Yoru is a highly challenging agent to master in Valorant. Not just among duelists but across the board. However, with the right approach, you can overcome the learning curve and unlock the full potential of this Dynamic agent. Yoru has been reworked and he is different now. Even though a lot of characteristics have been unchanged. You must know the economy system in Valorant, if not then do check our Valorant Economy Guide.

Let’s take a closer look and closer look and break down the key to each of his abilities. To master other powerful agents in Valorant check our Valorant deadlock agent guide, Valorant agent gekko, harbor Valorant agent guide, neon Valorant map guide, Valorant agent fade guide.
The first ability we are covering is Valorant Yoru’s Fakeout, which is basically a completely new skill from its pre-worked version. It used to be fake footsteps but now it’s something completely different, which is a clone. It still cost 100 credits although his charges dropped from a maximum of two to only one. This ability is definitely a lot more interesting and versatile as well as powerful.
Just like the footsteps you can place them and leave them to be activated later or you can simply use them instantly. Activate it by pressing the default action key “F”. Upon use the clone will simply run forward for 10 seconds or until it’s shot by an enemy player. When shot it turns to whoever shot it and flashes in their direction.
How to judge Yoru Clone
Now there are a few things to note about this, firstly the clone looks different for teammates than it does for enemies. To teammates, it’s very obvious that it’s a clone but for opponents, the model looks identical, and calling clone or no clone is a lot harder. However, there are two pretty signs.
Firstly, the movement speed as the clone is a bit slower than a regular player this is something that might not be super obvious now but it might become more apparent over time as soon as we get used to seeing more Yoru’s in the game. The second one is that your clone can only run in a straight line but that also means that you can fake it. The fact that it runs straight and straight only is pretty obvious. Normal player movement doesn’t look like that.
How to Use Fakeout ability on an enemy
You must have seen the obvious sign has a plus side as well because it’s so obvious that it’s not a normal player. You can easily pretend to be a clone, just hold down W and no other movement keys and run in a straight line that only a clone would. Then if your opponents say that there’s no way you’re a real player, play trigger discipline, you walk into a wall behind them, make them forget about you, and turn on them.
This either works very well or not at all depending on your opponents. Funnily enough, this strategy might work even better in higher ranks because people in those ranks are more likely to assume a clone when they see someone walking in a weird way and they’re more familiar with trigger discipline.
How to tackle this ability
The tip against this strategy is that at least in most cases you do want to shoot the clone just to make sure that it really is one. If it pops, you can always turn quickly in order to not get flashed and it’s usually not a pretty big risk. Be careful though if you have teammates nearby and you shoot it, they likely will get blind and they probably won’t appreciate it.
Tips to Use Fakeout Ability
Another cool thing you can do with the clone is supercharge it by having your Sova recon dart it. As the clone is able to carry it, this isn’t the most effective way to use either ability but it has the potential to work quite well on a site take. It basically forces your opponents to let the clone be and get pinged or shoot both of them and get flashed.
Having mentioned those two ideas, I think this ability is best used as an entry tool. Have your clone run out of choke points together with one or more of your teammates and your opponents will likely be quite overwhelmed by the incoming storm of enemies, and remember shooting the wrong one can be fatal.
Forcing your opponents to play trigger discipline on a clone is annoying and slows them down quite a bit when real Yoru or other players do show up on their screen. The most important thing here as with most Yoru abilities is to be unpredictable. Using the same abilities every round in the exact same way is not how you should be playing Yoru.
Yoru is all about chaos and surprise and doing different things. Every round is how you can make him look good. Using the same clone every round or pretending to be a clone yourself consistently will likely result in a fast loss and an easy bottom frag. With Yoru’s kit and especially with these recent changes, there is a lot of room for creativity. So, make sure you use all the tools in your arsenal to come up with your own creative plays.
The second ability we should talk about is the changed Gatecrash or teleport ability. From what it was before, it changed quite a bit and it’s gotten a lot stronger but the general idea remains the same. First of all, they got rid of the cooldown idea as it felt weird and was hard to balance. Now instead you have charges.
Each round you start with one charge for free but you can always buy a second one for an additional 200 credits. Like other duelists, you can recharge this signature ability by getting two kills, so if you use a TP to get a kill then you use your second one to get another. Your charge will have renewed and your third Gatecrash will be ready to go.
