Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible is the latest raid in WOW: Dragonflight which was opened this year for all the players to explore the second-tier raid and take down all-new 9 bosses during the raid to earn new rewards and drops. This is an extensive guide on Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Raid which provides you with all the details that you need to know about the second-tier raid in WOW: Dragonflight Expansion.
This guide is for all the players but if you need help with the raid , you can always use our Aberrus raid boost service. Our team is available 24/7.

Aberrus: The Shadowed Crucible stands as the formidable second raid tier within the Dragonflight expansion. This nine-boss raid was unveiled to adventurers of all levels on May 9, 2023.
Aberrus Lore
In the annals of history, Neltharion founded Aberrus, an enigmatic laboratory where he conducted experiments that could reshape the world. Aberrus was rediscovered recently and has been besieged from all directions as factions fight for control over the Earth-Warder’s legacy. The champions of Azeroth must now delve into the depths of shadow, safeguarding Neltharion’s ominous power from falling into the wrong hands.
Aberrus Raid Unlock Schedule
The raid gate opens in the week commencing May 9, 2023, across all difficulties, inclusive of Raid Finder Wing 1. Subsequent Raid Finder Wings will unlock every two weeks, following this timeline:
- Week of May 9: Normal, Heroic, Mythic, and Raid Finder Wing 1 of Aberrus will open.
- Week of May 22: Aberrus Raid Finder Wing 2 will become accessible.
- Week of June 5: Aberrus Raid Finder Wing 3 will unlock.
- Week of June 19: Aberrus Raid Finder Wing 4 will open its gates to the intrepid adventurers.
Cross-Faction Mythic Aberrus and Hall of Fame Criteria
You can join Mythic Aberrus regardless of your faction right from the start. To qualify for Hall of Fame rewards, a minimum of 16 out of 20 raiders from the same guild must participate.
Where to Find the Aberrus Raid Entrance
To enter the Aberrus raid, head to the northern part of Zaralak Cavern at 48, 14 coordinates. it can be easily reached from the nearest Flight Master located in Obsidian Rest at 51, 26 coordinates.
How to Skip Ahead in Aberrus Raid?
To unlock the raid skip feature in Aberrus, start by accepting the quest “Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: Echoes of the Earth-Warder” inside the raid. Next, collect 3 Tome of the Earth-Warder items from the Echo of Neltharion, the second-to-last boss. Each difficulty level has its own version of this item.
Once you complete the quest, you can use the skip from Kazzara directly to the Echo of Neltharion. Click on the small vent behind Neltharion after defeating Kazzara to activate the skip.
Aberrus Raid Bosses
There are 9 different bosses that adventurers will get to encounter in the Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Raid. Every boss has unique mechanics that heroes must learn to outplay the bosses to defeat them. However, there are certain strategies for each boss that heroes can use to get through them on the first try. All the Bosses in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible raid are the following.
- Kazzara, the Hellforged
- The Amalgamation Chamber
- The Forgotten Experiments
- Assault of the Zaqali
- Rashok, the Elder
- The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn
- Magmorax
- Echo of Neltharion
- Scalecommander Sarkareth
Aberrus Bosses Strategies
Kazzara, the Hellforged
The initial boss in the raid presents a relatively simple challenge. The main mechanic involves creating pools called Dread Rifts away from the boss and eliminating them using Rays of Anguish.
- Ensure your healers are prepared to protect the raid group from significant damage when the boss’s HP drops to 70%, 50%, and 30%. Also, be cautious during these phases to avoid the Hellsteel Fragment and Revenant’s Blood puddles on the ground. Players marked under the Dread Rifts should keep their distance to prevent harming others. If targeted by the Rays of Anguish cast, use Dread Rifts puddles to mitigate laser damage.
- Stay clear of the Hellbeam spell’s path when the boss reaches 100 energy. Avoid the Wings of Extinction knockback to prevent damage from Damage over Time effects. Tanks should monitor Terror Claws and switch positions accordingly.
The Amalgamation Chamber
This multi-boss fight encounter has two different sides in the battle in which heroes need to fight Krozgoth and Moltannia until their health reaches 50% at the same time to merge both of the bosses into one, Molgoth.
- Position the Umbral Detonation swirls towards the back or side of the room on the Krozgoth side to allow for better maneuverability. Ranged players should remain stationary to absorb the Coalescing Void, then swiftly move away using Warlock gates.
