Valorant: New FLEX Cosmetic and how to get FLEX Skins

Valorant is having a blast in 2025 with the launch of its new Episode. From a brand new Initiator Tejo, a new Battle Pass. Riot Games has introduced a brand new feature and type of cosmetic coming to Valorant. FLEX is a new item that players will able to view during in-game and between rounds. It literally means flexing the cool cosmetic items.

Valorant has revealed its first new Agent coming to Valorant with the next Episode in 2025. Tejo is a brand new Initiator joining the roster straight from Colombian Intelligence services. He offers explosion in a literal sense clearing out any corners.

If you’re deciding to jumping back in League of Legends or installing Valorant you might face the “We Couldn’t Install a Required Dependency” error while updating the game. It’s a well known error and a lot of players face it while installing the games in Riot Games client. We will be going in detail for both Valorant and League of Legends to help you fix the “We Couldn’t Install a Required Dependency.”

Valorant Patch 9.11 will bring major Nerfs to Neon and devs revealed these changes. Riot is also updated with how Neon’s slide is a bit OP for competitive matches and it can be hard to counter with two slides. These set changes will help make Valorant more fair in ranked matches. Moreover, Vyse is getting quality-of-life improvements and buffs coming to her Razor Vine. A part from agent changes, the Pinging system in Valorant is getting enhanced which before could distract players if an eliminated teammate continuously pinged on the map.

Here’s everything you need to know about Valorant FLEX cosmetic and how to get FLEX skins.

Valorant new FLEX Cosmetic

In Valorant’s official reveal video, Jack Flannery and Sean Merino defined FLEX as a “really unique item that you can bring into game.” Players will be able to equip FLEX at any time, before, during, and after the round, to celebrate your victory!

The verb “to flex” is a way to show that you are proud of something you have done or something you own. Well, that’s exactly what players will be able to do with FLEX. Players will be able to use this item as a way to express themselves, just like they already do through skins, player cards, and sprays.

Similarly to Valorant’s melee skins, players will be able to spam their FLEX cosmetics. These will also include multiple animations, but players won’t be able to notice them from a three-person point of view.

Moreover, its confirmed there will be no affects on your character like movement speed while viewing the FLEX items.

How to get FLEX Skins

Valorant has only confirmed two FLEX items, including what it looks like a phone with a picture of Brimstone, which will be free, and a snowflake, which will be included in the battle pass. While these are the only FLEX items included in the first patch of 2025, Riot Games has already confirmed that more of them will be released throughout the year.

Moreover, you can get a Free FLEX skin. “To celebrate the launch of Flex this week, players will receive a free Flex in their collection.” This Flex will arrive in every user’s account automatically. All VALORANT players can obtain another, the Stellar Dendrite Flex, from the paid Season 2025 Act I Battlepass tier.

That’s all you need to know about Valorant FLEX Cosmetic how it works and how to get a free FLEX skin.