Overwatch 2: Illari Guide to Win Every Game

Hello everyone, in this blog, we will discuss Illari. Illari is a hero of Overwatch 2. She is a support hero, and she was added to the game in the Overwatch 2 beta. She is the 38th hero of the game. This blog is going to be a guide to her. This blog will include How to play with her, what playstyle suits her, and team compositions. 

A detailed breakdown of her abilities and how to use them, and if necessary, I will also give you some tips to use while playing the game. To get the best possible Illari experience. After reading this blog you’ll be able to play with Illari a lot better. This guide will help to gain an advantage over your enemies 

Before we jump into the playstyle of Illari, if you play Illari a lot and you want to improve your rank, you can choose our Ow2 duo booster and play along with him in the squad to win games with Illari. 

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Illari has a couple of playstyles I will talk about each of them one by one. The first is being close to your teammates. Since her damage and healing are hit-scan, which means that they are instant to reach and there’s no delay between action and hit. So, if you stay close to your team, it’ll give you a nice position where your kit shines. You could easily play as a DPS because you are close with your allies. 

So if things go bad they can come to the rescue pretty quickly. You could also be a quick healer because you are very close with your team and can react quickly. The play style is also good because she is pretty defenceless as a solo player she needs someone to do the heavy lifting because her damaging ability is good but not that great against other DPS heroes.

The next playstyle could be a flanker but that needs a lot of mechanical skill and game sense to perform. I have told you that her damaging ability is not that great, but because she has the outburst ability, which gives her good mobility and a good ultimate, you could use it to punish the grouped-up enemies. you could take advantage of both these things and play the flank. Although I would still side with the close proximity playstyle, you could try both and find out which one works better for you.

ow 2 illari character

Her abilities and their best usage:

Solar rifle:

I know that it is not her ability but her primary weapon, but there are things to keep in mind while using the solar rifle.  The solar rifle has a cool down you can’t spam it on an enemy. You have to really make your shots count. 

Try to be precise rather than aiming them down since the rifle has 1.5x hs damage. Try to hit the head only. It will give you a better chance of finishing off the enemies. The alt-fire or the healing, on the other hand, has a little bit different case in hand. Because it provides 115hp healing per second but gets depleted so fast that if you don’t do what you’re doing you will run out of it most of the time. What you should do is try to use it just to heal your allies when they are really low because the recharge time on the alt-fire is more than 3 seconds which is really long for a healer to go out of healings.

Healing pylon:

Illari’s alt fire or her primary healing is good but not enough to keep her teammates alive for a long time. She needs something else to be sufficient at healing, and that something else is her healing pylon, which can provide automatic healing to her allies. It looks similar to Symmetra’s sentry touret but Illari’s ones offer healings. 

To maximise their effectiveness you need to place them in a way that enemies can’t take out them. Placing them in the right position is a really key part of your kit. Healing pylons should be positioned at high and difficult-to-aim angles. They do have a good amount of HP, but they are stationary, which is why destroying them is easy. Place them at higher angles so your enemies can’t see them or hit them. 

A really good angle would be a choke point since your enemies can’t hit the healing pylon without crossing the choke and it can heal your allies that are defending or putting the pressure on the choke. The healing pylons can be a great cover while reloading or while in a cooldown so use it as you go.


The outburst or the dash also has some use cases. The first of them is that she can get extra elevation on her jumps by pressing the ability button while holding the jump. This will give her extra elevation, which she can use to climb and hold angles for her enemies. The outburst is also effective in getting out of sight of the enemies. I would not say that the dash is her get-out-of-jail card, but it can give her some time to react to her enemies. 

Most heroes do have this ability in some shape or form. Moira has the fade, Sombra has the translocator, and Illari has the outburst. Because outburst is a movement ability I can’t direct you in a direction. The only thing that you could do to get good at is just to practice it a lot. 

Captive Sun:

On paper illari’s ultimate does not sound that exciting. When you hear that it only does 50hp damage to enemies and can be countered with other heroes’ abilities like Zarya’s particle protector or D.va’s, let me tell you that they don’t tell you the whole story. So Illari’s captive sun gives her flight for approx 5 seconds in which she can use the elevation to pick out the best possible target to perform her ultimate. 

Her ultimate pierces through every enemy hero until it hits an object. The initial damage of this piercing is 50, but it causes them to slow down making them a lot more vulnerable to your attacks. It leaves a sun in their bodies which is explosive upon hitting them the second time. You could combine the captive sun with another hero’s abilities which can wipe out the entire team if used correctly.

You could also time the captive sun such that the explosion of the captive sun creates a chain reaction. So after one enemy explodes, the other enemy next to him will also explode due to the impact, and one by one, they get killed by the captive sun’s chain reaction.  There are a lot of variations that I didn’t tell you this time. But load up free range and explore them yourself.

Team composition:

Illari is a support hero, and most of the time, teams don’t get built around them. But I will give you some names that are best suited when coupled with illari.


Ana is a very versatile healer also she has the highest pick rate out of any hero in Overwatch 2. As I’ve said earlier that illari’s best-suited playstyle is when she is close to her allies. Ana can also provide long-range healing making both of them really compatible with each other’s kit.


After the most picked healer on the list next is the best tank in the game. Orisa can be a good situational pick with Illari. As she can provide Illari with much-needed protection Illar can also take care of her by giving her instant healing. Both of them can take map control quickly. Also combining Illar’s ultimate with Orisa’s can really cause destruction to the enemies.

Soldier 76:

He can be a good pick considering that he can defend on his own. In a situation where Illari’s ultimate is being used he can make the most out of it since he has the highest fire rate with the most ammo in arsenal. He can make the quick work out of the enemies. Since he can heal himself illari does not need to be around him all of the time.

Some tips:

Don’t spam the solar rifle:

The first tip would be to let the solar rifle charge and then take the shot. Because the full its charge the more damage it deals. Use it like Cassidy uses his revolver be precise and wait to shoot your shot. it has 1.5x headshot damage, so let it charge, give the enemy two or three shots to the head, and get it done with.

Leave a little charge for solar healing:

Illari can provide 105 hp healing per second but keep in mind that she can only do it continuously for three seconds. Also, it doesn’t have a longer range so she needs to be close to her allies to heal them. What I would suggest you do is to leave a little bit of charge left in the solar healing because if you deplete it all the way it would take around 3.4 seconds to recharge but if you leave a little bit left in it it would take around 2.9 seconds to recharge fully. 

Captive sun:

I have talked quite a bit about the captive sun in the guide. But I want you to keep in mind that only use it while you could damage the enemies afterwards. Use it while the enemies are grouped up. After using it you will still be in flight mode so try to take them out one by one.

Wrapping it up:

There we have it! we are at the end of this blog, and we have talked quite a bit about Illari. While this guide won’t make you a pro, it has all of the information that you would need to do so if you need help while playing Illari, you can choose our Overwatch 2 quickplay boosting or Overwatch 2 Coaching services. 

If I missed anything then you’re more than welcome to correct me in the comments. Even if I didn’t just say hello in the comments. I would appreciate that. Till then goodbye.