- During the initial phase, raid damage will escalate, so remember to utilize your personal defensive and healing abilities. On the Moltannia side, absorb the Fiery Meteor or assign players with immunities to shield the raid from unnecessary damage. Lead Swirling Flame away from your teammates, positioning it on the room’s periphery.
- Initiate Bloodlust (BL) at the beginning of the second phase. Tanks must monitor Shadowflame Burst’s frontal cast and position the boss away from the raid. Melee players should absorb Gloom Conflagration and quickly retreat. Players afflicted with Blistering Twilight should move away from the raid, strategically placing the debuff in safe areas.
- Ensure Convergent Eruption circles are soaked, and evade the subsequent spawning Orbs.
The Forgotten Experiments
This multi-boss fight will let heroes encounter Neldris, then Thadrion, and then Rionthu. Heroes can utilize their single-target builds as they will be encountering bosses one by one.
- Maintain a distance between the raid group and the tanks. Tanks should strive to retain Infused Strikes for as long as possible to minimize raid damage. When facing Neldris, steer clear of accumulating extra Rending Charge stacks. Move away from the boss during the Bellowing Roar cast and dodge the swirling effects.
- Activate Bloodlust at the start of the second encounter with Thadrion. Players affected by Unstable Essence should endure until they accumulate 6-8 stacks. Subsequently, healers can dispel Unstable Essence, and tanks should reposition the boss near the adds to enable cleaving through all of them. Healers need to monitor Violent Eruption, while DPS players should focus on eliminating all adds before the boss initiates this spell to reduce damage. Avoid the deadly swirling patterns.
- In the battle against Rionthus, remain vigilant regarding Unstable Essence. Note that there is no Violent Eruption during this phase. Concentrate on dealing with the Temporal Anomaly when it emerges. Evade the paths of Disintegrate and Deep Breath to stay out of harm’s way.
Assault of the Zaqali
Fight with Zaqali is filled with waves of adds that raiders need to take care of in a certain time before they increase in numbers and create more complications against the boss. As Zaqali will be switching between platforms throughout the fight it is best to counter him on both platforms right from the start.
- Split the raid into two equal groups. Once the encounter begins, the entire raid engages the boss and then moves to one of the two platforms. On these platforms, each group is responsible for eliminating all additional enemies and preventing them from reaching the gate, with Magma Mystics being the top priority. Healers should be cautious when dealing with multiple Zaqali Wallclimbers, as they tend to draw aggression before the tank can handle them effectively.
- To prevent new enemies from appearing, raid members can pick up Cave Rubble and hurl it at the enemies climbing the wall. In the second phase, the boss will return to the gate’s starting point. When the boss’s energy reaches 100, it will unleash a shockwave toward the barrier. At least 10 players must absorb this damage.
Rashok, the Elder
This boss fight is comparatively easier than the previous couple of boss fights as there are no multiple targets or adds who will be interfering in the fight. Meaning, raiders with single-target builds will be able to ease through the fight.
- Players marked with Searing Slam should move away from the raid and position themselves in the room’s corners. Keep an eye on Living Lava pools to dodge lava puddles.
- Make sure to absorb all Doom Flames circles. Redirect the Shadowlava Blast toward the wall and swiftly move away from its path.
- When the boss reaches 100 energy, an Elder’s Conduit intermission will commence. Head to the middle of the room and steer clear of any lava puddles.
The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn
Zaskarn boss fight is filled with few adds in between. A couple of heroes can take out the adds as soon as they spawn while others focus on Zskarn.
- One tank needs to lead the boss to one of the Dragon Statues until the initial traps are triggered. After that, move to the next statue in a clockwise direction and repeat the process.
- The second tank is responsible for soaking every Shrapnel Bomb. Players with immunities can assist the tank in this task. Maintain a spread formation to avoid damaging your teammates with Unstable Embers.
- When Golems spawn, draw them towards the boss to strike all enemies simultaneously. Be vigilant about the Blast Wave cast to prevent being knocked out by the traps. Healers should focus on healing through the high damage over time (DoT) effects caused by Blast Wave.
- When the boss reaches 100 Energy, it will activate multiple statues. All players must quickly move away from the statues to find a safe spot.
It is a single-target boss fight but heroes with melee builds should soak the Magma Puddles to ease through the fight.
- Position the boss near the platform’s edge, ensuring the raid stands at the back to be pushed away from lava and away from Magma Puddle zones. Tanks should switch when Incinerating Maws reach 1-2 stacks.
