Complete Marvel Rivals Updated Tier List; Easy to Hardest

Discover everything you need to know about the Marvel Rival Hero tier list and which are the best heroes.

Marvel Rival offers several heroes for the players out there. Each hero has different gameplay styles with unique abilities and Ultimate. Choosing the best one according to your playstyle is crucial. Duelists deal serious damage as they are quick and deadly but fragile. Experimenting with different heroes will help you to discover your playstyle. The classes dictate how your game plays out, as well as how far on the offensive or how deep into the defensive you play. In this guide, we’ll discuss the best Marvel Rivals Tier List, which are the best heroes to pick, and how to play them effectively. 

Marvel Rivals

Marvel Rivals Tier List

Hulk is the best hero in Marvel Rivals after the arrival of Season 1 along with the Storm, Doctor Strange, and Cloak & Dagger. Black Widow and Squirrel Girl are nerfed which reduces their abilities in the game, so we place them in D-Tier. Here is our best Marvel Rivals best tier list according to Season 1.

S-TierHulk, Storm, Doctor Strange, Cloak & Dagger
A-TierLuna Snow, Magneto, Hawkeye, Hela, Invisible Woman, Iron Man, Psylocke, Namor, The Punisher, Winter Soldier, Adam Warlock, Mantis, Peni Parker, Thor
B-TierRocket Raccoon, Black Panther, Groot, Loki, Magik, Moon Knight, Wolverine, Captain America
C-TierStar-Lord, Mister Fantastic, Spider-Man, Iron Fist, Venom, Scarlet Witch, Jeff the Land Shark
D-TierSquirrel Girl, Black Widow


Hulk (Vanguard)

marvel rivals hulk

Hulk plays a hyper-aggressive dive tank playstyle. He is the unstoppable force that we all love. Hulk is a bit different from other characters as he starts as the weaker Bruce Banner. He is equipped with a Gamma Ray Gun that deals a surprisingly decent amount of damage. He also has a Gamma Grenade that doubles as an escape tool. 

The main thing to be aware of is that he has 200 HP, earning him the title of one of the squishiest characters in the whole game. While you are in this form, your main goal is to generate energy for your ultimate. This lets you transform into the Hero Hulk. Unlike other Ultimates though, this one is available from the very start of the game, meaning you could immediately transform. 

In hero hulk form, your normal attacks become heavy blows. A simple punch combo that requires you to be up close. Your main gap closer and mobility is Incredible Leap which has you charge up to close cast distances very quickly. If you’re able to hit a flying character in midair, Hulk will also drag them down to the ground with him. That leaves them open to attack. You also get access to a shield with an indestructible guard which converts incoming damage to you and nearby teammates into Ultimate energy. 

Storm (Duelist)

Marvel Rivals Storm

Storm is a utility-based aerial duelist in Marvel Rivals. She has potent support abilities that help your team in battle. Her Weather Control passive offers two toggled effects, tornado which will boost allies movement speed, and thunder which increase damage output. These effects can then be enhanced further with Goddess Boost. This adds a lightning strike that damages enemies and significantly increases the damage boost for thunder while granting a minor speed boost to allies. 

It also slows enemies down with tornado. Her Ultimate Omega Hurricane transforms her into a destructive storm, dealing massive damage to anyone caught in its path. The storm is literally perfect for anyone who wants to balance team support with effective damage dealing. 

Doctor Strange (Vanguard)

marvel RIvals DR strange

Doctor Strange is a versatile Frontliner capable of protecting allies with ease. His normal attack is Daggers of Denak which fires five burst projectiles that deal moderate. It’s more so used to charge up your Passive Price of Magic. This builds up as you deal damage to enemies filling up your dark magic meter. This is directly tied to the power of your Maelstrom of Madness. This is a short-range AoE explosion that once fully charged deals massive damage to enemies nearby.  

If you don’t vent your meter soon enough though as this fills, you will be cursed with an anti-healing effect which will negate any incoming healing for a few seconds. Managing this isn’t as bad as it might sound though especially since you can block incoming damage with your Shield of the Seraphim. This throws up a magical barrier that stops up to 800 incoming damage, letting you push the front line safely or absorb dangerous Ultimates that could otherwise wipe out your team. 

