League of Legends is going through a ton of changes and patches to prepare the stage for Worlds 2024. Patch 14.17 was released earlier this week, which included a whopping balance change for 30 champions. Patch 14.18 is next in line and coming soon which will serve as the main patch for Worlds 2024.

The main purpose of these balance changes is to maintain the integrity of LOL in the biggest Esports event of the year. Here is everything you need to know about LOL patch 14.18. It’s time to climb the ladder with upcoming changes to LOL meta.
LOL Patch 14.18 Release date
League of Legends patch 14.18 will be deployed on September 11, 2024. The update will come first on Oceania followed by other regions throughout the day. Matchmaking and queue will be down and there will be a 3-hour patch deployment time. Here are all the known release timings.
- NA 3 AM PT
- Korea 8 AM KST
LOL Patch 14.18 known changes
Patch 14.18 will revamp LOL with more focused changes towards Worlds 2024. The main focus for this patch will be long-range champions. In higher ranks meta has been more towards ranged champions. Riot is finally shifting the meta by nerfing and balancing the most dominating champion in higher ranks. This will help balance the game for the Worlds 2024 tournament.
Mostly, the champions and items that are balanced with patch 14.18 are the ones in heavy use in competitive matches. Here are all the changes coming in the latest LOL Patch.
Champion changes in patch 14.18
Major changes to champions in patch 14.18 are the following.
Champion Buffs
Major buffs coming to champions in patch 14.18 are listed here.
Ahri is getting a buff finally, and her base damage and AP ratio are increasing. With her base damage increasing to 80-240 and AP ratio increased to 75%.
Gnarr is getting a base AD increase to 60.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan IV is getting a health ability increase to 8% HP.
Jax is getting an increase to his R ability to 60-180. And his bonus armor is getting increased to 20-23.
Champion Nerfs
Here are all the nerfs to champion with patch 14.18.
Nasus base damage is getting nerfed to 55-175 and his base damage is also lowered to 110-350.
Rumble is getting his Q ability damage decreased to 60-180 and base damage is also decreased to 50-150.
Zeri’s passive health damage and base damage are being decreased to 75-160 and HP from 1% to max 11%.
Ziggs passive tower damage is getting a Nerf to 200%.
Item Changes in Patch 14.18
With patch 14.18 a number of items are getting balanced to help in late game. Starting with Bloodthirster, Life Steal is getting decreased to 15%. Immortal Shieldbow which is a good item for range champions is getting a Nerf and the Shield is getting a Nerf to 80%. Luden’s Companion is getting a nerf with its price being reduced and Ap is now 100. Shadowflame is getting a health increase to 40% max HP but AP is going down to 115. At last, Stormsurge damage is getting down to 25% max HP. However, the ranged damage for Stormsurge is increased to 100%.
These changes to champions and items are mainly targeting the balance rework in the game. It will help ensure that professional players have a balanced and competitive season in Worlds 2024. Official patch notes will be released on LOL’s website closer to launch.