- During the battle, melee players should place their puddles in melee zones, and casters in ranged zones. Three players should soak each puddle to minimize damage to others. Occasionally, if you are away from the raid, leave the Magma Puddle at the platform’s edge. Avoid soaking it during the Igniting Roar cast.
- In the latter half of the fight, consider using Warlock gates to bypass Overpowering Stomp. Stand near gates before the cast, activating them in the last 0.5 seconds to skip the effect.
- During the final 30% of the boss’s health, leave Magma Puddle at the platform’s edge and have your DPS members stack for concentrated healing.
Echo of Neltharion
Neltharion will be alone in the starting phase but as players deplete its HP, it will spawn 3 adds that players must eliminate before more adds spawn to assist Neltharion.
- At the start of the phase, Neltharion casts the potent spell, Twisted Earth, forming walls in a specific pattern. Use Rushing Darkness to break the wall, but only the tank should do so; other players must stand near an indestructible wall. Breaking too many walls will deal massive damage to the entire raid.
- Players marked with Volcanic Heart must spread out at least 15 yards from others to avoid the explosion after 7 seconds.
- After Calamitous Strike, the off-tank should taunt and position the boss in the section knocked by the main tank, allowing Echoing Fissure to drop.
- In Phase 2 at 70%, new walls are formed, retaining the mechanics from the first phase. Break the walls cautiously. Kill all three adds while reducing Neltharion’s health to around 35%.
- The adds have a shield that only players with the Corruption debuff can damage.
- In the third phase, stand atop a portal to avoid getting killed by Ebon Destruction.
Scalecommander Sarkareth
The final boss of Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible raid has 3 different phases in which it would change its abilities along with spawning Glimmers in Phase 2 and Phase 3.
- Scorching Bombs unleash significant damage upon exploding and pose a threat to the entire raid. Collect 10 Astral Flares in each intermission to start the phase with a substantial haste buff.
- Eliminate any Null Glimmers swiftly in Phase 2 or Phase 3.
- During the channeling of Glittering Surge, which inflicts substantial raid damage, it’s advisable to stack and employ healing cooldowns for added protection.
- After each tankbuster hit, always swap taunts to maintain optimal threat management.
- For increased safety during the casting of Scouring Eternity, lure the Astral Formation near the “throne” area. This reveals a sizable region, offering players a line of sight as a protective measure. Look for a visual indicator close to the Astral Formation, which signifies the designated safe spot.
How Loot Works in Aberrus
In Aberrus, loot distribution happens through the Group Loot method; there’s no option for Personal Loot. However, certain items like professional reagents may still use Personal Loot when appropriate.
Loot Trading
Inside the raid, there are no restrictions on trading items within your raid group. You can freely trade items, especially those with slight item level increases that are not upgraded, such as rings and necklaces.
Aberrus Loot Item Levels
The loot you obtain from Aberrus follows specific item-level ranges based on the difficulty level:
- Raid Finder Difficulty: Item Level 402-411
- Normal Difficulty: Item Level 415-424
- Heroic Difficulty: Item Level 428-437
- Mythic Difficulty: Item Level 441-450
Please note that these item levels apply to most drops from Aberrus, excluding Unique Drops.
Aberrus Unique Drops
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible raid bosses also drop unique items that are higher than 6 – 7 item levels from regular drops of bosses. These unique drops include appearances, items with special effects, and trinkets. Unique drops that you can get from defeating the bosses in the Aberrus raid are shown in the table below.
Slot | Item | Boss |
Trinket | Screaming Black Dragonscale | Kazzara (Boss 1) |
Trinket | Neltharion’s Call to Chaos | Neltharion (Boss 8) |
Trinket | Neltharion’s Call to Suffering | Neltharion (Boss 8) |
Trinket | Neltharion’s Call to Dominance | Neltharion (Boss 8) |
Cloak | Voice of the Silent Star | Scalecommander Sarkareth (Boss 9) |
The rest of the drop items can be found at the end of the article, under the achievements section. Visit the Loot Table to get to know which items you will be getting from the raid.
Bind-on-Equip (BoE) Items in Aberrus
Bind-on-Equip items now drop from ‘Lieutenant’ enemies once a week for each difficulty level. In the Dragonflight expansion, regular trash mobs will no longer drop BoE items.