Cloak & Dagger (Strategist)

marvel rivals Doctor Cloak & Dagger

She offers a dynamic roll kit in the game. One of the cool things is they can seamlessly switch between support and utility DPS. Playing as a dagger focuses on healing and sustaining while Cloak brings a more offensive utility-based approach to the battlefield. While in dagger’s form, her Lightforce Dagger serves as a homing attack that heals allies and damages enemies in AoE centered on the target. An interesting thing to know is that this heals regardless if you target an ally or enemy and it can also affect you which can be useful for mitigating any incoming damage. 

Her Veil of Lightforce projects a beam of Lightforce that heals allies and enhances subsequent healing. This is ideal for fortifying heavily damaged teammates. Dagger Storm will unleash a volley of lightforce daggers creating a bubble of healing energy that rapidly restores health for any allies in the area. You can switch to Cloak abilities by doing Shadow’s Embrace which offers versatility in the heat of combat.  Cloak’s toolkit shifts the focus to dealing with damage and providing utility. His Darkforce Cloak attack will drain enemy health with a targeting beam. Dagger is the easiest to aim, causing her primary locks onto allies or enemies and even if you slightly move your crosshair it’ll still hit. Her ult heals so much that if you bubble and stand in it you basically can’t die. 


Luna Snow (Strategist)

luna marvel rivals

Luna Snow blurs the line between support and DPS boasting high damage output and quite versatile healing.  Light & Dark Ice normal attacks allow her to heal allies and damage enemies and Ice Heart can be used to empower this even further. This will pierce multiple targets and she can freeze enemies with Absolute Zer, creating opportunities for your teammates to capitalize on immobilized targets. Her Cryo Heart heals her over time when using both the aftermentioned abilities and smooth skates allow her to quickly get around. 

Share the Stage allows Lune to link with her teammate, sharing direct healing and making her ideal more mobile dive-based characters. Her Ultimate Fate of Both Worlds features a dynamic AoE that Luna can toggle between healing and damage-boosting effects, adopting the needs of the team in critical moments. Luna is perfect for players who enjoy precise aiming and adaptive healing. 

Magneto (Vanguard)


He’s a well-rounded Frontliner who excels at both keeping himself and others out of danger while also dishing out respectable damage. His normal attack Iron Volley lets you shoot magnetic orbs that explode on impact. These do respectable damage and are a death sentence for more squishy members of the enemy team. His most unique standard ability is Metallic Curtain. This is a barrier that functions much in the same vein as others that block projectiles and abilities but unlike the rest, it does not have a health pool. 

Instead, Magneto has an energy reserve that rapidly drains any time you hold up the shield. This makes it important to only use it in short bursts so that you don’t leave yourself vulnerable. He can also wreath a single ally in Metal Bulwark, blocking incoming damage. This is great for protecting otherwise vulnerable characters during key ultimates such as the Scarlet Witch. He also has a personal version of the Iron Bulwark ability that shares the same cooldown but instead protects Magneto directly.  

Hawkeye (Duelist)


Hawkeye is a versatile range duelist with a unique blend of precision and utility excelling at controlling enemies and delivering precise high damage attacks. His piercing arrow is a powerful shot that can hold down to increase its distance and this ties into his passive archer’s focus which enhances piercing arrow damage while aiming at an enemy. Blast arrow will fire three explosive arrows that deal damage in a spread, though these have limited charges. If you’re caught in melee, you have a crescent slash to deliver a Katana strike that launches enemies back. 

The Ronin slash uses a wakizashi to deflect projectiles and engage foes up close. For mobility, you have Skyward Leap that allows you to double jump in a direction, making repositioning much easier. He has a hypersonic arrow a two-phased attack that deals two instances of damage while also slowing targets down. It can even knock flying foes out of the sky and his Ultimate Hunter sight creates after images of enemies that when hit will damage the original target. This allows you to kill enemies if they’ve escaped to cover and it’s good to know that with after-images headshots are not possible. Hawkeye is the ideal duelist for players who value precision, adaptability, and the ability to dominate at range. 

Hela (Duelist)

Hela from marvel rivals

Storm is a utility-based aerial duelist in Marvel Rivals. She has potent support abilities that help your team in battle. Her Weather Control passive offers two toggled effects, tornado which will boost allies movement speed, and thunder which increase damage output. These effects can then be enhanced further with Goddess Boost. This adds a lightning strike that damages enemies and significantly increases the damage boost for thunder while granting a minor speed boost to allies. 

