Heretic’s Fervor is a Stasis Rocket Launcher in Destiny 2. Rocket launchers are great and come with cool perks and deal a ton of damage. Heretic’s Fervor has an aggressive look and is a frame rocket. We got you covered with god roll for Heretic’s Fervor in Destiny 2.
Destiny 2 has added a new sidearm Tinasha’s Mastery, which equips a Rocket-powered pistol and Stasis element. It’s the first weapon from this archetype to have a Stasis element. There are also new perks included with Tinasha’s Mastery to help boost the elemental subclass. You can also check out Destiny 2 and Street Fighter Collectible skins.
Slayer’s Fang is a new Exotic Shotgun in Destiny 2 added with Revenant Act III. Revenant Act 3 will be released on January 7 with the weekly reset, per Destiny 2’s in-game schedule for the season, and run until February 4, 2025, when it will end and be replaced with Episode Heresy. Moreover, the Weekly reset takes place at 9 AM PT, 5 PM GMT, and noon EST.
Destiny 2 Heresy Act 1 is dropping soon this week. This will be the continuing story for Light vs Darkness in the game. Some changes are coming to the Exotic gear, which includes armor and weapons. This would shift player builds in a new way. We got you covered with all the changes coming to Exotic armor in Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Act 1.
More details about official patch notes will be revealed when the Destin 2 Episode Act 1 launches on Bungie’s official website.
All Exotic Armor changes in Destiny 2 Heresy Act 1
Here are all the armor pieces that are receiving buffs in Heresy Act 1.
- Foetracer: Increased duration of weapon damage.
- Geomag Stabilizers: Increased super energy gains from Ionic Traces up to 7%. The new addition allows the Exotic to start with six Bolt Charges.
- An Insurmountable Skullfort: A new addition now grants energy to Arc melee with any melee hit.
- Renewal Grasp: Increased gain rate of Frost armor.
- Gwisin Vest: New additions grant Super based on hits, and the armor now emits a cloud of weakening smoke upon exiting invisibility. Its maximum possible Super energy gain was improved.
- Secant Filaments: An added feature allows players to gain class ability energy with kills while Devour is active.
Destiny 2 is enjoying a brand new event with a ton of rewards which is part of the Revenant Episode 3. The event offers multiple quests that give rewards including loot and currency. This is a perfect event for new players jumping in to Destiny 2. Getting god roll Legendary weapons and high armor can give a good head start to players.
Here all the Exotic armor that will be going to have a rework in Heresy Act 1.
- Stormdancer’s Brace: Damage increase per stack buffed, at the cost of energy refund. Blink cost was reduced.
- Radiant Dance Machines: The new addition allows players to experience increased airborne effectiveness, range, and accuracy for their Primary ammo weapons while activating all dodge effects by counting each dodge as real dodges. Primary multi-kills will grant dodge energy. Dodge charges can be gained with kills if the energy is full.
- Citan’s Ramparts: Increased Barricade health. Earlier penalties related to Barricade cooldown and duration were removed.
- Ursa Furiosa: Perk grants grenade energy instead of Super energy.
- Khepri’s Horn: An added benefit allows players to spawn a Sunspot upon damaging combatants.
- Speaker’s Sight: The Healing Turret no longer targets allies with full health.
- Verity’s Brow: An added feature now allows players to gain increased grenade energy when the perk is active.
Bento Token is a special currency in Destiny 2 that you can get from the new event. There are a total of eight Bento Token you can earn. You can only earn five from farming them via completing the week 1 quests. And the remaining three Tokens can be earned at the last week of the Episode Revenant.
Moreover, the Hunter Exotic Class item will be receiving a nerf. That’s all you need to know about all the changes to Exotic armor in Destiny 2 Hersey Act 1.