severely on a direct while slowing down other enemies who got the splash damage.

Since her addition to the game, there have been some changes in her, and she is not as powerful as she once was.

Invasion Story Missions:

The next big thing in this season was a set of whole new story missions. But unfortunately, they were paid. The initial price was 15 USD dollars, while the premium version was priced at around 40 dollars. Which, in my opinion, was dreadful from Blizzard. These story missions were co-op, meaning that you could play them with your friends, or if you didn’t want to, then you could play with random people online. 

The story missions offer a wide variety of heroes to choose from. The story takes place right after the Winston’s call. The event kicked the reassembling of overwatch heroes trying to save the earth from null sectors and the talons.

Apart from story missions, there are new co-op missions that Blizzard had designed to be replayable experiences. There are new unlock areas of classic maps that you could not go through in regular game modes. These new missions will be updated with content like hero rosters and some other objectives.

There are also new maps that these event missions are supposed to be played on. These maps are exclusive to the story mode so you can’t play them in matchmaking. The name of these maps is:

  • Rio.
  • Underworld.
  • Gothenburg.
  • Toronto.

Flashpoint PvP Mode:

The next big thing was a new Game mode called the “Flashpoints”. This mode was supposed to be played like attaining an objective. In the game mode, 5 flash points get unlocked one by one. Each team has to get 3 out of 5 of these flash points to claim the victory.  I know this game might sound pretty similar to the previous game mode called capture points. But the difference between the game mode and Flashpoint is that Flashpoint is designed to be linear and unpredictable. Any active flashpoint could activate randomly so you can predicate and camp on site. 

To make things more interesting, Blizzard decided to introduce two new maps. 

  • Survasa.
  • New Junk City.

These two maps are Overwatch 2’s biggest maps ever in a PvP environment.

New Hero Mastery Mode And New Player Progression System :

I know for some people, this might not be the most interesting one to read. But because I have to cover every big thing so here we go.

Now, the hero mastery training course will feature a global leaderboard. This is, in my opinion, kind of pointless but could be motivating for some players to put more hours into their favourite hero. The second big thing is about practice range. It has finally got its first big update players now can use multiple practice settings and multiple targets to choose from.

The new player progression system update now has a reward system, which is pretty similar to Apex Legend’s badges. However, in the new progression, you could expect rewards for achieving things like damage dealing or healing done to an extent with a certain return of reward. The rewards will include a hero-themed name card to an emblem.

Game pass ultimate Perks:

After the acquisition of Blizzard by Microsoft, Microsoft had to push their console and it’s game pass for overwatch players on Xbox. A new starter pack has been introduced. This bundle will include access to paid heroes like Sojourn, Junker Queen, Keiko, etc. Basically, every hero is a new addition to Overwatch 2; apart from that, these starter packs will also include the said hero’s legendary skins with some other in-game cosmetics. 

Wrapping it up:

We had a full-fledged recap of season 6. If you don’t know I have skipped the whole “Hero Balance Changes” since they were very long and didn’t make the sense to be included in the blog. Now that we are at the end of this blog, I want to thank you for sticking with me till the end. If you like the blog, comment down below. If you did not, then also comment down below to let me know what I did wrong. Till then, goodbye.