It also slows enemies down with tornado. Her Ultimate Omega Hurricane transforms her into a destructive storm, dealing massive damage to anyone caught in its path. The storm is literally perfect for anyone who wants to balance team support with effective damage dealing. 

Invisible Woman (Strategist)

invisible-woman from marvel rivals

Invisible Woman is legit and her support kit is a little bit different from the other ones. Her overall kit has a very high ceiling. As a strategist, she has a lot of strengths going for her healing, disruption, and stealth. She has a ton of extremely cool things that you can do. Your job is to keep your team healthy. Her primary attack kind of starts her whole kit on how and where to play her. Launch a force field orb that pierces heroes flying to the maximum distance before returning to Invisible Woman, damaging enemies and healing teammates. The special effect is that it’s just kind of like a storm it goes through allies, enemies, and any hero. Invisible Woman’s biggest strength is her survivability. She can push enemies away at her disposal, making her life hell. 

Iron Man (Duelist)

Iron man from Marvel Rivals

Iron Man dominates the skies with high damaging abilities and an ever more devastating Ultimate. His Repulsor Blasts and the Iconic Uni Beam let you deal with enemies both on the ground and in the air effectively. He has unlimited flight with the ability to shift hyper velocity mode for more rapid movement. In this mode, he can unleash a micro missile barrage on enemies below and his armor overdrive enhances his combat capabilities, boosting his normal attack damage and enabling stationary missile fire. His Ultimate Invisible Pulse Cannon charges briefly before unleashing a devastating blast that can simply one-shot enemies. For players, who enjoy aerial combat and overwhelming firepower, Iron Man is just the ideal pick. 

Psylocke (Duelist)

She is a nimble and tactical duelist, blending precision, stealth, and area control to dominate your enemies. Her psionic crossbow is her normal attack that deals damage in a triangle-shaped spread and hitting enemies with her other abilities while on cooldown will reduce them. This encourages you to have an active playstyle and with Pri-Blade Dash she will lunge forward, slicing through enemies with her psionic blades with a swift strike. 

One of Psylocke’s standout tools is psychic stealth, allowing her to vanish from sight while gaining a burst of movement speed. This is perfect to flank enemies or make a clean escape.  Her Wing Shurikens ability launches a spread of shurikens that stick in enemies, dealing damage and granting you bonus health. These Shurikens can be recalled for even more damage letting you be creative when damaging multiple foes. Her Ultimate Dance of the Butterfly showcases her master of the blade, delivering devastating Katana slashes in a wide area that targets all enemies one by one. Psylocke is an excellent pick for anyone who values agility, adaptability, and tools to outwit your enemies with a mix of stealth and precision. 

Namor (Duelist)

Namor is a summoner-style duelist who excels at locking down choke points and objectives. His Aquatic Dominion allows him to summon up to two Monstro creatures that automatically attack nearby enemies. Striking enemies with his Trident of Neptune reduces the recharge rate, enabling you to summon faster. His Wrath of the Seven Seas Trident throw will direct all active Monstros to do a powerful attack on the target. 

In dangerous situations, Namor can use his Blessing of the Deep to enter a cocoon-like state becoming immune to damage for up to 5 seconds. His Ultimate Horn of Proteus summons Giganto a massive well-like creature that deals devastating damage in a target area. For players who enjoy controlling the battlefield summoning reinforcement, then Namor is a pretty perfect fit. 

The Punisher (Duelist)

The Punisher is the most straightforward duelist and he’s more often than not considered a very good starting point. Make no mistake though regardless of how simple his kit may be, he still is an incredibly efficient character. Adjudication is his automatic rifle, a hit scan weapon capable of dealing great damage at a pretty respectable range. For those that want to get a bit closer and personal though, Punisher has access to his Deliverance shotgun. This is a powerhouse capable of shredding tanks and making short work of assassins so long as you can aim it. 

