Hello, my name is Warren! Today, I will share an amazing build of Necrophos, through which you will understand the true potential of winning the game with this hero. I spam Necrophos in 9k MMR mostly in mid-lane and in off-lane. This guide will help you in winning the most games and help you to climb up your MMR.

Necrophos is a strong nuker and tanky hero capable of surviving long team fights and picking off main core heroes with Reaper’s Scythe. His Death Pulse can heal or damage allies or enemies depending on use, with Ghost Shroud he can chase weak heroes to slow them down or it can be used defensively and Heartstopper Aura helps to harass enemies in the early game. He becomes stronger as he continues getting kills from his Reaper Scythe the more charges he gets the more unkillable he becomes also his strength gain is quite excellent.
Tip: Look to secure a kill at the beginning of the fight as you`ll be harder to kill afterwards.
Ranged, Carry, Disabler, Durable, Nuker
Period | Presence | Win Rate | KD | GMP | XPM |
Off Lane | 46.39% | 53.29% | 2.83 | 472 | 600 |
Mid Lane | 40.30% | 53.24% | 3.39 | 555 | 706 |
Safe Lane | 11.58% | 52.02% | 2.76 | 419 | 525 |
Hero Attributes
Movement speed | 280 |
Sight range | 1800/800 |
Armor | 3.68 |
Base attack time | 1.7 |
Damage | 47 – 51 |
Attack point | 0.3 |
Pros and Cons
Good Strenght gain | Low mobility |
Strong in long team fights | Item dependent |
Strong in the early game | Mana dependent |
Powerful nuke | Low agility gain and armor |
Strong against tanky heroes | No escape mechanism |
Item Build & Skill Build
According to the current patch 7.35d, this is the skill build you should make.
Skill Build
- Take Death Pulse on level 1.
- Death Pulse is an ability that heals necro and damages the units same time who are in 500 radius.
- Further, upgrade the skill according to the following sequence (3,5,7)
Tip: Remember that Death Pulse can target invisible units. If you think you are near an invisible enemy, don’t be afraid to use it, as its ability animation travels to the target and can locate their position.
- Ghost Shroud should be taken on level 4.
- Necrophos turn into an eternal form. which makes him unable to attack or be attacked, he generates an aura that slows enemies around him. He takes additional magic damage in this form, but his restorative powers are amplified.
- Further, you can upgrade the Teleportation according to the following sequence (8,9,10)
- Heartstopper Aura should be taken later on Level 2.
- Heartstopper Aura causes nearby enemy units to lose some of their max health over time. Passively provides regen for 7 seconds for each unit Necrophos kills
- You can upgrade this ability according to the following sequence (13,14,16)
Note: If your enemy has many tanky high-health heroes like ( Pudge, Bristleback, and Centaur Warrunner), you can level it up earlier on.
- Reaper’s Scythe is used to nuke down enemies having 40% or less health.
- Stuns the target enemy hero and then deals damage based on how much life it is missing. If Necrophos kills an enemy this way, he’ll permanently gain Health and Mana Regen. Any kill under this effect is credited to Necrophos.
- Always level up to this ability whenever it is up on level 6, level 12, level 18
Tip: You can combo Reaper’s Scythe with other highly magical spells like ( Huskar’s Life Break, Lion’s Finger of Death, and Lina’s Laguna Blade.
Note: Necrophos turns into a large Death Pulse towards the target unit’s position by purchasing Aghanim’s Shard. Once it arrives at the location, the Death Pulse spreads toward nearby enemies and allies.
Tip: Get Aghanim’s Scepter on Necrophos which enhances Heartstopper Aura’s Health Decay increasing by 50% of Necrophos’s current health regeneration.
Talent Tree Choices
- Level 10 Select +125 Reaper’s Scythe Cast Range.
- Level 15 Select +20% Ghost Shroud Movement Slow.
- Level 20 Select +25% Heartstoppter Regen Reduction.
- Level 25 Select +0.5% Heartstopper Aura Damage.
