Dota 2: Best 10 Carries to Win Every Safe Lane

In Dota 2, Carries are considered to be the high-damage output heroes that consume all the farm and most of the creeps on the map to get the maximum gold, and with that gold Carries purchases impactful items according to the game situation to make his team to the victory. 

These carry heroes scale well when they achieve a certain level and items. Today I will list down the Top 10 best carries in Dota 2. Let’s dive in to know more. 

best dota 2 carries

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1- Luna 

Luna rides swiftly into battle, and tears into her enemies with attacks able to bounce between targets. When enemies threaten, she calls down the power of the moon as a single searing beam or as a lunar barrage, crushing those who stand against her. Luna with high farming potential and damage to buildings thanks to her ultimate ability and the ability to deal damage to multiple targets. However, she is vulnerable in the early stages of the game but she is a monster in the late game very powerful against multiple enemies. It is an excellent farm thanks to the “Lucent Beam” ability.

2- Faceless Void 

Time is everything to Faceless Void. He speeds time to dash between locations, manipulates it to dodge attacks, stops it in a large area to destroy his enemies, and given enough of it to gather resources, he can make himself unbelievably powerful. He is a unique carry with the ability to stop time, which makes him dangerous in team fights. His dependency on his ultimate ability can be both a strength and a weakness. High survival potential thanks to “Time Walk”

3- Lifestealer 

Lifestealer get close to their prey, there is little that can save them. Traveling within a creep or an allied hero, once he nears a foe he explodes from his host body, surprising enemies and tearing into them with his claws. The lifestealer is a durable melee-strength hero known for his ability to steal lives, deal immense damage, and infest allies or enemies for strategic plans. He can become magic immune with his abilities, making him hard to lock down. Good at isolating and quickly taking down single targets.

4- Razor

With a deadly lightning storm at his command, Razor charges into battle. Deploying a sweeping ring of electrified plasma to fry his enemies, he links with foes to drain them of their power and use it against them. Razor is a hero capable of stealing attacking power from his opponents, making him strong against physical carries. However, due to his relative vulnerability, he requires good positioning. Good mobile damage ability, “Eye of the Storm”

5- Phantom Assassin

The moment she finds her prey, Phantom Assassin strikes. Instantly closing in on a target, she effortlessly dodges attacks as she relentlessly cuts away at her enemy. Without warning, any one of her attacks could prove suddenly and brutally fatal. Phantom Assassin is a melee agility hero infamous for her ability to deliver devastating critical strikes, making her one of the most feared late-game carries. Blur makes her elusive to enemy heroes and towers when not directly attacked, enhancing her survivability. PA can blink at the target enemy or an ally, allowing her to initiate or escape.

6- Antimage

Anti-Mage has the opportunity to gather his full strength, few can stop his assaults. Draining mana from enemies with every strike or teleporting short distances to escape an ambush, cornering him is a challenge for any enemy. Antimage is oriented towards fast farming and destroying magically vulnerable opponents thanks to his unique ability to blink and Mana Void. He is weak in the early phase of the game. Strong against magical heroes thanks to “Spell Shield”. Excellent farm and mobility with “Blink”.

7- Morpling 

Shifting his attributes to suit his situation, Morphling can be as elusive as he is deadly. Whether riding a wave to flank an enemy or boosting his health before escaping into his deceptive replication, few can hope to corner him. Morphling is one of the most flexible heroes, thanks to its ability to change attributes between strength and agility. It can mimic opponents’ abilities but requires a high skill level for practical use. High survival potential and mobility. He has a decent instant damage.

8- Juggernaut

In a flurry of slashes, Juggernaut cuts down his enemies. Sprinting and spinning into battle, and nearly invincible once he can begin his Omni slash, stopping Juggernaut can often be just as difficult as surviving him. Juggernaut’s strength is that he can be played into any team composition and still function well. Additionally, he can itemize according to the team’s needs because he is a flexible hero. Juggernaut can do this because his independent abilities provide everything a carry needs: immunity, heals, scaling damage, and a scary nuke.

9- Drow Ranger

Not many can escape Drow Ranger once she’s within range. After her enemies have been silenced with a chilling blast, she finishes them off with a barrage of slowing, ice-tipped arrows that few can survive. Drow Ranger is a hard-hitting archer who can slow enemies with frost-bite arrows. She can already start securing kills with Frost Arrows in the laning phase. Drow Ranger is annoying to lane against since she can cast her Frost Arrows to avoid drawing creep aggro. 

Marksmanship grants Drow Ranger and nearby allies a huge agility bonus while letting Drow’s attacks ignore base armor. As long as she can keep her distance, Multishot and Gust will decimate the enemy team.

10- Shadow Fiend 

Capturing souls from every kill he makes, Shadow Fiend is always gathering his power. Every assault, each carefully aimed raze that kills an enemy, brings him closer to unleashing his gathered souls in a deadly blast of scouring energy. Shadow Fiend is a ranged carry with the strongest early spell in Dota 2 which is “Shadowraze”, applying that spell on a point will allow you to kill any hero or multiple heroes even at level 1. This hero collects souls of every unit he kills or denies from his passive ability called Necromastery, with that he gets a lot of advantage in the physical damage and more souls boots the damage in the Requiem of Souls.


These heroes stand out due to their potential for dealing surprising damage, survival in difficult situations, and mobility on the map. They can quickly shift the opposite match in their favor significantly when they get the required items. Their impact on the team fights favor towards victory. Try these top 10 best carries in Dota 2 and let us know in the comment section.