Valorant: New Initiator Tejo Release Date, Abilities and more

Valorant has revealed its first new Agent coming to Valorant with the next Episode in 2025. Tejo is a brand new Initiator joining the roster straight from Colombian Intelligence services. He offers explosion in a literal sense clearing out any corners.

Valorant Patch 9.11 will bring major Nerfs to Neon and devs revealed these changes. Riot is also updated with how Neon’s slide is a bit OP for competitive matches and it can be hard to counter with two slides. These set changes will help make Valorant more fair in ranked matches. Moreover, Vyse is getting quality-of-life improvements and buffs coming to her Razor Vine. A part from agent changes, the Pinging system in Valorant is getting enhanced which before could distract players if an eliminated teammate continuously pinged on the map.

If you’re deciding to jumping back in League of Legends or installing Valorant you might face the “We Couldn’t Install a Required Dependency” error while updating the game. It’s a well known error and a lot of players face it while installing the games in Riot Games client. We will be going in detail for both Valorant and League of Legends to help you fix the “We Couldn’t Install a Required Dependency.”

Here’s everything you nee to know about Tejo Initiator in Valorant including his release date, abilities and more.

Valorant Tejo Release Date


VALORANT’s newest agent Tejo will arrive with VALORANT’s Season 2025 Act I on January 8 2024. He will be available for play immediately and enter the game with a ten-tier agent contract users can earn.

Tejo’s Background

Tejo, VALORANT’s newest Agent, is an experienced Columbian intelligence operative. He is a military veteran who now uses his skills as a consultant (perhaps he could get along well with fan-favorite ‘old dog’ Brimstone, who served in the US Military).

Tejo’s codename is likely a reference to Colombian culture. A game invented by indigenous Colombians, also called Tejo, involves throwing heavy metal discs at explosives on a board filled with gunpowder. It connects to his abilities as a VALORANT agent — in Tejo’s “Sticky Grenade” ability, players will similarly toss a grenade at a target area.

Tejo’s Abilities in Valorant

  • Ability 1, Special Delivery: “EQUIP a sticky grenade. FIRE to launch. The grenade sticks to the first surface it hits and explodes, concussing any targets caught in the blast. ALT FIRE to launch the grenade with a single bounce instead.”
  • Ability 2, Stealth Drone: “EQUIP a stealth drone. FIRE to throw the drone forward, assuming direct control of its movement. FIRE again to trigger a pulse that Suppresses and Reveals enemies hit.”
  • Ability 3, Guided Salvo: “EQUIP an AR targeting system. FIRE to select up to two target locations on the map. ALT FIRE to launch missiles that autonomously navigate to target locations, detonating on arrival.”
  • Ultimate Ability, Armageddon: “EQUIP a tactical strike targeting map. FIRE to select the origin point of the strike. FIRE again to set the end point and launch the attack, unleashing a wave of explosions along the strike path. ALT FIRE during map targeting to cancel the origin point.”

All Tejo’s Contract skins in Valorant

Tejo’s Contract contains ten tiers of cosmetics including sprays, titles, a weapon skin and more.

  • Tier 1: Spray – Ordinance Request
  • Tier 2: Player Card – VALORANT Tejo
  • Tier 3: Title – On Target
  • Tier 4: Spray – Heat Wave
  • Tier 5: Kingdom Credits – 2000
  • Tier 6: Gun Buddy – Misilito
  • Tier 7: Spray – Tejo Spray
  • Tier 8: Title – Hermano
  • Tier 9: Player Card – Collateral
  • Tier 10: Sidearm (Shorty) – Hard Bargain

Tejo is set to change the initiators meta in Valorant which will greatly shift competitive matches. His addition will also benefit players who take role as initiators and overall increase in number of Initiators in-game.

That’s all you need to know about Valorant’s new Initiator Tejo and its release date and how his abilities work.