How Big is Dota2? Space Required, System Requirments, eSports

Wondering how big is Dota 2? How much space do you need? Is Dota 2 worth playing? If you are looking for answers to any of these questions, you are at the right place. Here, you will get all your queries related to Dota 2 size and scope answered.

Dota 2

What is the download size of Dota 2?

The download size of Dota 2 on both Windows and Mac is 60 GB. So, to download it, you need to create a free space of 60 GB on your PC. The size has been increased, earlier it used to occupy 48 GB.

How to create space for Dota 2?

There are times when we do not have enough space on our PC which makes it very difficult to download desired apps and files. If you are facing a similar issue while downloading Dota 2, we have some quick solutions for you:

  1. As Dota 2 runs on Steam, the first thing you can do is to clear the cache so it will make some room.
  2. Secondly, verify the integrity of the game files. For this, go to Steam Library, then right-click Dota 2, then open Properties , then go to Local Files , from there verify integrity of game files. It won’t create space but will identify if there are any corrupt files and will download those specific files.
  3. Thirdly, if there are any games on Steam that you no longer play, deleting them will create space for Dota 2. 
  4. There is no point of keeping the replays when your disk is low on space. So, get rid of the Dota 2 replays folder.
  5. Next, you should delete big files and programs that you no longer use. You can also put them on the Cloud.
  6. Then, there are hidden temporary files. Delete them.

How to download Dota 2?

To download Dota 2 on your PC, follow the following steps:

  1. First download the Steam application.
  2. Once the  Steam app is downloaded, go to the Steam Store and download Dota 2.

Note: Dota 2 is free to download from Steam.

Dota 2

What are the system requirements for Dota 2 on Windows?

The minimum System requirements for Dota 2 on Windows are:

OS: Windows 7 or newer

Processor: Dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHz

Memory: 4 GB RAM

Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8600/9600GT, ATI/AMD Radeon HD2600/3600

DirectX: Version 11

Network: Broadband Internet connection

Storage: 60 GB available space

Sound Card: DirectX Compatible

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What are the system requirements for Dota 2 on MacOS?

The minimum System requirements for Dota 2 on MacOS are:

OS: macOS 10.13.6 or newer

Processor: Dual core from Intel

Memory: 4 GB RAM

Graphics: Metal-capable GPU (AMD GCN-based GPU or newer, NVIDIA Kepler-based GPU or newer, Intel HD 4000 or newer)

Network: Broadband Internet connection

Storage: 60 GB available space

Is Dota 2 bigger than LOL and other games?

Dota is bigger than League of Legends, Rocket League, Valorant, and TFT. But it is smaller than Apex legends.

Dota 2: eSports Scene

Dota 2 has a thriving Esports community. Every year there is a competition named “The International”. The prize pool for this competition is also quite big. In 2023, its prize pool was $ 3.4 million. Apart from International, you can participate in other Dota 2 tournaments which you can check here.


Although Dota 2 occupies some good space on your device, but the fun and the prize potential makes it a perfect choice for a gaming enthusiast like you. So, download it today, have fun, and win big.