Apex Legends Swap Event Update and SBM Update

So, while people have been frustrated with the game, Apex still has some news for those optimists that still exist. Despite the news that there would be no event in the month of June, we are kind of, sort of getting an event called the Void Swap event. 

Basically, it’s going to be the quads mode coming. This is the one ideally where these Legends are going to dress up as each other. Alternator may dress up as Octane, and they may just basically switch costumes. But this one little small event does have more than one implication that has many people talking about future changes.

Source: https://www.si.com/esports/apex-legends/quad-mode-leak

apex quad mode update

Skill Based Match Making Update

Firstly, what about skill-based matchmaking? Now, SBMM has definitely been a conversation for years and years, but many people are talking about it once again with Season 21, saying that trios is still very, very sweaty, and it’s really cranked up to the max because people are saying that their lobbies are 50% Pread. Not only is it really bad with really sweaty players, but occasionally, you’re getting one of those really, really bad players as well.

Zeus put out a video a couple of days ago, and it was literally this exact situation. I mean, some of the people that are making it to the endgame are literal bots. Like, I actually question if they’re real or not. And for the longest time, we’ve heard these devs say that, you know, you guys are just gamers; you don’t understand what it’s like to be a developer.

However, Mark Rubin over at X Defiant not only said that they don’t have skill-based matchmaking in their game, but he’s like a big-time producer, executive producer for X Defiant, with a lot of history and a very long time inside the multiplayer first-person shooters. And this guy said he can confirm that no push has been made to put skill-based matchmaking into the game. Our unranked playlist will still have no skill-based matchmaking, and you will get a variety of gameplay that you see when there isn’t skill-based matchmaking.

As the new update will be here soon, you can always choose our elo boosting services for Apex Legends to unlock new rank!

Quad Mode Update

Eventually, long enough down the road, I guess enough people started playing the game, and maybe this has changed since. But since the player base is really, really low right now, and yet they’re still adding all these other modes, they’re still adding solos, they still got trios, they got, you know, Gun Run is kind of like permanent right now on its own playlist. Yet, still, mixtape playlist, they’ve got mixtape permanent as well. So many things going on. So, with the new quads mode coming on the 25th, what is Apex’s approach going to be when it comes to skill-based matchmaking, especially considering that the brand new map has been rumored to get these quad version Trident on it as well?

But if that’s the case, quads mode, I thought, would only be lasting six weeks like solos. Are they actually making quads more than just this short-term LTM? It seems like there might be long-term implications with it. It could be that, or it could also be tied into the fact that ranked Rumble was rumored to be coming into Season 21, according to Hyper Mist, at least weeks ago.

25 June Event Update

Now, one of the biggest notions I think people are missing out on this June 25th event is the fact that this would also be the midseason update that we would get. It’s hard to believe that Season 21 is nearly halfway over already, and we’re about to start talking about the brand new map coming next season. Last season, in Season 20 Breakout, we did get the Shadow Society collection event, and this mid-season update had a lot of changes with Legends getting nerfed, Legends getting buffed, weapons getting changed, and all sorts of patch notes and balance updates. Many people are hoping to expect that once again with this mid-season patch.