Steps to Get Deadlock Invite in 2024

As the beta phase continues Valve’s newest HERO shooter “Deadlock” is within months’ reach. On the contrary, there has not been a definitive answer about the game’s release date. The game is supposed to be released in the middle of the next year as this elusive wait continues but the exact date or month is still unknown. However, The beta version’s player count has exceeded 150k multiple times, and keep in mind that beta access is for invitation only. Which is way more than we have gotten in some full-fledged released AAA games this year. 


With that much player base in the early stages of the game without having a proper release it is safe to say that it will explode in popularity. Now that being said and as I mentioned earlier deadlock’s release date is not being confirmed yet. So if you need to play the game you’ll need to get a beta access invitation from Valve and in this blog, we are going to find ways that you could use to get the beta invitation. 

Now fortunately getting beta access to Deadlock is far easier than it was for valorant. So here are the ways that you could get yourself an invite.

Ask a friend or ask on social media: 

If you have a friend who does have a deadlock invite then just ask them to invite you to play. On the contrary, even if you don’t have a friend you could just add someone on Steam who has an invite and ask them to invite you to the game. Also, it does not matter how long you have been friends on Steam. You could just add someone to ask them right away and get yourself an invite. 

But if you can’t manage to do that you could also ask on social media platforms. Join deadlock Facebook groups or Instagram groups and ask around to see if you find someone willing to invite you to the game. This might be the easiest way to get the invite.

Join a Discord Server:

The second thing you could do is to join a discord server targeted to deadlock. You would find players on that server who would be more than happy to give you an invite if you ask them nicely. Because it is free and very simple to invite once you get the beta access. So asking the players from the server might do the trick but if that does not do the trick I have something else that could get an invite. Anyway, here’s the official discord server of the Deadlock community.

Wait for the invite:

Valve’s inviting a ton of players every day. With hundreds of thousands of players playing the game at any given time, it is pretty evident that there’s no shortage of invites by Valve. So if you have the patience you could wait your turn to get the invite. While this might not be the exact way that you have wanted to get the invite. There isn’t a way to get the valve to send you an invite link. All of the invites that they have sent are random so the only way to get an actual invite from the developers themselves is to wait it out. Or you could use other methods that I have given in this blog.

Last Resort Option: 

This should be the last step of getting the invite since by all means the above methods should work but if they don’t you can always get a Steam account which has beta access to the game.

While Buying or selling the Steam account is against the TSA (The subscriber Agreement). But there’s no harm in getting one you could buy an account, send yourself an invite from it and that’s it. You could also buy a Steam account just so you have a backup account if anything goes wrong with the first one.  But as I said you should only do it after exhausting all of the other options because why would you want to pay for a thing when it is free for everybody else?