You can deploy a culling turret for aerial denial which will suppress enemies who don’t break line of sight from it. His Vantage Connection grants instant mobility to get from point to point in the form of a zipline while his Scourge Grenade obscures enemy vision. This synergizes with his passive warrior’s gaze very well. This reveals the outline of enemies who are recently out of sight, allowing you to acquire targets even through the smoke screen. His Ultimate Final Judgement activates an exoskeleton with dual battling guns and missile launchers, enabling unparalleled destruction but only for 10 seconds. Players with sharp aim and a preference for more traditional shooting mechanics will definitely excel on Punisher.  

Winter Soldier (Duelist)

He is a relentless combatant combining explosive firepower and devastating abilities to dominate on the battlefield. His normal Roterstern is a three-bullet blaster that fires explosive rounds, penetrating enemies behind the target for multi-target damage. With his passive ability Ceaseless Charge, he automatically reloads his weapon after using any of his other abilities. This allows him to gain bonus health, ensuring he can stay in the fight longer and keep the pressure up on enemies. 

For gap closing, Troopers Fist delivers a dash forward before upper cutting that will launch enemies into the air and set them up for follow-up damage. Tainted Voltage provides excellent crowd control at a range, launching an electric orb that deals damage, slows targets, and knocks airborne enemies out of the sky. The Bionic Hook allows Winter Soldier to pull enemies towards him with precision and you can charge this ability to extend its range, making it a versatile tool for disrupting enemies or even initiating combat. 

His Ultimate Kraken Impact is a high-impact leap that slams into the ground. It deals massive damage and will mark enemies’ health bars. If a marked enemy drops below the red indicator, then they are executed. This refreshes the Ultimate for a brief time, enabling consecutive eliminations. Winter Soldier is perfect for players who thrive on high-impact, aggressive playstyle with a little mix of ranged and melee dominance. 

Adam Warlock (Strategist)

Adam Warlock excels as a specialist focused on keeping your team alive as he brings unique utility and healing. His Soul Bond links together allies evenly distributing the damage you take. Between them and provide healing over time, creating a very robust team defense. With Avatar Life Stream, Adam can heal himself and nearby allies quite significantly Bouncing healing energy that will go between grouped players. His Cosmic Cluster ability can catch foes off guard by dealing good damage when charged to its maximum firing five projectiles that deal significant damage if each one hits.

His passive Regenerative Cocoon gives you a field revival every couple of minutes. This allows you to immediately choose to return to the battlefield. His Ultimate Karmic Revival is the real game changer, creating a respawn zone that brings back fallen allies and instantly revives them as long as its duration is active. Adam’s ability to stabilize team fights and turn the tide with his powerful healing and the Ultimate makes him a top-tier choice for strategic plays and should that be your style look no further. 

Mantis (Strategist)

Mantis brings a balance of buffs healing and crowd-control abilities to the field. She uses life orbs to empower her allies with potent effects and Allied Inspiration applies a damage boost while Healing Flower allows for healing over time. Her passive nature grants extra movement and healing while at full HP as well as a self-heal whenever she uses the life orb. Mantis’s Nature Anger ability allows Mantis to put out a surprising amount of damage to her own personal damage. 

Boost and Spore Slumber which is a powerful crowd control grenade that immobilizes a target. This is ideal to shut down key enemies meanwhile her Ultimate Soul Resurgence creates a massive AoE that boosts movement speed and heals. This is perfect for sustaining your team during a prolonged engagement. Mantis offers a versatile kit with a focus on buffs and precision support, making her valuable for teams seeking more creative utility. 

Peni Parker (Vanguard)

She is a premier aerial denial vanguard that sets various gadgets that make standing where she doesn’t want you to be a very bad idea. Her normal claw attack is Cyber Web Cluster dual cannons that rapidly fire projectiles. At the heart of her kit though is the Bionic Spider Nest, a construct that she places down that creates a large web. Standing in the web gives you increased movement speed and even healing over time which converts into bonus health if your HP is full. The Nest also spawns spider drones that chase down any enemies in the area before exploding. Due to this, it’s usually best to place the Nest somewhere safe. This way you can force your opponents to face you while you have all of the advantage. 

Peni can also place an Arachno Mines which activates once enemies get too close, dealing significant damage. To ensure that she cannot be displaced, Peni can use Cyber Bond to attach herself to surfaces which causes her to bounce back if moves too far. She can even pull herself up walls for extra height and like most spider characters she can also climb on walls. Her Cyber Web snare is a ranged immobilize when hitting enemies or a smaller patch of web that provides the same buff benefits as her Bionic Spider Nest. 

