Ancient is currently one of the most popular maps in CS2 and the community has embraced it wholeheartedly. CS2’s new mechanics for smokes and movement makes it more fun and players are loving the new competitive skills in the game.

CS2 is a game for map knowledge, it is one of the key elements that every good player should learn. If you know every inch of your map, you instantly get an advantage over your opponents. The next big thing is throwables.
Utilizing your flashes, smokes, and nades, you can easily change the push and defend on a round. With the new premier ranking, be sure to have good team players if you want to improve your premier ranking in CS2.
Learning lineups for best smokes, grenades, and flashes will give you an edge in Ancient. We got you covered with our detailed guide. Also, one more important part of CS2 is the crosshairs. If you are not familiar with crosshairs and which ones are the best. Don’t worry, we got you covered with the CS2 pro player’s crosshairs which can help improve your aim.
Ancient Map
Ancient was originally included in CS:GO which is an older version of the new CS2. Ancient is one of the two maps that received an overhaul in CS2 and the other one is Nuke. There are quality-of-life upgrades and better lighting and textures in Ancient.
Ancient Map Callouts and best smokes
Ancient like most maps in CS2 includes two sites, A and B. With three main callouts being A site, B site, and mid. However, there are more Ancient callouts that you need to learn to take full map control. If you know these callouts, they can help you in throwing your flashes and smokes right on point.
Ancient T- Spawn
Ancient T-Spawn has three different smoke points that can help you control and push when you’re in the Terrorist team. When you spawn in T-Spawn you can throw your smokes into the following areas.
- House
- Donut/Tunnels
- Cave
For House smoke, you need to go in between the pillars look in the middle of the red wall, and jump throw your smoke. This will cover all of the House and you push through mid.
To smoke Tunnels/Donut, you can go to T-Spawn and look at the tree outside Tunnels/Donut and jump throw which will smoke off all of Tunnels. You can now watch out for any enemy push.
You can smoke Cave by going next to the small rock left of the T-Spawn. You need to smoke on the large wooden door by doing a Jump throw and you are good to go.
Ancient Mid
On the terrorist side, you can take control of Mid by smoking off Donut/Tunnels. Another good strategy will be to use a smoke and grenade combo. This way you can take complete mid control and get the enemy pushing mid.
Go to mid and throw over the wall of Donut, this way you can smoke off CT from Donut. You can also throw a Molotov instead of smoke to get the enemy camping in CT.
Grenades can also be a good trick, when you’re in mid you can throw a grenade right at Donut’s door. This will help damage the enemy waiting at the door watching the flank.
If a Donut enemy player is camping inside, you can throw a Molotov next to candles. This will trap the enemy and you can pick them off in a fight.
Ancient A-site
Taking A-site control in Ancient is crucial for the attacking team, this way you can clear Donut, CT, and A-site. Your main task is to smoke both Donut and CT to help you push into A-site.
To smoke off Donut, go into the barn area go to the left corner, and throw your smoke by jumping between the two palm trees in front of you. This will help smoke Donut and you can push ahead.
Once, you have reached A-site and are good for the plant. The first thing you need to do is watch toward CT cross and throw your smoke. This way CT will be blocked and you can plant behind the boxes in A-site.
You can also smoke mid to A-site, after the plant to cover any flank. This way you can hold behind the A-site and score a round.
Ancient is one of the largest maps in CS2 and it makes rotation a bit slower. Flanks can be a real bummer in this case. However, you can take control with our smokes, grenades, and flashes lineups. You will surely require some practice to master the smoke lineups. I hope you get your next Ancient Premier win with this detailed map guide.