Marvel Rivals Competitive Mode Explained

Discover everything you need to know about Marvel Rivals Competitive Mode and what rewards you can obtain including tips for ranking up. 

Marvel Rivals is a third-person hero-shooter game that has a ranked mode. Competitive matches are the serious format of the game, requiring you to use dynamic strategies and focus more on these matches. In Marvel Rivals, the competitive mode and ranking system are fairly robust and offer a lot of divisions. The Competitive mode with 9 rank tiers and marvelous rewards pumps you to play this mode with your best hero. In this guide, we’ll discuss the ranking system in Marvel Rivals and how to rank fast. 

Competitive Ranks in Marvel Rivals Explored

You must be aware that the Marvel Rivals ranks work differently if you’re coming from Valorant or Overwatch. Marvel Rivals has nine major competitive rank groups:

  • Bronze (Tier III to Tier I)
  • Silver (Tier III to Tier I)
  • Gold (Tier III to Tier I)
  • Platinum (Tier III to Tier I)
  • Diamond (Tier III to Tier I)
  • Grandmaster (Tier III to Tier I)
  • Celestial (Tier III to Tier 1)
  • Eternity
  • One Above All

The rank division from Bronze to Celestial has three tiers, ranging from 3 to 1. Tier 3 is the lowest in that rank group, and Tier 1 is the highest. There are no tiers for Eternity and One Above All ranks but you gain points. Any inactivity can let you lose stars and drop a rank in the game. Eternity and One Above All ranks are the highest out of nine different ranks in Marvel Rivals. 

They are different from others as they do not have tiers or require any specific number of rank points. You need to rack up as many points as possible when you make it to the Eternity. The top 500 players with the highest rank points will be promoted to One Above All at the end of the season. However, if you haven’t played a game for a while will trigger rank decay which will result in rank demotion. If the players in any match are Diamond III or above, they can ban one hero before the match begins. 

How Does the Competitive Ranking System Work

The competitive ranking system in Marvel Rivals depends on points and winning the matches in competitive mode provides you with some points. However, you will lose points if you fail to win the match. You need to unlock the Competitive Mode in Marvel Rivals but it does require a bit of time and effort. You can hop into Competitive matches after reaching level 10. The best part about grinding to level 10 is that you have plenty of time for a ton of practice. You can practice a lot of heroes while reaching this basic level. 

From Bronze to Celestial

Each rank in the game has three tiers that range from 3 (lowest) and going up to 1 (highest). You require hundred points to rank up one tier and once you hit 100 points in tier 1 of any rank then your rank will automatically change. You will now see yourself in the top tier 3 of the next-highest rank, making this system cool. 

Here’s the best example that I can give you, you need 100 points per tier to climb from Bronze 3 to Bronze 1. You will rank up and be placed in Silver Tier 3 after reaching 100 points in Bronze 1. This system keeps repeating until you reach Grandmaster 1 to Eternity division. Keep in mind that winning a match grants you generally anywhere between 30 and 40 points. However, losing the point will cost you around 10–25 points. If you’re about to derank from a particular rank or tier, a special feature called the Chrono Shield is activated. You can only be able to derank once all the shields are depleted. You need 4-5 wins to rank up and the higher you climb the more the matches will be tougher. 

Celestial is a new rank introduced in Season 1 of Marvel Rivals. It has three divisions and sits between Grandmaster and Eternity, making it the third-highest rank a player can obtain in the game. It offers a better experience to the players closer to the top competitive rankings. Celestial not only improves the higher tier experience but also acts as a barrier between top ranks. According to Zhiyong, the aim is “to provide a seamless experience for our top players.” 

Unranked vs Competitive Modes

Marvel Rivals have both unranked and ranked matches. Domination, Convoy, and Convergence are the parts of unranked matches. The ranked matches are the same except for having multiple rounds in Convoy and Convergence modes. If the second team gains the objective set by the first team they win during the second round. In the ranked quick match counterparts, the first team sets the bar while escorting. 

Marvel Rivals Competitive Rewards

The good thing about grinding Competitive Mode is the exclusive rewards you get for your efforts. The rewards depend on the highest rank you achieve by the end of the season. These rewards cannot be purchased from the shop, so you need to earn them by winning the matches. Here are all the Marvel Rivals Competitive rewards that can be yours. 

Bronze (All Tiers)None
Silver (All Tiers)None
Gold (All Tiers)Moon Knight – Golden Moonlight Costume
Platinum (All Tiers)Moon Knight – Golden Moonlight Costume
Diamond (All Tiers)Moon Knight – Golden Moonlight Costume
Grandmaster (All Tiers)Silver Timestream HonorMoon Knight – Golden Moonlight Costume
Celestial (Tier III-I)Blood Shield Invisible Woman CostumeSilver Crest of Honor (S1)
EternitySilver Timestream HonorMoon Knight – Golden Moonlight Costume
One Above AllGold Timestream HonorMoon Knight – Golden Moonlight Costume

If you are a dedicated player and somehow manage to reach One Above All, you will get the prestigious Gold Timestream Hono. However, if you do not make it to this rank, reaching Gold rank or higher grant you Golden Moonlight skin for Moon Knight. There are no rewards for the bronze and silver rank players. You also gain additional competitive rewards for ranking Grandmaster III and above. There can be more competitive rewards in Marvel Rivals in the upcoming season. 

