Black Ops 6 Zombies can be a daunting mode, so this Black Ops 6 Zombies Beginners Guide goes over absolutely everything you’ll need to be able to jump into BO6 Zombies and confidently start playing and learning all the systems, upgrading all of your augments and making the most of the mode. This is Black Ops 6 Zombies Explained, with a full Black Ops 6 Zombies Guide explaining How to Play BO6 Zombies.

Everything you need to Know About Black Ops Zombie 6
Black Ops 6 marks the comeback of Round-Based Zombies. This mode allows the players to team up to take down waves of the undead. Two brand-new maps are introduced in this mode, Liberty Falls and Terminus. Dark Aether in 1991 and after the events of Black Ops Cold War storyline continues in Black Ops 6 Zombies. It’s time to grind new zombie weapon skins.
A deep narrative focused on and told through a dedicated crew of zombie characters available from the start: Grigori Weaver, Elizabeth Grey, Mackenzie ‘Mac’ Carver, and Maya Aguinaldo. GobbleGums, deep weapon customization, global progression, and mode-specific systems are also returned in this mode. It also features deadly enemies, tons of secrets, deadly weapons, upgrades, and more.
You can get access to three Major and three Minor upgrades for every Perk, Ammo Mod, and Field Upgrade in the game with the help of an Augment upgrade that provides a unique customization experience. Playing zombies can unlock extra Augments to suit your favorite playstyle. Up to 100 Augments can be unlocked at the launch of the game and many through the post-launch seasons.
Zombies and grotesque evolving enemies like the new Vermin and Parasites are the true enemies of every player in Black Ops Zombie 6. Higher rounds will introduce more challenging enemies. All-new Melee Macchiato Perk-a-Cola designed to inflict a deadly punch to enemies within close range.
GobbleGums are earned in-game that grant different playstyle perks and effects but they are only single-use items. Zombie players can play a 3rd-person perspective and toggle enemy health bars and zombie damage numbers in Settings for the first time in the game.
Basics in Black Ops 6 Zombies
Press the right bumper on your controller to open the main menu and move into the loadout. Here you can choose any weapon that you’ve unlocked that you can bring into a zombie game. The weapon progression is global across multiplayer and zombies, so any level that your weapons are in multiplayer will also be in zombies. Just like multiplayer, any weapon that you equip can also go ahead and add on any attachments you’ve unlocked as well you can add up to eight attachments on any weapon in this mode.
Field Upgrade
You’ll also choose your field upgrades and here certain Field Upgrades will be locked until you reach the required level. There are extremely powerful things that you equip and use to take out enemies very quickly.
You’ve got your Tactical where you can choose a tactical grenade.
In order to earn Gogglegums inside of Zombies, you simply just play Zombies, and randomly every few rounds you’ll be awarded between one and two random Gobblegums of random different rarities. If you’re lucky then you could even get a Perkaholic at a higher level.
Once you’ve all set, you want to head bank and go into Augment. Click research in the Augment menu to see all the locked Augments. A lot of these will be locked at the start of the game. Below are all of them that the game has to offer.
- Jugger-Nog
- Stamin-Up
- Speed Cola
- Deadshot Daiquiri
- Quick Revive
- Elemental Pop
- PHO Flopper
- Melee Macchiato
You’ll only be able to activate one of a perk, one ammo mod, and one field upgrade. Once you’ve activated one and begin playing zombies just by slaying down the undead, and gaining XP, you will unlock Augments that will unlock in this chain. Earn two to three Energy Mine to start researching another field upgrade to learn upgrade.
For other field upgrades, you need to unlock nice Augments to begin 15 and 21. You can only research one upgrade at a time and will take a lot of games of you activating to be able to earn all of these benefits. Once you start earning them, you can equip Augments.
Go over to Operators where here you can choose what character to play as. Grey, Maya, Weaver, and Carver are the characters that are labeled as dedicated crew operators. If you play any of these characters in Zombies then you’ll get an enhanced story experience and unique content. The whole Zombies mode this year is themed around these characters and their story, so make sure you play them to not miss out on any important Story.
