Hello everyone! Today, I will share tips on Dota 2 to win a safe lane. I have been playing Dota 2 for 12 years, and they have changed a lot in terms of lane mechanics, farming patterns, itemization, map pathing, and neutral camps. Considering all the aspects and experiences of having a 10k MMR, I will list the top 10 tips to win a safe lane and boost your way to a higher rank.

The safe lane is the second most crucial lane in Dota 2. The most important thing you should know to win the safe lane is related to your creep position. Your goal is to be closer to your tower because it increases your survivability. Supports have an important role in the laning stage because they need to try to make a difference. The Position 5 support has to make sure the carry can farm and harass the enemy.
Tips to Follow
Following are the ultimate tips to win a safe lane.
1- Hero Choice as Safe Lane Carry
While in the hero-picking draft phase, you should have time to think about the enemy’s position three pick and position 4 picks, as you can pick the perfect safe lane carry who can be the best against the opponent’s picks. If you see that they have long-range supports who will annoy in the lane, you can pick some heavy magical heroes like Juggernaut who can easily kill such supports with skill 1 or you can choose Slark just early to smash the supports.
2- Hero Choice as Position 5 Support
While picking hero as position 5, he needs to make sure that he has disables, stuns, and controlling spells to take pick-off easily into the lane; the more disables he has, the more easily he can make the lane winnable and help carry to secure kills for him.
3- Support Responsibility
Position 5 support should never leave the lane and make sure to stack the small camp and then pull to prevent giving away creep’s experience to the enemy position 3 and position 4 along with casting spells, trading hits with the enemies to make sure carry is getting all the farm and do block the camp from where to the enemy can pull his creep wave.
4- Vision & Map Awareness
Keep an eye on the mini-map and look after the enemy mid-laner if he’s missing from his lane as a good mid-lane hero roams after level 6 to make space for their position three and wants to shut down the carry to apply pressure, to prevent this situation to happen your position 5 should have to place vision on specific points from where the enemy mid-laner can come for a gank.
5- Communication is the Key
Both the carry and support should communicate with each other to improve laning and get kills. For example, if your support wants to leave the lane to help the mid-lane from getting ganked, he should communicate with you that “you should play defensively or to farm neutral camps” until your support comes back.
6- Avail Opportunities
Whenever the enemy’s position 4 leaves a lane to roam or gank, try to find a way to kill enemy position 3 with the help of your support stuns or disables. Don’t let him stay in the lane to farm the creeps or to get creep experience. If both of the enemy’s positions 3 and 4 leave a lane, take down the tier 1 tower, which opens up the map for more opportunities to farm and get more kills.
7- Creeps > Kills
Do not run after the kills without taking creeps. Carry needs to be selfish, as his priority should be farming in the first place. If you are not sure that you can get a kill without dying, do not attempt such play, as it can give away your kill, and eventually, you will lose the lane.
8- Farming Techniques
Make sure that your auto-attack option is turned off so you can farm efficiently as a carry hero. This will prevent your lane from pushing toward the enemy tier 1 tower you have to wait for the last hit to take a creep and to deny. Also, try agro creeps so that you can easily deny range creep. If you are unable to farm due to an enemy mid-laner standing there or the enemy team is missing, you have to move to the jungle below the tier 1 tower to secure yourself and keep up the farming pace.
9- Itemization
In the starting phase of the game make sure to have the correct items so that you won’t face any difficulty in the lane, if you are playing a safe lane carry make sure to get two sets of tango with a quelling blade and some faerie fire with slippers of agility or magic stick depending upon the opponent hero if they have magical spell hero to that you have enough stick charges to keep surviving in the lane. The same goes for support he should have items that can regain the mana for casting spells and healing items along with blood grenades to be impactful in the lane. Your starting items will help you to win the lane easily even in hard matchups.
10- Always PMA
Remember to have a positive mindset towards the game and with your teammates as well. Toxic behaviour will lead the game towards griefing or losing the lane and eventually losing a game. If your safe lane carry or support is doing bad dont accuse him, try to support him that it is OK if something goes wrong. Coordinate with him so that winning the lane should be possible.
If you follow and memorise these specific 10 tips, you can easily stomp the lane. Try these ultimate tips to win a safe lane in Dota 2 and let us know in the comment section.