Bind-on-Equip Rules in Early Days of Dragonflight Season 2
In the initial weeks of Dragonflight Season 2, Bind-on-Equip items will drop as Bind-on-Pickup items specifically in Mythic Aberrus. Other difficulty levels are not affected, and BoE items will be available from the start.
Aberrus Class Sets in Patch 10.1
Pieces of Class Set armor are obtained as tokens starting from the third boss in the raid. Equipping 2 and 4 pieces from the set provides potent bonuses. Each token can be used to create a Soulbound Aberrus Class item suitable for your class:
- Dreadful tokens: Shared by Death Knights, Warlocks, and Demon Hunters.
- Mystic tokens: Shared by Hunters, Druids, and Mages.
- Venerated tokens: Shared by Paladins, Priests, and Shamans.
- Zenith tokens: Shared by Warriors, Rogues, Monks, and Evokers.
Raid Rewards and Achievements
In this section, we will discuss the various rewards available to players in Aberrus, including character titles, Dragonriding customization options, and their quantities.
Aberrus Dragonriding Customizations
- Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Hellforged Icon: Obtained from the Drakewatcher Manuscript, this customization option has a rare chance to drop from Scalecommander on all difficulties.
It unlocks the Full Transformation customization for the Highland Drake Dragonriding mount, allowing players to enhance their riding experience.
Glory of the Aberrus Raider Meta-Achievement
Achieving the Glory of the Aberrus Raider meta-achievement grants you the Shadowflame Shalewing mount in Patch 10.1. To obtain this prestigious reward, you must complete the following achievements.
- Cosplate
- I’ll Make My Own Shadowflame
- Tabula Rasa
- Are You Even Trying?
- Whac-A-Swog
- Eggcellent Eggsecution
- Escar-Go-Go-Go
- Objects in Transit May Shatter
- We’ll Never See That Again, Surely.
Aberrus Mythic Hall of Fame Achievement
Achieving the Hall of Fame: Scalecommander Sarkareth title in the Aberrus Mythic raid bestows upon players the prestigious Famed Slayer of Sarkareth title. This accomplishment now caters to cross-faction guilds, necessitating being one of the first 200 guilds worldwide to defeat the final Mythic boss of the tier.
Heir to the Void Title
Upon defeating Scalecommander Sarkareth on Mythic Difficulty and acquiring the Mythic: Scalecommander Sarkareth achievement, players will be honored with the Heir to the Void title.
Additional Aberrus Class Sets Customization
Earning the Mythic: Scalecommander Sarkareth achievement is crucial for obtaining Dragonflight Season 2 Hero, rewarding players with the Obsidian Aspectral Earthstone. This item unlocks extra visual enhancements for specific Aberrus class set appearances, and the unlock applies account-wide.
Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge Aberrus Achievements
Achieving Ahead of the Curve: Scalecommander Sarkareth marks the Heroic accomplishment of this raid tier, requiring Sarkareth’s defeat on Heroic difficulty before the release of the next raid tier in Patch 10.2.
For the Cutting Edge: Raszageth the Storm-Eater achievement, players must conquer Mythic Sarkareth before the advent of the next raid.
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Loot Table
In this section, we will list all the loot available to players in Aberrus, including accessories, cloth, leather, mail, plates, trinkets, and weapons.
