Hello, my name is Warren! today I will guide you in detail about my favorite hero Sven who is a killing machine if he gets the right build at the right time and with the perfect positioning in the team fights, so I tried different kinds of builds on Sven but this one stands out to be the best and is a danger to the enemy team which makes them focus on Sven only, for that, you have to read out and practice a little into the normal matches before jumping into the rank matches. Sven is also my favorite hero and I use this hero a lot to dominate games with my Dota 2 boosting squad.

Sven is a strong carry hero who is always thirsty for fights due to his aggressive abilities naturally. He can stun a group of enemies with his “Storm Hammer” AOE ability both aggressive and defensive. Thanks to his ability Great Cleave Sven is a great farmer without Battle Fury as compared to many other carries. Always choose Sven whenever your team requires a durable carry with a high amount of physical damage or against the illusion heroes. Sven is also considered one of the best safe lane carriers in this patch.
Melee, Carry, Disabler, Durable, Initiator, Nuker
In this meta, Sven has been played a lot and the following are the statistics of Sven in this patch.
Period | Presence | Win Rate | KD | GMP | XPM |
Safe Lane | 79.34% | 50.25% | 2.99 | 591 | 697 |
Off Lane | 15.51% | 47.78% | 2.18 | 468 | 607 |
Hero Attributes
Movement speed | 325 |
Sight range | 1800/800 |
Armor | 1.94 |
Base attack time | 1.9 |
Damage | 59 – 61 |
Attack point | 0.4 |
Pros and Cons
Farms quickly | Low attack speed |
Easy for new players | Low mana pool |
Naturally tanky | Needs BKB in every match |
High physical burst damage | Depended on his Ultimate to start the fight |
Strong initiator | Can be kited easily |
Item Build & Skill Build
According to the current patch 7.35d, this is the skill build you should make.
Skill Build
- Always start with the first ability which is Storm Hammer
- Use Storm Hammer to secure the range creep in the starting or if there’s a kill opportunity use it accordingly.
- Only give 1 point to the Storm Hammer at level 1 and further take according to the following sequence (13,14,16)
Tip: Do purchase Aganim’s Scepter on Sven so that Storm Hammer cast range increases along with +180 additional damage and you can jump on an enemy like a superman. ( don’t get kited anymore )
Note: You have to right-click on your Storm Hammer after purchasing Aghanims Scepter to make Sven travel in his Storm Hammer.
- Great Cleave should be taken on level 3 which allows you to do cleave damage making Sven farm fast and clearing the waves.
- Further, you can upgrade the Great Cleave according to the following sequence ( 4, 5, 7)
- Warcry should be taken on level 2 which heartens his allied heroes for battle, increasing their armor and movement speed. Lasts for 10 seconds
- You can upgrade this ability according to the following sequence (8, 9, 11)
- God’s Strength is the most powerful ability that allows a farmed sven to kill the enemy in 3 to 4 hits, increasing his physical damage that lasts for 35 seconds.
- Make sure not to use this ability while taking stacked ancient creeps at an early stage.
- Always level up to this ability whenever it is up on level 6, level 12, level 18
Tip: God’s Strength benefits from the items that increase strength so prioritize making items that buff Sven’s damage.
Tip: Don’t just keep God’s Strength to kill the enemies you can activate it and can easily take down towers or barracks as Dota 2 is an objective game. You take objectives you win the game
Tip: Purchase Aghanim Shard to make your Warcry undispellable and grant passive 6 armor and 3% movement speed to all allies near Sven.
Talent Tree Choices
- Level 10 select +15 Attack speed.
- Level 15 select -15s God’s Strength cooldown.
- Level 20 select +10 Warcry armor.
- Level 25 select +50% God’s Strength damage.
Item Build:
Starting items
- 1x Tango
- 1x Quelling Blade
- 1x Slippers on Agility
- 1x Iron Branch
- 1x Criclet
Early game items
- Boots of Speed
- Wraith Wand
- Mask of Madness
- Echo Sabre
- Magic Stick
Mid-game items:
- Black King Bar
- Harpoon
- Crystals
- Blink Dagger
Late-game items:
- Daedalus
- Assault Cuirass
- Satanic
- Swift Blink
- Moon Shard
Situational items:
- Silver Edge
- Linken’s Sphere
- Monkey King Bar
- Nullifier
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Heart of Tarrasque
- Divine Rapier
Early gameplay / Mid game / Late game
Early gameplay (0:00 – 12:00)
In the early game your key points are to stay alive and farm as much as you can with Great Cleave passive ability you can farm easily and push the lane when required also move to the nearest neutral camp to farm that as well. Try to communicate with your support to stack neutral camps for you and when you are together in the lane make sure to get a kill by the combo of your Storm Hammer and support spells along with a focus on getting Mask of Madness to farm quickly and efficiently.
Mid gameplay (12:00 – 25:00)
In the mid-game your objectives are almost the same in terms of farming make sure to stay alert and keep your Teleport with you so that when there’s an opportunity for a kill or winning a fight you should be there to get experience and kill/assist gold. At this stage you are ready to take the stacked ancient camp make sure to get it and build your Black King Bar to avoid any kind of disables in the fight as Sven is the hero which can be kited easily without a BKB.
Late gameplay (25:00 – 60:00)
In the late game you have all the main items that are required, make sure to always initiate with your Black King Bar + God’s Strength + Blink Dagger and kill the enemy support on first priority so that when your BKB goes on cooldown you don’t face any sort of disables or stuns.
Don’t initiate a fight with a BKB and your God’s Strength ability else you will get punished. If you have initiators in the team who have AOE spells like (Magnus, Enigma, Mars, or Tidehunter) make sure to play around them and whenever you find an opening you should take advantage.
Counters of Sven
- Axe can counter Sven with his Berserker’s Call + Blademail when he activates his God’s Strength.
- Pugna can counter Sven by both healing the allies and using his ability to Deceprify himself of the teammates.
- Static Link can be used to reduce Sven’s damage in God’s Strength making him weak in the damage output even Static Link doesn’t disconnect when BKB is popped.
- Smoke Screen will make Sven miss attacks causing him to get his BKB along with the detection.
- Juggernaut can kill Sven with his Omnislash in a 1v1 scenario.
- You can read out the complete Juggernaut guide on how you can easily counter Sven.
- Guardian Angel counters Sven’s massive damage during God’s Strength
- Purification can heal allies while Sven jumps in and deals massive damage.
- Mana Shield counters Sven to burst her within Storm Hammer and God Strength duration.
- Stone Gaze makes it very difficult for Sven to fight Medusa or her allies in the fight.
Troll Warlord
- With Battle Trance ability, it is nearly impossible for Sven to kill him in a 1v1 combat with the same farm.
Spirit Breaker
- Spirit Breaker can kite down Sven very well in the team fights by using his ability Nether Strike and Charge of the Darkness even if he has his BKB activated.
- You can read out the whole Spirit Breaker guide on how you can easily counter Sven.
Winter Wyvern
- Cold Embrace saves any ally Sven initiates and wastes the duration of God’s Strength in team fights.
- Winter’s Curse can be threatening to Sven’s team, as his high physical damage can take out a teammate before there is much time to react or he can kite down Sven with a Winter’s Curse if Sven tries to jump alone even in his BKB
Sven is the perfect hero to learn about farming patterns and how to speed up for the farm as compared to enemy carry along with that you will understand the importance of using your ultimate on time and it is a beginner’s beginner-friendly hero to play with the help of this guide you can stomp the game in rank matches. Hope you like this guide try this out and let us know in the comment section.
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