Thor (Vanguard)

Thor is a dive-heavy Vanguard with a special resource that is key to his playstyle. His normal attack Mjolnir Bash lets you swing your mighty hammer dealing damage to enemies in melee range. Most of your abilities however do use Thor Force which is a slowly regenerating resource instead of individual cooldowns. This promotes a combo-heavy playstyle where you can chain your abilities together Weaving in Mjolnir blast in order to refund a single Thor Force every time you use it. 

Using Thor Force also grants Thor bonus health keeping him topped up as he carves through the backline. His iconic hammer throw lets you hit ranged enemies before returning and potentially hitting them again. Storm Surge lets you spin Mjolnir before dashing forward, knocking enemies back, and letting you reach high ledges. Awakening Runes uses all three of your Thor Force but grants you temporary bonus health and a supercharged ranged attack that replaces Mjolnir blast. This will rip any and all enemies apart. 



Rocket Raccoon (Strategist)

Rocket Raccoon delivers competitive DPS while maintaining strong support capabilities. His Bombard Mode shreds enemies with rapid energy blast and he can deploy healing spheres that bounce off of surfaces, providing passive health restoration to allies. Rocket’s mobility shines with his jetpack enabling dashes, war running, and slow for control. 

His B.R.B (Battle Rebirth Beacon) creates armor packs for allies and revives the first fallen teammates within its range. This is a very powerful tool for getting back into the fight as quickly as possible. His C.Y.A (Cosmic Yarn Amplifier) amplifies team damage in a large AoE forcing enemies to either destroy it or face off against your powered-up team. Rocket is straightforward but an incredible support and is perfect for players who enjoy blending firepower with plenty of team utility. 

Black Panther (Duelist)

He’s a melee assassin with a combo and stack-focused playstyle designed to burst down enemies swiftly. His effect hinges on applying vibranium marks through abilities like Spear Toss which damages and marks enemies in the area. His spinning kick will propel you in a spiral motion, striking enemies in your path and applying a vibranium mark. Marked enemies will uniquely interact with his abilities such as Sprint Rend. It allows you to dash through enemies while dealing damage. Hitting a marked enemy will reset the cooldown of this and grant you a temporary shield, making it essential to mark targets before starting your combos. Due to his limited health pool though, failing a combo will often lead to his demise but your panther’s cunning passive can make playing at low health. 

It can be more rewarding, giving you a 20% damage boost when below 100 HP. Proper mark placement enables you to dash across multiple enemies, minimizing damage taken while dismantling their backline. In critical moments your Ultimate Beast Descent marks enemies in a large area deals significant damage and refreshes sprint rend. Fans of Assassin Playstyle will find Black Panther to be both challenging but also very rewarding. 

Groot (Vanguard)

Groot is a control-based frontline character making use of walls and a surprising amount of range in order to win the fight. His normal attack Vine Strike has a healthy amount of range letting you sit further back than most frontliners while you poke away your opponents. The main stick of Groot is to annoy enemies with both his wall abilities to force favorable trades, lock down choke points, and overall disorient the enemy team. These are not just physical blockers though as Groot can awaken his Flora Colossus passive, giving them extra abilities while he’s nearby. Thornlash Wall are small low-health option that true to its name and lashes out whenever Groot damages an enemy in range. 

You can place up to two at a time and they’re perfect for quickly locking down small doorways or blocking line of sight. The Ironwood Wall is much larger with almost triple the health and is ideal for cutting off the tanks from their backline. They can also absorb more dangerous abilities. However, damaging an enemy while near this wall will give Groot up to 250 bonus health, making him much harder to kill. Groot can also take advantage of funneling enemies into tight spaces with his Spore Bomb. This is an AoE cluster that deals moderate damage. 

Loki (Strategist)

Loki is the master of deception, offering a unique support playstyle that combines trickery and healing. His Mystic Missile heals allies on hit and his Illusion mimics his attacks to triple his output when maximized. He can switch places with his Illusions using Devious Exchange or turn invisible with Deception. This also leaves behind an Illusion that helps confuse enemies. 