This makes it so that you have a lot more freedom and feel less forced to use bad Gatecrashes as you no longer have that cooldown constantly on your mind. That’s the biggest change but they also made it so that you can now fake teleport, which is huge and adds a ton of plays to Valorant Yoru’s playbook.
By pressing F while hovering over the beacon, the fake teleport animation and audio will start. It looks identical at the start but then the teleport visually fails while it sounds the same as the real deal. The original buff also had people thinking that the teleport delay became shorter from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds but that was the typo from the developers so you won’t be able to make very aggressive peaks and expect a teleport right in front of your enemy’s faces.
They made the teleport beacon travel slightly faster and they even almost have the range at which you can hear the beacon travel so it’s a bit more consistent to use than a pinch. This puts Gatecrash in a spot where it’s definitely a lot better. The decreased audio range makes it a lot easier to surprise people with your fake teleport spot.
The added charges give you more room to play around with the teleports to make plays and the fake teleport is great in order to incite chaos like Yoru intended to do. Just remember, like with the decoy you want to be very unpredictable when using it. You can absolutely get away with some pretty goofy things as long as you execute them with great confidence but being predictable will certainly be your downfall.
Creativity is how you get good with this ability but to give you some inspiration, try to teleport deep into the site while your team is rushing in and use them to rotate faster on the defensive side. Remember that your Gatecrash travels faster than you can, so using them to sprint long distances can sometimes also be viable.
Rotation Teleports
A simple lesson to take away from Exter’s playbook is whenever you’re on defense, always place a rotate teleport to the other Bombsite during the B phase.
How to Setup the rotation Teleport
⦁ Go to the general area of the Bombsite that you plan to play.
⦁ With roughly 3-6 seconds left in the phase, throw your Gatecrash towards the other Bombsite. Prefer someplace that’s safe and has a cover.
With just these two-step plans, you now have access to one of the quickest rotates in the game. Omen has the same ability to teleport across the entire map but it requires him to use his ultimate rather than just a signature ability.
Now the beauty of this not being an ultimate is Yoru has access to two gatecrashes. It allows Exter to use his first rotation teleport to make his way to one Bombsite but if the enemies go back toward the other Bombsite, he can just set up another rotation teleport after using his first one.
This alone makes Yoru one of the most underrated defense agents in the entire game. Since he can have an impact throughout the entire map if played correctly. If you’re ever unsure of what to do when on defense then always start your round off by setting up a rotation teleport.
Teleport Placement
While creating the rotation teleport you might notice that Gatecrash strictly stays on the ground level of maps, unless there’s some form of ramp to ride but there are a couple of niche tricks that let you place your teleports on the top of boxes.
How to Setup Yoru’s Updraft
⦁ Position yourself next to the box then place a decoy walking down straight onto the box.
⦁ Afterward, walk into the clone then jump while placing your Gatecrash on top of the box.
The decoy acts as a platform to allow the teleport to be placed on top of the box. This gives Yoru Valorant more positions to play if you’re ever to mix up your off angles. I suggest you either do this trick during the buy phase to set up an early off angle or it can be combined with your Alt, so you can set up the self-boost safely.
How to Setup Yoru’s Updraft on Double Boxes
This other trick even lets Valorant Yoru place Gatecrash on the top of double-stack boxes as well.
⦁ First, position yourself next to the box then right-click a decoy at the top of the box in a diagonal angle.
⦁ Reposition yourself to the side of the box where the clone will fall.
⦁ And finally, activate your clone and when it falls, jump on it and place your Gatecrash on the top of the box.
This one requires a decent amount of practice if you do want to add it to your repertoire. Yoru Valorant is a character that rewards creativity.
For Yoru’s flash or blindside, it’s unchanged meaning that it’s still a pretty good flash. That bounces and activates once it hits a surface, it’ll cost you 250 credits to buy and if you flash an opponent successfully, they’ll be blind for a full second and a half. Much like before it isn’t the easiest one to use and it takes some getting used to since the flash bounces.
For the flash, I suggest you try to use it in a custom game. See how it bounces and then experiment further in the game. If you need to flash closer, you can bounce it off the ground next to you and if you need to go further then you can always toss it deeper.
In general, this ability has a lot of room for innovation which means that quick thinking will help you get the maximum out of this ability more than us telling you different ways the flash bounces
Dimensional Drift
Lastly his ultimate dimensional drift, his all was also changed in a major way. Firstly, they made it longer from 8 to 10 seconds. However, the most important change is that you can now use Utility while Alting. Whether that’s flashes Gatecrashes or even your clone, on top of that they also made it so that you can no longer have limited vision and you can see as far as you could possibly want.
