Overwatch 2 brings changes to the meta with every upcoming season. There is a big list of heroes to choose your playstyle and role. With Season 12 bringing a ton of new updates to the game and brand-new support Hero Juno. The Hero roaster in Overwatch 2 is bigger than ever.

Soft reset on competitive in season 12 is a good time to play with high-tier players. This way you can get more SR in your competitive matches. Apart from competitive games, there has been a new mode Clash added as well to overwatch.
Making a team of heroes that help in pushing sites and different map strategies is what helps the most in Overwatch 2. Winston is one of the greatest tanks in Overwatch 2. However, it can be a bit tricky to play a tank role. It is one of the most important roles as they take a lot of damage from enemies and protect their team from taking damage.
Winston is a top-tier tank, and Overwatch 2 allows players to have only one- tank player. It can be crucial to play Winston and scatter enemies helping your team push the objective. Winston is one of the most mobility-heavy tanks in the game.
Here is everything you need to know about Master Winston and his playstyle in Overwatch 2.
Winston’s Abilities in Overwatch 2
Winston’s primary weapon is the Tesla Canon and is relatively easy to use but it has low damage. However, his Tesla Canon can break enemy shields and deal damage to enemies. His secondary fire launches an electric ball which can be charged by holding to secondary fire. There is a total of 12 ammo per shot in the electric ball and it deals 20 damage per hit.
Barrier Projectile is the next ability for Winston, which allows a large dome shield around him and his teammates. Winston’s Barrier Projectile is very helpful as it can stop any damage unless enemies push his dome shield.
One trick for Barrier Projectile is to place it on escort or an objective. While on the escort, you can put Winston’s dome shield on top of the escort. This way you can easily push the escort without taking damage. And Winston can tank in front of the escort helping clear enemies.
The next inline is the Jump pack which gives Winston the ability to high jump in the air and deal damage when colliding on land. Jump Pack has a small cooldown which is great for Winston to use it a lot helping deal decent damage to enemies breaking their attack.
Winston’s passive ability is a tank which lowers the effect of enemies’ abilities on him.
Winston’s Ultimate Ability
Winston’s Ultimate ability is called Primal Rage which makes him become a sheer animal and rage. His ult is great for destroying enemy defense and defensive abilities. Primal Rage also gives a health boost to Winston, which increases his health. With his passive ability and Ultimate mixed, he becomes unstoppable.
However, his arm swing attacks in his ult do not do enough damage compared to his normal abilities. But Primal Rage is good for destroying defense systems. This helps your team push the objective. You can take control and scatter enemies with his ult which is the main purpose of the tank role in Overwatch 2.
Winston Playstyle Tips
Winston is a tank role and their main job is to scatter enemies as far as they can. All this to help make their team push objective or escort. Here are our top tips to help you master Winston’s playstyle and conquer your competitive matches.
- Focus on disrupting your enemies using Barrier Projectiles and push them.
- Isolate your enemies from their team to help them push their team.
- Use Jump back to early push enemy lines and deal damage to enemies pushing your team.
- Use Winston’s abilities as a combo to make chaos within enemies.
- Use Primal Rage to destroy enemy defenses and team up with your attacker role.