Regeneration Domain flips incoming damage into healing for a short time and provides excellent survivability for your teammates. Loki’s Ultimate God of Mischief allows him to shapeshift into any other character ally or enemy granting access to their kit or their Ultimate for a brief time. If you’re looking for a high-skill ceiling or highly rewarding playstyle as support that thrives on outsmarting opponents, Loki is the guy. 

Magik (Duelist)

She wields her soul sword for devastating melee damage, excelling in 1v1 duels even against tanky enemies. She thrives as a flanker, targeting isolated enemies and avoiding focus fire. Her passive Limbo’s Might build a shield when dealing damage which enhances her survivability. Magik’s arsenal includes short-range teleport, AoE slashes, and umbral incursion a short-range dash that knocks enemies into the air. 

She can also summon a small demon to deal damage in a focused area by using her Demon’s Rage ability. This is great for deterring enemies who are trying to chase you down. Her Ultimate Dard Child transforms her into a powerful demon form, enhancing all abilities and increasing her damage and range. If you enjoy an agile melee fighter playstyle with good survivability, then Magik is a pretty standout choice. 

Moon Knight (Duelist)

Moon Knight is a high-damage duelist who shines in team fights, focusing on bursting down a group of enemies. His primary attack Crescent Dart fires a triple shot that bounces between enemies, dealing multiple hits and maximizing its damage in clustered situations. With Ancient Ank, Moon Knight can fire an Ank that pulls in enemies into an area which is ideal for grouping foes together and enhancing the effectiveness of his bouncing attacks. He can also deploy two of these at a time for even greater control. 

His mobility is also enhanced with a Night Glider, allowing him to glide through the air to reposition. Moonlight Hook also allows you to Grapple forwards to a surface and a rising leap will give you a double jump for navigating vertical terrain. Moon Knight also brings a mix of melee and ranged utility. With a moon blade, a high-damaging projectile that bounces between enemies. His triple eclipse melee combo ends with a strike that launches enemies back giving him space to regroup or follow up.  

For devastating area control, his Ultimate Hand of Khonshu opens a portal to rain destruction on a target zone Moon Knight is a dynamic choice for players who enjoy high mobility, crowd control, and a balance of melee and ranged combat. 

Wolverine (Duelist)

Wolverine is an unstoppable melee character that allows you to tear through enemies with relentless aggression and unmatched survivability. His primary attack is the Savage Claw which delivers cleaving slashes with his Adamantium claws. This excels at dealing damage to multiple enemies up close and as he fights his Berserker Rage passive builds. This increases his damage output with every strike until it caps at 100 which really rewards sustained aggression. 

Wolverine’s Regenerative Healing Factor makes him exceptionally hard to kill. Instead of dying, he instead gains bonus health that’s then converted into regular health after a short time. This scales with his rage at the time of his defeat and the ability does have a lengthy cooldown, meaning after it’s used up you have to be much more careful. With Feral Leap, Wolverine can dive into the air, dragging the first enemy he hits with him before smashing them into the ground. This ability upgrades his normal attack into Berserker claw strike which is a rapid slashing variant that boosts his damage even further. 

Undying Animal will temporarily cut incoming in half, allowing him to stay in the fray a little longer. While Vicious Rampage lets him dash forward with ferocious claw swipes, allowing him to close distances. Wolverine’s Ultimate Last Stand is an ultimate finisher that starts by knocking an enemy into the air, leaping up after them, and spiraling back down to a landing point of your choice. If you’re looking to harass the backline and dominate the battlefield with sheer tenacity and raw power, then Wolverine is your best pick. 

Captain America (Vanguard)

He’s a mobile bruiser capable of diving in and out of fights while keeping the pressure on. His normal attack is Sentinel Strike lets you bash enemies with your iconic shield building up into a throne attack after hitting twice. This shield throw will automatically ricochet to a nearby target and you can do this up to four times before building stacks again. When facing down a group though, you’ll be better served by Vibranium Energy Saw. It allows you to throw your shield a fair distance before ricocheting enemies up to three times. 

At his core though, Captain America is all about mobility. Your Leading Dash ability is a sprint that increases your forward speed and lets you leap high into the air. While airborne, Captain America can smash down on enemies using a super soldier slam. This deals damage and pops them into the air. This is great for disrupting the enemy lines and is a fantastic option for both engaging and leaving fights. 

