Discover everything you need to know about the best tips and tricks for Wolverine in Marvel Rivals.
With the sole purpose of disrupting enemies’ front lines, Wolverine is the best in Marvel Rivals at his job. Kicking Wolverine requires a lot of thinking and nuance to use effectively. While he can rush into fights head-first using his attacking abilities, he is also somewhat of a tank in effect and can absorb large amounts of punishment. The character is super unique and has a lot of pros and cons that you need to keep in mind while playing him.
The character’s brash personality and fighting style make him one of the most fun characters to play in the game. He has a chance to perform the best when your opponent is running two or more tanks or your team is relying on one tank doing the bulk of responsibility of front line. Logan carries a huge unique role to him and him alone. In this guide, we’ll discuss the tips and tricks that you can follow to dominate the enemies in Marvel Rivals.
Related: Marvel Rivals Crossplay Explained
How to Play Wolverine in Marvel Rivals
Every Wolverine player must know how to play and what’s the mechanics they should follow for the best outcome.
Wolverine’s Mobility
Wolverine’s mobility is greatly limited due to his lack of flying abilities or tools. At best, he can use the Feral Leap, a mid-range lunge in which he dives head-first into the enemy. His Vicious Rampage strike is similar but can cover slightly longer ranges.
However, Logan dashes straight into the direction you aim at and there is no possibility of switching directions once locked in. The two abilities are used less for moving around the map and more for closing in tight gaps quickly. As such, Logan has very few tools to maneuver around the map and relies on sprinting from point A to point B.
Wolverine’s Survivability
Wolverine comes packed with a massive 300 HP health bar, far above the standard 250 other Duelists boast. This makes him a borderline tank heading into battle, greatly increasing his survivability. Wolverine is a short-range fighter that utilizes melee.
As a result, he is always at the center of battle and exposed to all forms of attack. Thankfully, he comes with a regenerative healing ability that helps him even the odds. The healing ability, paired with his massive health bar, makes Logan a near-indestructible tank in battle.
Wolverine All Abilities
Just like other heroes in Marvel Rivals, the Wolverine has its own unique abilities, allowing you to dominate the enemies on a battlefield. Using these abilities with proper techniques is important or else you will be vulnerable in most scenarios. Here are all the abilities of Wolverine in Marvel Rivals.
- Savage Claw- Slash with adamantium for a claw strike. Unleashing Feral Leap will enhance it to a berserk claw strike for a brief period.
- Vicious Rampage- Dash forward and unleash a claw strike.
- Feral Leap- Leap like an animal to snatch the first enemy upon impact and smash them to the ground. Unleashing this ability will enhance his normal attack to berserk claw strike for a brief period.
- Undying Animal- Unleash a fierce howl to briefly reduce incoming damage.
- Berserker Rage- Rage builds when Wolverine attacks or takes hits, boosting the damage of his claw strikes and the bonus health from his regenerative healing factor.
- Regenerative Healing Factor (Passive)- Begin to heal and rise with a hefty Bonus Health, shaking off all debuffs. After a brief moment, any remaining Bonus Health morphs into a one-off heal, zeroing out his Rage. Assists in KOs reduce this cooldown.
- Last Stand (Ultimate)- Knock enemies ahead airborne and spiral through the air, sweeping up enemies along the path and delivering a devastating impact at the landing point.
Best Tips for the Wolverine in Marvel Rivals
Here are the best for the Wolverine in Marvel Rivals that one must know to dominate any enemy coming in their path.
Focusing Tanks
Wolverine is all about killing tanks. Don’t pick fights with every DPS. You get pretty much counted by most melee DPS. You want to focus on tanks and if possible, healers. When you’re in your full rage, you might be able to kill a lot of DPS characters but that’s the only I would take those fights. Use a flank and combo wisely or else you will be vulnerable in most fights. This is how it’s going to work and that’s your whole thing with Wolverine. If you go trying everyone 1v1 or 1v5 you’re probably going to die.
Play like an Assassin
The way you want to be playing him is like an assassin. You’re kind of standing on the sides or behind waiting for tanks to push up and the second they creep up too far you dash and pull them away from their team. Your biggest counter to this is Magneto especially if they have two tanks. Magneto will either bubble himself if you take him or bubble the other tank. This is what makes Wolverine situational and he can be countered. If you can’t get good damage and picks out of your poles, you’re not doing much on this character.
Your main target is going to be Doctor Strange because you will see him so much, especially in low ELO. When you pull Doctor Strange away from his team, his first reaction will be to shield. You can melee straight through the shield. If you get a Feral Leap off on him, you’ll get an insane amount of damage on him. The problem is when you play a smart Doctor Strange, they’ll just fly away from you but at least you put them on a cooldown.