How To Rank Up Fast in Marvel Rivals

Here are some of the most important Marvel Rivals ranks tips that I can give you as a diamond player. These are going to be hard fundamental tips people don’t cover and there’s something that an advanced player will be paying attention to. If you’re new to this style of game a lot of these tips will help you. Even if you’ve played them before I bet, you’ll take something out of this guide. 


Communication is key in any tactical shooter game. Many players don’t use voice chat for various reasons. Voice chat has single-handedly won many of my ranked matches, whether that be from calling out enemy locations, alts, or even focusing targets. 

Team Composition

So, typically you want to match your role. Most of the time as a tank there are your primary objectives. 

  • Protect your team
  • Contest space 
  • Lead Engagements

For DPS, your whole goal is to focus on the following. 

  • Eliminating squishes
  • Pressuring supports
  • Dealing with shield damage

For healing or support, your main objectives are:

  • Prioritizing healing your tank
  • Keeping DPS alive during fights

There’s one thing that makes Marvel Rivals super unique is its synergy. Most of the time hero shooters are characters that you know have a tank. You typically build your team comp around said tank but in Marvel Rivals you have a team of abilities. All of these team-ups provide very diverse team comps that can be pretty strong sometimes. Learn 1 tank and 1 healer. Everyone wants to play Duelist so it’s very unlikely that you have to fill in that role.

Map Awareness

Try to learn flanking routes, health pack locations, and choke points for each map. Knowing these routes can easily help you to gain an advantage. You should also adapt to the map mode. For example, play Poke heroes on long-range maps. Characters like Spider-Man, Psylocke, and Black Panther are very highly picked. You should always be aware of who’s lurking around. 


Positioning is crucial in a game like Marvel Rival. Avoid overextending if you’re alone, you’re easy pickings. Always try to stay with your team. Unless you’re one of the characters that has a ton of movement or escape. If you’re not these types of characters, then you should probably be sticking with your team. Using high ground gives better angles and reduces your risk of getting hit. As well as playing around cover always has a place to hide pretty self-explanatory. 

Ultimate Management

Another tip that I see a lot of players glance over or leave out is Ultimate management. With this, you typically don’t want to stack alts unnecessarily. Always try to prioritize Ultimates that can really combo well together. For example, if you have a Moon Knight or Groot typically you can stack their Ultimates together. Groot’s Ultimate keeps players in place while Moon Knight’s Ultimate has a large damaging AoE. Combo these two together could instantly win you a team fight in a second. Use your alts decisively in key fights. 


This is also referred to as inting which can stand for intentionally feeding. Let’s say you die on the point and in the following moments the rest of your team starts dying. Notice how in this game when you’re dead you have to wait to respawn. This allows the team to get picks to capitalize off their kills and take the objective. The worst thing you can do especially as a support role is run back to the fight and die. 

If you’re DPS sometimes you can get away with this if you have good mobility. You should be running into fights your team is going to lose or have already lost by yourself. You will never win a 1v6. You will practice regrouping and playing with your team. Let the tank move in the front line and absorb the damage while the support charges their alt and DPS looks for picks on the other team. 

Support is the Backbone of the team.

You must know that Support heroes are the heart of the team. If you know the other team has Psylock or a Black Panther you should know they are looking to kill your support. You should be looking for the other team support. Stop focusing all your DPS on the tanks because as you rank up this won’t be a reliable way to win games. Typically, a team will have two supports and your attention should be focused on catching them. Supports will win the game in this style of game and they’re the most important players on the field. 

Pay Attention to Kill Feed

When you’re in the fight because you’ve already died and you’re running back from spawn you don’t have idea what’s going on. The kill feed is a good way to understand if you’re winning or losing that team fight. It will also tell you if people have been revived or if someone’s using their alts. Try to pay attention to this as it gives you good info to know if you should run back to the fight or wait. 

FAQs About Marvel Rivals Competitive Mode

What are the ranks in Marvel Rivals?

Here are all the competitive ranks to climb in Marvel Rivals:

  • Bronze I, II, III
  • Silver I, II, III
  • Gold I, II, III, IV
  • Platinum I, II, III, IV
  • Diamond I, II, III, IV, V
  • Grandmaster I, II, III, IV, V
  • Celestial I, II, III
  • Eternity
  • One Above All

How many wins do you need to rank up Marvel Rivals?

You need 4-5 wins to rank up as winning a match grants you 20-25 points, and you need 100 points to climb. 

Can I Play Marvel Rivals Competitive with Friends?

Yes, you can play competitive matches with friends in Marvel Rivals. You can team up with your buddies with adjacent ranks to yours. 

How to unlock the Competitive Playlist?

Your competitive playlists are locked when you first play Marvel Rivals. You need to spend a few hours playing unranked to reach level 10 to unlock the competitive mode. 

What is Chrono Shields in Marvel Rivals?

Chrono Shields is the unique feature in Marvel Rivals that temporarily stops you from falling down a tier rank. Consecutive losses let you lose the points which leads to a lower rank. You have a limited number of Chrono Shields. You need to win matches to increase or maintain the rank if somehow the Chrono Shields are depleted. 

Can somebody Boost My Marvel Rivals Account?

Yes, Immortal Boost offer Marvel Rivals Boosting Services. They have experienced and skill pro players that will boost your account and help you achieve your desire rank.