As the highly anticipated League of Legends World Championship 2024 tournament is coming closer, Riot Games has shown a preview of patch 14.17 and announced that Worlds 2024 will be played on patch 14.18. However, patch 14.17 will be a precursor to the event and game.

This shows how important the new LoL patch 14.17 is going to be for the preparation for the new meta coming to the League of Legends Worlds which is the biggest tournament of the year. In his tweet Matt “Riot Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison also shared his opinions on the ADCs and supports in the current meta and how Aurora Nerf is going to work.
Get prepared to work with new meta with brand new nerfs and strategies to rank your games to that Shiny Champions Rank.
Developers’ view on ADCS in LoL patch 14.17
According to Riot Phroxzon, the new patch focuses on Adjusting ADCs in mid-lane and how effective they are. This patch will focus on adjusting the Absorb Life, Cut Down, and Fleet Footwork runes. Previous patches highly shifted the meta with ADCs in solo lanes with changes to runes, AP and ADC items and experience gain to help ADCs to gain control and power of the lane.
Last patch 14.16 nerfs proved to show good results with nerfing one-item spikes like Blade of Ruined King and champion nerfs Corki and Lucian. Bot lane champions are getting nerf this patch which will include Ashe and Ezreal.
Developers’ view on Supports in LoL patch 14.17
Ranged Support players have always been on the lookout for developers over the past year, making them go through enough changes to impact them out of the current meta. Supports were good and held by Bloodsong in patch 14.10. But newer patches with red side bot lane gank changes and reduce theirs heals. Also, buffs to Tank Support champions have also lowered the effectiveness of Ranged Support champions.
Riot balance team is working hard to make Support champions ready for Worlds 2024 bringing adjustments to the current meta and abilities like Celestial Opposition, Wramong’s Armor, Aftershock, and champions to help in making the Support role effective.
Senna and Seraphine after being adjusted in the last patch 14.16, will still be going through more adjustments to make them viable in ranged and Tank supports. This is the main goal as explained by Riot.
LoL patch 14.17 Champion buffs
Here are all the champions getting buffs in patch 14.17.
- Caitlyn
- Graves
- Kindred
- Ryze
- Varus
LoL patch 14.17 Champion nerfs
The new patch is getting a ton of nerfs to champions. Riot is making sure the Worlds 2024 stays balanced and player game sense plays a viable role in their biggest tournament. With the newest patch, 14.17 they are bringing nerfs to a total of 13 champions.
Here are all the 13 champions that will be getting nerfed with the new update on August 28, 2024.
- she
- Aurora
- Brand
- Ezreal
- Katarina
- Kennen
- LeBlanc
- Lillia
- Pyke
- Rumble
- Senna (AP)
- Seraphine
- Sylas
Aurora nerf explained
Aurora was recently adjusted and players were pretty happy with how well she plays. But Riot balance team is still not done with Aurora and they have revealed their plans to further polish Aurora. They are reworking her Q and R visuals to help in clarity.
Aurora has been a great top lane player champion and her damage has also been improved with recent changes to her. However, the balance team is trying their best to nerf her being so dominant in end-game play.
Aurora can be a pain for enemies to overcome and Riot is exploring ways to help players adapt to countering her and dodging her Q ability and her ability range. Riot will make sure Aurora is balanced till the Worlds 2024 arrives and the competition is fair.
New LoL patch 14.17 changes have significantly reduced ranged support champions to be viable to use and the meta has shifted more towards tank support champions and players.
Although, meta is still reasonable with the new update and there is a good balance between ranged and tank melee support with a variety of options to choose your champion from. Riot is committed to fans and players to deliver a thrilling and memorable LoL Worlds 2024 tournament.