You can use your Ultimate as a beefed-up Sova drum that can’t tag anybody but can move super-fast and can even use utility. On the top of fact that you can see everywhere, they also made it so that enemies can’t see you anywhere even if you’re right up in their faces. If your shift walking in front of them, they won’t suspect a thing.
Players can now hear your footsteps from further up to 15 meters. They’ll still see it on their hut if you’re super close and also the exit time is significantly longer, going up from 0.6 seconds to 1.2 seconds. The ultimate becomes a lot stronger as you see more around you and your opponents can’t see you but the trade-off is that you get to stop trying to shorty players with your ultimate.
Instead of a one Kill and TP out Ultimate now, It’s more viable for a lot of different plays. You can find out the full setup of your opponents and either find a pocket to exit from or TP from. You can use flashes to outplay enemies, fake a teleport, and or even flash for your teammates, now that they’re pretty much aware of the enemy’s positions.
Overall, these changes are really looking to make Yoru less clunky and more fun.
Yoru Playstyle
We know all the changes, how the new Yoru works and how should he be played. Yoru has always been an agent meant to create chaos and he definitely still is. Just with a kit that’s better suited to do so. His decoy might actually be confusing enough to achieve something in certain situations. Yoru Valoant Teleport is now probably just strong enough to no longer be useless in higher ranks.
In a team scenario, Valorant Yoru is best used to be a space-making duelist creating space through chaos. If Yoru Valorant agent is going in a solo then he’s easy to deal with and generally predictable but if he is the follow-up from his teammates then he will be certainly annoying and can really show off his strengths.
If you send in a teleport into the back of the site then your opponents will want to look at it to kill you as soon as you TP but if your teammate is running into the site together with the clone, well they can’t afford to look at it and Yoru Valorant can get kills through his abilities. Because of that, our biggest tip for his playstyle is not to force where it plays if your opponents are clearly into it.
Flashing your beacon and then TP certainly feels satisfying if it works but most of the time it doesn’t and if your opponents are too good to fall for that trick then don’t force it, instead use your decoy and your TP beacon to walk onto the bombsite together with your teammates and once your opponents are too distracted to care then you teleport and strike from behind.
Yoru Valorant Comps
For team comps, Valorant Yoru can be best used if you already have an agent that can wield the operator and you can use an extra duelist. If you have a Chamber, for example, you don’t need to have a Jett as well. In the awping department, you’re already set or if you already have a Jett then no secondary duelist, and all other important roles like controller and initiator are filled. Having that extra bit of space and firepower definitely won’t hurt.
Of course, the meta will be ever-changing but at least right now, you simply need at least one controller, a strong initiator like Sova, and an open character like Jett, Chamber, or both.
Yoru mask Valorant
The mask he wears helps him see in rifts. Yoru’s personality is like the “cool” teenagers seen in Asian shows and movies. He’s proud and arrogant, always bragging, and super confident in his abilities. Yoru Valorant found his mask in Kingdom’s S22 container port. He broke into the facility and stole the mask and using this mask he can see in another dimension.
Yoru Valorant Fanart
Yoru has been the famous agent due to his pretty looks and fans really loved this character in the Valorant. Many fans made his Fanart that pushed the Yoru to the next level. Fans used to make Yoru’s portrait with his mask as well and the mask made Yoru’s look more unique than any other agents.
Whenever you TP on Yoru, you will always come out of it facing whatever direction you were facing before you left it. Yoru is the 14th agent to join the Valorant and he can dominate every single map if uses his abilities effectively. You will need many hours to master Yoru. Each of the ability require some time to get perfect into it. Use Yoru’s clone to over smart the enemies and use the flash to blind them.
When playing as Yoru, remember two important words: ‘stealth’ and ‘infiltration’. Yoru is not very strong and won’t win many one-on-one fights. It’s best to plan ahead and set up your strategy before making your move. Yoru brings something new to Valorant – there aren’t any other characters like him. Make sure to use that to your benefit
Yoru Valorant name is Kiritani Ryo and he is from Tokyo, Japan.
Yoru was released on 12 January 2021 PST, 13 January 2021 SGT and he joined the game’s roaster in episode 2.
Yoru is an arrogant agent in Valorant his age falls between 25 to 30.
Daisuke Takahashi is the voice actor of Valorant Yoru.