Hello, my name is Kiki! today I will briefly tell you about my main hero Juggernaut guide which I prefer to use in this patch. I have played and tested many other builds but this one stands out to be the best guide of Juggernaut so far in this patch, I mostly play Juggernaut because it is one of the most stable carries in terms of farming, attack animation, escape, its like a versatile hero which is the perfect fit in every situation.

Juggernaut is a dangerous swordsman who can join early fights due to his Blade Fury and he can easily kill enemies with his Omnislash in one-on-one fights as this ability is most powerful when used on a single target Along with that he has an ability Blade Dance which provides passive critical damage and Healing Ward which can heal both the juggernaut and the allies in fights or in pushing the lane.
Tip: Juggernaut is a decent hero to play in your Rank Calibration games.
Pros and Cons
Can farm easily | mostly depends on Omnislash which has a high cooldown |
Can play aggressively in the lane | mana pool is low and abilities have a high mana cost |
strong presence in the game | Omnislash can be countered easily |
high damage on single target hero | a little squishy hero |
Item Build & Skill Build
According to the current patch 7.35c, this is the skill build you should make.
Skill Build
- Always start playing Juggernaut with a first skill Blade Fury which allows you to spin on enemies and kill them easily with the help of just a single stun or a support that can slow
down enemies
- Always prioritize this skill whenever It comes up, the best thing is Juggernaut becomes spell-immune when Blade Fury is used.
- 3 points should be placed in Blade Fury before unlocking the main ultimate
Tip: Keep Bloodgernade at the beginning of the game with that you can easily kill any hero, Blade Fury & Bloodgernade a deadly combination.
- Healing Ward should be leveled up once before the Ultimate that is enough for healing yourself and your support in the lane.
- Later you can put points in the Healing ward accordingly
Note: jungle creeps are a safe and easy way to farm up when the lane is bad. With the healing Ward, you can easily clear the stack or farm up the jungle.
Tip: Try moving the Healing Ward while farming in the lane against the enemy, you can try to bait by forcing him to move in to destroy the Healing Ward, this is the moment where you can punish him with your support in the lane.
- Blade Dance should be leveled up only once in the starting phase of the game, it depends on your physical damage.
- You can upgrade this ability later when you have enough raw damage items in the mid-game.
- Omnislash is the most powerful ability in terms of physical damage. The more items Juggernaut in terms of attack speed and damage the more damage output will be placed in the Omnislash
- Make sure not to use this ability when creeps are nearby.
- You can use items in Omnislash like Blink Dagger, Mask of Madness, Revanants Brooch, Mjollnir, and Nulfire.
- Always level up to this ability whenever it is up on level 6, level 12, level 18
Tip: Remember to carry dust while using Omnislash as the enemy tries to use vanishing spells or items to avoid Omnislash and Nulfire is required when enemies have items like Ghost Scepter and Euls.
Talent Tree Choices
- Level 10 select +10% Blade Dance crit damage
- Level 15 select +30 movement speed during Blade Fury
- Level 20 select +60% Blade Dance lifesteal
- Level 25 select +1 second Omnislash duration
Item Build:
Starting items
- 1x Tango
- 1x Mango
- 1x Slippers of agility
- 1x Iron Branch
- 1x Healing Salve
Early game items
- Magic wand
- Quelling Blade
- Wraith band
- Phase boots ( if you keep on chasing and killing them) else go for Power Treads.
Mid game items:
- Battle fury
- Maelstrom
- Diffusal Blade
- Manta Style ( for removing silence or dodge the spells on time )
Note: if the enemy team has heroes with strong passive skills you should go for a Silver Edge
Late game items:
- Black King Bar ( required if too many stunners or disablers )
- Disperser ( to slow down the enemies and boots juggernaut agility )
- Abysall Blade ( to lock down the enemy which can escape or can open up spells )
Situational items:
- Monkey King Bar
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Revenant Brooch
- Eye of Skadi
- Butterfly
- Blink Dagger
- Nulifire
Early gameplay / Mid game / Late game
Early gameplay (0:00 – 12:00)
Juggernaut can kill enemy heroes by using Blade Fury in the lane with the help of support stuns or slow. To do that make sure to communicate with your support, A few things to keep in mind as a juggernaut is to focus on the last hits and try not to die, staying alive will grant you passive gold and you won’t be giving away gold, and experience to the enemy team. if the lane goes bad try to keep getting tangoes and healing salves to keep your health maximum.
Mid gameplay (12:00 – 25:00)
As the game goes further you will have some basic items, you can push the lanes easily with your Balde Fury if the lane is safe to go else you should keep on farming jungle and make sure to have a Teleport so that whenever you see a kill opportunity you should get it. Don’t forget to keep dust if someones have items like Shadow Blade, Glimmer Cape or invisible heroes. if you counter a bad fight or fail to gank you should simply use Blade Fury and Teleport out.
Late gameplay (25:00 – 60:00)
In this phase of the game on Juggernaut avoid any kind of mistakes like bad initiating or wrong Omnislash else you will get punished hard, wait for your team to start the fight. Make sure to use Healing Ward on time to provide health regen for you and your teammates. Perfect Omnislash can win you a game easily.
Tip: Always try to get Aghnims Secpter on Juggernaut in late game phase which will grant a new ability “Swiftslah” It is like a shorter form on Omnislash that can be used on support heroes to wipe them out without wasting your main Omnislash
Tip: If you have fast hands and quick reaction time, you can cast Blade Fury during Manta Style’s animation to get out of ground targeted silences like Riki’s Smoke Screen and Disruptor’s Static Storm. It’s hard as hell to do, but you may have luck if you just mash both the Blade Fury hotkey and your Manta hotkey at the same time.
Counters of Juggernaut
- This hero can kill Juggernaut easily with a simple dagger in + blademail + Berserke’s call if he stands too close to a creep wave.
Outworld Destroyer
- Astal Imprisonent allows Outworld Destroyer to save himself or the teammate from Omnislash.
- Fiend’s Grip allows Bane to make Juggernaut completely countered when Blade Fury is used.
Shadow Fiend
- Shadow Fiend can be a great counter to Juggernaut especially when Blade Fury is used which allows Shadow Friend to kill Juggernaut with his physical damage. You can also check out the complete SF guide if you want to win against Juggernaut with Shadow Fiend.
Phantom Assassin
- Phantom Assasin is a great counter to Juggernaut as she can use her ability which is called “Blur” when Omnislash is triggered on her.
- To check how PA can counter Juggernaut, you can read the Phantom Assassin guide here.
Juggernaut is the perfect hero to learn in terms of farming patterns as this is the most reliable carry as compared to other carries. For new players and experienced ones, this guide will help them out in winning and stomping rank matches. Hope you like this guide try this out and let us know in the comment section.
“Juggernaut Stands Ready!!!”