You can also close short distances by using your Liberty Rush to dash forward with your shield raised. Keeping your shield up is how you stay alive and you can do so with Living Legend. This lets you deflect any incoming projectiles in random directions, but keeping yourself in the fight is incredibly useful. The shield only has 400 HP though, so make sure to use it wisely. 


Star-Lord (Duelist)

Star-Lord is an excellent mobile flanker who dominates in 1v1 and harasses the enemy’s backline. His rapid-fire dual elemental guns deliver high damage output but do have limited ammo. His Stellar Shift allows him to kite enemies effectively, evade attacks, and reload automatically, ensuring you can put on constant pressure. He can escape with Rocket Propulsion but you must manage the fuel reserves wisely. 

In groups of enemies, his blast barrage deals significant AoE damage but can also be useful for finishing off difficult-to-hit targets. His Ultimate Galactic Legend enables you to freely fire and auto lock on for high kill potential plays but you will often be targeted quite heavily when using this. It’s important to position yourself wisely, so you don’t get shot down. Star-Lord suits the kind of player who enjoys dynamic flanking and fast-paced ranged combat. 

Mister Fantastic (Duelist)

Mister Fantastic has a weird landing into the Marvel Rivals tier list. This duelist has stretchy abilities and using abilities generates Elasticity, boosting attack power. Reaching full Elasticity triggers an Inflated state that grants a Shield and boosts even more damage. His Stretch Punch primary fire allows you to stretch out a forward punch to attack enemies. His ultimate ability allows you to leap upward and smash the ground, slowing enemies within range. Mister Fantastic can leap again upon landing a hit. 

Spider-Man (Duelist)

His strength lies in his harassment potential due to his frankly amazing mobility and flanking capability. His web swinging provides rapid mobility across the map while wall climbing and double jumps ensure safe repositioning. In combat, Spider-Man relies on combos using abilities like Get Overhead to pull enemies closer and an amazing combo to launch them in the air. 

Hitting enemies with your web shooters attaches spider tracers that amplify your ability damage. His Ultimate Spectacular Spin deals massive AoE damage while stunning enemies, making it perfect for those team fights. If you love speed

Iron Fist (Duelist)

Iron Fist is a melee powerhouse designed to dominate in close combat with a variety of devastating strikes and incredible mobility. His Jeet Kune Do combo let him relentlessly stick to a target, reducing the cooldown of his defensive ability dragon’s defense with every hit. Dragon’s defense grants him a Parry stance that reduces the incoming damage and transforms his normal attack. Into Cat G Chunkun. This is a rapid flurry of powerful punches. With his K’un Lun Kick Iron Fist swiftly closes gaps, dealing more damage the lower the enemy’s health is making him lethal against wounded enemies. 

His harmony recovery allows him to Chi to heal which also gives bonus health granted on an overkill. This allows him to stay in the fight for longer. While Crane Leap gives him a fantastic aerial mobility option, allowing you to jump up to three times ensuring that he’s very hard to pin down. His Ultimate Living Chi transforms Iron Fist into a more powerful form boosting speed damage and his attack range. It also reduces the cooldown of the dragon’s defense making him a fast resilient threat that can stay in the action for longer. 

His main weakness is his ground mobility which other than his war running ability is severely lacking unless you use your K’un Lun Kick. If you’re looking for a duelist with a completely self-sufficient kit and quite frankly some of the best-looking moves in the game, the Iron Fist might be one to pick up. 

Venom (Vanguard)

Venom is a highly mobile dive tank that dominates the battlefield with exceptional mobility and straight-up incredible survivability. He’s been toned down a little compared to the betas but he’s still an absolute powerhouse. His normal attack Dark Predation shoots four tentacles in rapid succession reaching surprisingly far for an otherwise close-ranged character. Venom engages by using Venom swing which is the key to his high mobility and then you can use Frenzied Arrival to slam into enemies at high-speed speeds knocking them into the air. This is a great way to engage and disengage a fight as the extra mobility lets you do either of these quite fast and efficiently. 

Cellular Corrosion tether enemies together and will slow them down before exploding if the enemies fail to escape you. As an aggressive tank, Venom thrives on isolating and eliminating squishy targets. However, he does lack tools for directly protecting teammates. Instead, he relies on his self-sustainability through Symbolic Resilience which generated an HP shield. The shield scales based on how low Venom’s health is when activated effectively giving you a second life. This makes him a nightmare to take down without coordinated focus from the team. 

