With season 12 of Overwatch 2 out, it comes with a brand-new Support hero, new modes, maps, and events. Blizzard has also made significant updates to cheat engine and keep Overwatch 2 a fun game. They announced to ban on over 500,000 players’ accounts for cheating in the game, this is with newly updated guidelines by Overwatch 2 for its Defense Matrix Initiative.

Overwatch 2 also banned 40,000 accounts for participating and queuing up with cheaters. Here’s everything you need to know about Ban Wave in Overwatch 2.
Overwatch 2 banning 500,000 Cheaters
They have officially taken the ban wave of cheaters to their website on August 19, 2024, and announced that they banned 500,000 accounts for cheating in-game and 40,000 accounts for partying up and queuing competitive games with these cheaters.
Mainly banned cheater accounts as told by Blizzard included wallhacks and aimbots which destroyed the competitive fairness of Overwatch 2. This has been a great step for the Blizzard team to maintain the integrity of their Competitive Hero Shooter.
Overwatch 2 is a great competitive game that has a learning curve that makes the game fun in all its modes. Whether it’s competitive or quick play, fair play is what makes the game fun. Competitive disparity, however, can sometimes be very tiring and there are still ways to overcome it by having good map knowledge and the best heroes that go on a certain map.
Overwatch 2 Season 12 Streamer Protect Update
Starting with Overwatch 2 Season 12, devs have announced a new feature to the in-game scoreboard which will help control the in-game voice and text chat of teammates and enemies. You can easily mute it in case of toxicity from the scoreboard feature.
Streamer Protect is also going through changes, Overwatch is limiting access to the Hide My Name feature to only long-term players. As, cheaters have been abusing this feature and they using it mostly on newer accounts.
To use the Hide My Name feature players will be required to complete the Unrelenting Hero challenge and at least 1750 matches of Overwatch 2 played in any game mode. Taking such measures has been a great help to Overwatch 2 and they are overcoming new cheaters trying to ruin the fair play in the game.
Overwatch 2 detecting cheating on Consoles
Overwatch 2 devs explained in detail how they have improved their cheat-engine technologies. At the beginning of Season 11, the Overwatch 2 team implemented new measures to detect cheaters on consoles. This also includes people who use unsupported peripherals by Overwatch 2 such as XIM devices.
XIM devices allow to use keyboard and mouse on the console which goes against fair play in competitive matchmaking ruining the experience for console players. This is no longer supported and you will get banned for cheating in Overwatch 2.