Unique Addition
If you pause your game at any time, you have the option to go into the third person where you can play the entirety of Zombies in the third person. You can also change your HUD. Under the gameplay HUD in an interface, you can change the layout to be standard for Black Ops 6 Zombies classic to match a Black Ops 3 style or even redacted where every single HUD element is completely disabled.
Selecting Match
Once that’s all done, just simply select your mission. Click standard (Play in a Squad) where you will be playing with other players or simply solo and then choose your map between Liberty Falls or Terminus.
Liberty Falls
This is a small fictional town in West Virginia in the United States of America and is featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. The main objective for every player on this map is to fight and survive endless waves of the undead and fulfill the experiment. Below are the POIs of Liberty Falls in the game.
- Pump & Pay
- Motor Lodge
- Olly’s Comics
- Fuller’s Liberty Lanes
- Savings & Loan
- Holy Falls Church
- “The Alamo”
Below are all the enemies that you can encounter here.
- Zombies
- Armored Zombies
- Heavy Zombies
- Manglers
- Vermins
- Abominations
Just straight in across both maps, your first objective is going to be to activate the power and get to the Pack-A-Punch machine. You need to open up the doors that are prompting you all the way from the bottom of the map up the hill towards the church and then buy the debris to investigate the Church for Pack-A-Punch in Liberty Falls.
This map takes place in an undisclosed Blacksite on Terminus Island located in the Philippine Sea. Below are all the Terminus POIs in the game.
- Cells and Guard Station
- Security Overlook and Control Center
- Living Quarters, Storage, and Mess Hall
- Sea Tower
- Gun Battery Platform
- Sea Caves and Mining Tunnels
- Bio Lab
- Inclined Lift and Maglev Elevator
- Shipwreck
- The Outer Islands
The enemies that you will encounter here are the following.
- Zombie
- Armored Zombie
- Heavy Zombie
- Vermin
- Parasite
- Mangler
- Amalgam
In Terminus, you’re simply going to follow the prompts on the screen that will lead you to three different locations where you need to activate three AMP generators. The first one is right outside the spawn room and is clearly labeled. Once you’ve activated it, you need to go ahead and defend it for 30 seconds from Zombies that are already in the round as well as brand new Zombies that will be spawning and wearing more Hazmat-style Zombie suits.
Your second is going to be in living quarters right opposite the Juggernog machine where again activate it and defend it for 30 seconds. The third and final one is underground in the bio lab. Once you have defended all three successfully, in order to access the Pack-A-Punch you need to dive into the water and resurface the inclined lift by simply going up to the button. Hold the square for the platform to rise out of the water and give you Pack-A-Punch access.
S.A.M Trails
A huge map feature that you want to take advantage of as soon as it’s available is the S.A.M Trails. There’ll be a prompt on the screen of it spawning in the location on the map. You can also look for it anywhere by looking for a purple beam of light which is not to be mistaken with the mystery box. By going up to the machine, you can activate it for 500 points to start a special challenge.
This could literally be anything such as getting crouch kills, getting kills without moving, taking out specifically Vermin Zombies, staying put in a single area, taking Zombies out using only lethal equipment and taking Zombies out whilst only using certain score streaks, perks, or certain traps.
If you complete within the time frame given, you’ll be awarded a special mystery crate with its rarity depending on how much you progress through that challenge. If you get a quarter of the way through then you will get the lowest rarity version of a reward. Getting halfway is slightly upgraded and if you manage to get all the way then the challenge will immediately complete and reward you with a gold rarity legendary crate.
During any challenge you activate, you will have a separate spawn of zombies with special purple-glowing eyes that are completely separate from the normal spawning zombies. Taking out zombies will also earn you points, although you’re awarded 10 points per elimination.
S.A.M. Trial Possible Locations in Liberty Falls
- Spawn area in the gas station
- Bank entrance
- Between the door to the bank and the GobbleGum Machine
- Comic Book Store
- In the Church
- Closer to the stairs near the church
S.A.M. Trial Possible Locations in Terminus
- Sea Tower
- Near the ascender and under the sea
- At the Rec Yard
- Near the XM4 wall-buy in the Laboratory
The rewards you can get from these S.A.M Trails range from anything to free perks to free weapons of higher rarity to free equipment to free ammo mods and self-revive kits.