 Scarlet Witch (Duelist)

Scarlet Witch is a very straightforward effective magic based duelist. Her core playstyle involves building chaos energy with her chaos control normal attack then you can unleash it with a Chthonian burst. This as its name suggests deals burst damage but in an area of effect. She has utility skills like Dark Seal which creates a bubble that stuns enemies periodically and mystic protection an intangibility mechanic that lets her escape sticky situations. 

Her Ultimate Reality Eraser obliterates everything in a high AoE but it does require a big charge up leaving her vulnerable during its execution. For players who enjoy mastering a character with simple mechanics but with a very high skill potential, Scarlet Witch is an excellent choice. 

 Jeff the Land Shark (Strategist)

Jeff’s kit is packed with incredible support and utility options. He alternates between spouting water jets for healing and launching AoE projectiles to deal splash damage. Jeff can scatter healing bubbles that not only restore health to allies who collect them but also boost their move speed and incoming healing temporarily. His passive reduces critical strike damage compensating for his large head hit box. With Hide And Seek ability, jeffs gain exceptional mobility by diving underground to quickly move and even climb walls. 

His Ultimate It’s Jeff! Allows him to swallow both allies and enemies in a large AoE, dealing damage over time to enemies while healing allies before tactically repositioning wherever he sees fit and spitting them out. Whether you’re playing for team utility or because you can’t resist his charm, Jeff is a versatile and very fun support. 


Squirrel Girl (Duelist)

Squirrel Girl brings chaos and creativity to the battlefield with her unique abilities and high-energy playstyle. Her primary attack Burst Acorn fires explosive projectiles that can ricochet off walls, making it perfect for hitting enemies around corners or controlling choke points. Her vertical mobility tail bounces and launches her into the air, allowing you to escape danger or reach advantageous positions. Her Mammal Bond Ability is a real game changer, it instantly reloads her Burst Acorns and lets her bypass the cooldown on another ability. 

This enables a fast-paced and aggressive approach to combat. With her Squirrel Blockade, she can hurl a giant acorn that will bounce off walls and imprison any enemy it hits. This adds a disruptive crowd-control element to her kit. Her Ultimate Unbeatable Squirrel Tsunami unleashes a horde of squirrels that charge forwards ricocheting off of walls and trampling over any enemy in their path. If you play a playful yet strategic character who thrives on unpredictability and versatility, Squirrel Girl is a fantastic choice. 

Black Widow (Duelist)

Black Widow is a deadly assassin that combines high mobility precision and close-quarters lethality. She’s armed with the widow bite shot baton that delivers rapid melee combos to dispatch enemies in close combat. Her Red Room Rifle functions as a high-damage sniper weapon ideal for taking out key targets from a distance. Her mobility shines with fleet foot enabling her to sprint and execute a powerful leap to gain height and reposition quite effectively. In melee situations, Edge Dancer delivers a spinning kick that launches enemies into the air. 

With a follow-up grapple hook to deliver a second kick perfect for escaping tight situations or chasing enemies down. For long-range engagements though, Straight Shooter is her aim down sights to enable sniper mode, delivering pinpoint shots with seemingly no damage drop off. Her Ultimate Electro plasma explosion deals massive AoE damage and leaves a slowing plasma field on the ground. This disrupts the enemy’s movement and creates opportunities for more follow-up attacks. Black Widow is an excellent choice for players who enjoy combining agility, precision, and versatile combat style. 

FAQs About Marvel Rivals Tier List

Which is the best Hero in Marvel Rivals?

Hulk is the best hero in Marvel Rivals for season 1. His massive abilities allow you to dominate enemies in combat. Hulk was nerfed in Season 1, reducing his Guard shield by 20%.

Which are the worst heroes in Marvel Rivals?

Squirrel Girl and Black Widow are the worst heroes to use in Marvel Rivals. The abilities have limitations that can leave you vulnerable in most scenarios. Black Widow’s Fleet Foot and ultimate was reduced. 

Which are the best heroes to pick in Marvel Rivals?

Hulk, Storm, Doctor Strange, Cloak & Dagger are the best heroes to pick in Marvel Rivals. Their abilities allow you to defeat enemies pretty easily, so make sure to use them wisely.