Destiny 2 Revenant Act 3 Release Date Kell’s Fall Exotic Mission and more

Destiny 2 Revenant is getting its third and final Act with Act 3 which will bring new features and a brand new exotic mission Kell’s Fall coming soon. Kell’s Fall will be the new Exotic Mission similar to Echoes’ Encore. This will help you unlock new Catalyst and special perks for the new Exotic weapon. Slayer’s Fang is the new Exotic Shotgun coming with Destiny 2 Revenant Act 3.

Moreover, a new special quest Past is Prologue and new Artifact mods are also coming with Act 3.

Destiny 2 has added a new sidearm Tinasha’s Mastery, which equips a Rocket-powered pistol and Stasis element. It’s the first weapon from this archetype to have a Stasis element. There are also new perks included with Tinasha’s Mastery to help boost the elemental subclass. You can also check out Destiny 2 and Street Fighter Collectible skins.

Destiny 2 new Episode: Revenant launched on October 8, 2024, bringing new story content including Fikrul, Master of Souls, and other popular characters like Mithrax, The Crow, Eido, and more. There is a new Exotic Armor for each class, a new Season Pass Exotic Weapon called Alethonym, and the returning Exotic Weapon Ice Breaker that can be acclaimed by defeating the final boss of a dungeon. New Exotic Weapons are also coming with Episode Revenant.

Here’s everything you need to know about Destiny 2 Revenant Act 3 release date, Kell’s Fall Exotic Mission and more coming to the game.

Destiny 2 Revenant Act 3 Release Date

Revenant Act 3 will be released on January 7 with the weekly reset, per Destiny 2’s in-game schedule for the season, and run until February 4, 2025, when it will end and be replaced with Episode Heresy. Moreover, the Weekly reset takes place at 9 AM PT, 5 PM GMT, and noon EST.

Kell’s Fall Exotic Mission

As was the case for Episode Echoes, Revenant’s final act will introduce a new Exotic mission in the form of Kell’s Fall. While Bungie hasn’t specified what the activity will entail from a narrative standpoint, expect plenty of puzzles to solve, secrets to find and rewards to earn, including Slayer’s Fang, an Exotic Shotgun with several unique properties.

Slayer’s Fang Exotic Shotgun

Slayer’s Fang is a Void Shotgun with a wildly unconventional set of perks. Nightsworn Sight grants the user Truesight (see opponents through walls and solid objects) after defeating targets, also weakening them. Heart Piercer, on the other hand, modifies the Shotgun’s usual pellet spread, causing them to shatter into multiple submunitions on impact. Slayer’s Fang also includes the built-in ability to stun Overload Champions.

Past is Prologue Quest

 Past is Prologue is a special quest involving the Drifter and Eris Morn, requiring the completion of several objectives to earn Bento tokens. These will be exchangeable for various rewards, including Adept weapons, Mementos, and crafting materials. Per Bungie’s End of 2024 developer update, Past is Prologue is scheduled to drop in the “final weeks of Revenant.”

Artifact Mods

Guardians can expect the final expansion to Revenant’s Artifact to come with Act 3. We don’t know what these are just yet, but considering the season’s emphasis on buffing Stasis and Arc subclasses, expect additional mods augmenting them further.

Exotic Tonics

First revealed during Bungie’s initial Revenant preview livestream, Exotic Tonics are expected to drop with Act 3. Granting the same drop rate boosts as their existing Legendary counterparts just with a longer duration is a likely function.

That’s all you need to know about Destiny 2 Revenant Act 3 and everything coming with the new act including Kell’s Fall Exotic Mission.