If you have a Hulk in your team, you gain access to a brand-new ability. You can press your teamup key while looking at the Hulk to initiate the fastball special. Your Hulk then has to confirm by pressing his teamup button after he’ll pick you up and then he can really choose to throw you whenever and wherever he wants. You can think of it as a Feral Leap the Hulk can aim instead of you since do also get the super-fast lashes after being thrown. This team-up is kind of niche but it does have a really useful tech with it. The way the tech works is if Hulk immediately throws you after you reach him while you’re also holding the directional key, you get thrown. You have complete control of the strafing allowing you to land pretty much exactly where you want. This is really awesome because otherwise, you would be at the complete mercy of where the Hulk player throws you.
Rage Is Your Friend
Build up your rage for the most damage possible. The ways you can build your rage before getting into actual fights is by hitting clones of Loki and hitting tech that’s on the ground. Those are the things that help you build up rage, allowing you to take additional damage. It is nice to take a couple of hits to build up that rage before you start the encounter. The other thing to know is to use your ultimate when you have rage already buildup for a big increase of damage. Try not to do a zero rage Ult as it’s not going to be as effective as you think it will be. Take that Ult and use it when you’re close to full rage or you’re in full rage for the best outcome.
Combos are Life
Let’s talk about the combos you need to use to be very successful with this man. You always start off by trying to get an angle. Once you get an angle where there are not too many people around and you have a good angle on the tank, use an undying animal for the best damage. After that, dash in with a vicious rampage right after your claws connect from a vicious rampage hit Feral Leap. Now when you hit the Feral Leap, immediately take that tank towards your team or a small space away from enemies and use Savage Claws to finish him off.
This is his toasted bread and butter as this four-step combo is what you want to master the most with Wolverine. You can throw in the last stand as soon as you hit the Feral Leap back and land, you can throw in your last off to really decimate at the tank to melt it. You can not continue to fight whoever is nearest to you after that. At this point, you should have close to if not full rage by the time you hit that Ult.
Spam Wolverine’s Ultimate
Wolverine Ultimate is not the best ultimate in Marvel Rivlas but is used as an aggressive chokehold. It allows you to knock enemies into the air. This ability can go from quite literally winning the biggest stake tournaments in Marvel Rivals. The way this works is a lot of damage from a ton of different metrics. First of all, you get 50 damage just for activating that ability followed by 20 damage per second as you travel to your distance to slam the target into the ground.
This impact is going to deal 50 more damage and then you will have 10% of the target’s max health with an extra 0.3% damage for each rage point on Wolverine. You can use the ultimate to first and foremost to grab the tank on the start-up. Based on your rage meter, the Last Stand Ultimate also provides more damage. It’s very crucial that you’re using your ultimate when you’re at max rage and try to catch as many people as possible in that stun. The cool thing with the Ultimate is that you’ve actually dealt damage in the travel time of the Ultimate.
Combo Undying Animal and Feral Leap
Wolverine will release a fierce howl that will mitigate the incoming damage for 5 seconds for 40% of all damage when using Undying Animal. This ability has a cooldown of 16 seconds. The Feral Leap has a cooldown of 12 seconds. This combo can be used to maximize the damage of Wolverine. Use the Undying Animal to reduce enemy damage by half and Feral Leap to get close to enemies, or kidnap them to strike them with claws. This combo makes him an unkillable tank.
Dominate Healers and Isolate Tanks First
You want to isolate tanks and targets from healers, especially multiple healers. That is why your Feral Leap is so important. If you start a fight with two healers pocketing a tank, you’re probably not going to win. Unless your Feral Leap them out there and use your Ult to extend basically another leap to push him even further back into your backline. Try to make sure the situation is winnable before you attack. This is very important, so pick your fights and wait until after support uses their Ult before attacking a tank like Penny. If a healer is nearby trying to heal a tank or DPS pushes you right after you take out a tank, then pick off those enemies.
Best Heroes you can pair with
Wolverine works best with Duelists such as the Punisher. The Punisher’s smoke grenade forms a smoke screen, which allows Logan to jump in on unsuspecting enemies. The character can also cover Wolverine from a distance using his rifle, much like Black Widow. Logan also works in perfect sync with characters such as Groot. Groot can create effective chokepoints that can leave enemies vulnerable to ambushes from Wolverine.
Dr Strange can shield Logan and push in sync, helping him close gaps. Finally, Logan can pair up his passive healing through healing provided by Rocket and Jeff. Both characters can effectively heal up Wolverine from a mid to long-range distance, allowing him to wreak havoc with minimal punishment.
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FAQs About Wolverine in Marvel Rivals
How does Wolverine work Rivals?
Wolverine deals a small percentage of the target’s maximum health as damage in addition to a flat amount of damage.
Why Play Wolverine in Marvel Rivals?
Tanks are like the biggest carries in the game. Tank player is the deciding factor of whether a team wins or loses, so if their tanks are an issue which in most cases, just pick Wolverine then.
Which hero works best with the Wolverine in Marvel Rivals?
Punisher works well with the Wolverine in Marvel Rivals because the punisher’s smoke grenade forms a smoke screen, allowing Wolverine to jump in on unsuspecting enemies.