Item Build:
Starting items
- 1x Tango
- 1x Faeire Fire
- 1x Circlet
- 1x Iron Branch
- 1x Mantle of Intelligence
- 1x Observer Ward
Early game items
- Null Talisman
- Bracer
- Boots of Speed
- Magic Wand
- Wind Lace
Mid-game items:
- Radiance
- Boots of Travel
- Aghanim’s Shard
- Eul’s Scepter
Late-game items:
- Heart of Tarrasque
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Octarine Core
- Wind Waker
Situational items:
- Pipe of Insight
- Assault Cuirass
- Shiva’s Guard
- Linken’s Sphere
- Scythe of Vyse
- Crimson Guard
- Lotus Orb
- Heaven’s Halberd
- Boots of Travel 2
- Kaya and Sange
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Early gameplay / Mid game / Late game
Early gameplay (0:00 – 12:00)
Necrophos is quite passive and weak at the beginning of the game without any equipment, so you just play safely to farm the last hit and limit the exchange of skills, moreover, with Heartstopper aura, it is easy to get some last hits and lowering enemy’s/units HP little by little. It is necessary to acquire a few basic equipment to play more actively in this phase. When you have the ultimate, consider ganking lane or playing more aggressively in your current lane.
Mid gameplay (12:00 – 25:00)
This stage is the stage when you and your team as well as the opponent start ganking, pushing, and small fights (unless your team or opponent plays a farming game, stay passive in one place and farm) Reaper’s Scythes are intended for high farm targets (nuker, carry, initiator) to increase their countdown time, which will make them very slow to spawn. Necrophos’s ability to farm and gank is quite good, so the balance between gank and farm is not too complicated like other heroes, have Reaper’s Scythe and you’ll gank and the cooldown of this skill is pretty fast, too. Remember to bring the Town portal scroll regularly during this phase.
Late gameplay (25:00 – 60:00)
This is when Necrophos unleashes his full potential with his skills and equipment. Except for support, you can plug Reaper’s Scythe into any other enemy, and deal enough damage for the opponent to be killed instantly, That will put a lot of pressure on the opponent.
You try to stay in place in team fights because your teammates need you to live until the middle or end of the fight, when you’ve used up your skill set and Reaper’s Scythe kills the target for maximum damage. for the opponent. Necrophos is one of those heroes who can flip the fights terribly.
Counters of Necrophos
- If Doom is used on Necrophos, he becomes a useless hero in the team fights for a longer timeframe.
Nature’s Prophet
- Nature’s Prophet Sprout’s ability and Sprout Leech’s talent can counter Necrophos well and not let him escape.
- You can read Nature’s Prophet guide to see how NP dominate Necrophos in every game.
Ancient Apparition
- Ice Blast ability is worst for Necrophos countering him from all the heals, if the Ice Blast is used in Ghost Shroud form then it’s gonna be an Insta kill in the team fight.
- Death Pulse causes you to lose health rather than heal you when you use the Nether Ward, also when under Nether Ward, Reaper Scythe’s massive mana cost may kill you.
- Necrophos relies largely on his spells to survive, Global Silence renders him nearly worthless for a lengthy period, allowing your squad to destroy him quickly.
- If Necrophos tries to spam Death Pulse, Arcane Curse punishes him by extending the slow and increasing the damage taken over time.
Nyx Assassin
- Necrophos is vulnerable to Mana Burn or Impale when he uses Ghost Shroud
- Shallow Grave ability can save from Necropho’s death spell which is Reaper’s Scythe if used on time.
- Lina’s Laguna Blade can lower Necrophos HP if used on Ghost Shroud.
Phantom Lancer
- Phantom Lancer’s main item is the Diffusal Blade. If acquired, it allows him to swiftly decrease Necrophos’ mana, making Necrophos incapable of casting anything.
Wraith King
- Using Reaper’s Scythe against Wraith King is a poor idea since his Reincarnation can waste this ability.
- Combined with Aghanim’s Scepter, it can postpone the deaths of allies, which can be bad for Necrophos and allies.
Wrapping it up
Necrophos is a hero from which you will experience from going weaker to the strongest hero in the game with that you gonna learn how to survive in the team fights, nuke down the cores, and be the boss of the game by crushing enemies making them 100 to 0 only with the help of the guide. Try this ultimate Necrophos guide and let us know in the comment section.
Also, if you want to improve your game skills by spamming Necrophos, you can check out our Dota 2 coaching service where my colleague and I will help you how to spam and win games with Necrophos.