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Accessories Drops
Slot | Item | Boss |
Back | Drape of the Dracthyr Trials | The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn |
Back | Etchings of the Captive Revenant | Kazzara, the Hellforged |
Back | Voice of the Silent StarVery Rare | Scalecommander Sarkareth |
Finger | Entropic Convergence Loop | Amalgamation Chamber |
Finger | Onyx Impostor’s Birthright | Echo of Neltharion |
Finger | Tormentor’s Siphoning Signet | Rashok, the Elder |
Neck | Kagni’s Scorching Talisman | Assault of the Zaqali |
Neck | Magmorax’s Fourth Collar | Magmorax |
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Cloth Drops
Slot | Item | Boss |
Chest | Reanimator’s Wicked Cassock | Kazzara, the Hellforged |
Feet | Sandals of Ancient Fury | Rashok, the Elder |
Feet | Treads of Fractured Realities | Echo of Neltharion |
Hands | Phoenix-Plume Gloves | Assault of the Zaqali |
Head | Attendant’s Concocting Cover | Amalgamation Chamber |
Legs | Coattails of the Rightful Heir | Scalecommander Sarkareth |
Shoulder | Mystic’s Scalding Frame | Assault of the Zaqali |
Waist | Discarded Creation’s Restraint | The Forgotten Experiments |
Waist | Sash of Abandoned Hope | Kazzara, the Hellforged |
Wrist | Clasps of the Diligent Steward | The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn |
Wrist | Unstable Vial Handlers | Amalgamation Chamber |
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Leather Drops
Slot | Item | Boss |
Chest | Warlord’s Volcanic Vest | Assault of the Zaqali |
Feet | Failed Applicant’s Footpads | The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn |
Feet | Flamebound Huntsman’s Footpads | Assault of the Zaqali |
Hands | Oathbreaker’s Obsessive Gauntlets | Scalecommander Sarkareth |
Head | Violent Gravemask | Kazzara, the Hellforged |
Legs | Tassets of Blistering Twilight | Amalgamation Chamber |
Shoulder | Neldris’s Sinewy Scapula | The Forgotten Experiments |
Waist | Elder’s Volcanic Binding | Rashok, the Elder |
Waist | Oblivion’s Immortal Coil | Scalecommander Sarkareth |
Wrist | Bloodstench Skinguards | Kazzara, the Hellforged |
Wrist | Cuffs of the Savage Serpent | Magmorax |
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Mail Drops
Slot | Item | Boss |
Chest | Cuirass of Meticulous Mixture | Amalgamation Chamber |
Feet | Crechebound Soldier’s Boots | Scalecommander Sarkareth |
Feet | Exacting Augmenter’s Sabatons | The Forgotten Experiments |
Hands | Grasps of Welded Anguish | Kazzara, the Hellforged |
Head | Gatecrasher Giant’s Coif | Assault of the Zaqali |
Legs | Scalecommander’s Ebon Schynbalds | Scalecommander Sarkareth |
Shoulder | Kazzara’s Grafted Companion | Kazzara, the Hellforged |
Waist | Gloomfused Chemistry Belt | Amalgamation Chamber |
Waist | Hydratooth Girdle | Magmorax |
Wrist | Boulder-Tossing Bands | Assault of the Zaqali |
Wrist | Shackles of the Shadowed Bastille | Rashok, the Elder |
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Plate Drops
Slot | Item | Boss |
Chest | Sarkareth’s Abyssal Embrace | Scalecommander Sarkareth |
Feet | Dreadrift Stompers | Kazzara, the Hellforged |
Feet | Spittle-Resistant Sollerets | Magmorax |
Hands | Twisted Vision’s Demigaunts | Echo of Neltharion |
Head | Unyielding Goliath’s Burgonet | Rashok, the Elder |
Legs | Obsidian Guard’s Chausses | Assault of the Zaqali |
Shoulder | Shoulderplates of Planar Isolation | Amalgamation Chamber |
Waist | Recycled Golemskin Waistguard | The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn |
Waist | Seal of the Defiant Hordes | Assault of the Zaqali |
Wrist | Bonds of Desperate Ascension | Scalecommander Sarkareth |
Wrist | Manacles of Cruel Progress | The Forgotten Experiments |
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Trinket Drops
Stats | Item | Boss |
Mastery | Beacon to the Beyond | Scalecommander Sarkareth |
Agility | Dragonfire Bomb Dispenser | The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn |
Agility/Strength | Elementium Pocket Anvil | Amalgamation Chamber |
Agility/Strength | Enduring Dreadplate | Kazzara, the Hellforged |
Agility/Intellect | Igneous Flowstone | Magmorax |
Critical Strike | Neltharion’s Call to ChaosVery Rare — Demon Hunter, Evoker, Mage, Paladin, Warrior | Echo of Neltharion |
Haste | Neltharion’s Call to DominanceVery Rare — Death Knight, Druid, Priest, Rogue | Echo of Neltharion |
Versatility | Neltharion’s Call to SufferingVery Rare — Hunter, Monk, Shaman, Warlock | Echo of Neltharion |
Agility/Strength/Intellect | Ominous Chromatic Essence | The Forgotten Experiments |
Intellect | Rashok’s Molten Heart | Rashok, the Elder |
Agility/Strength/Intellect | Screaming Black DragonscaleVery Rare | Kazzara, the Hellforged |
Intellect | Vessel of Searing Shadow | Amalgamation Chamber |
Agility/Strength/Intellect | Ward of Faceless Ire | Echo of Neltharion |
Strength | Zaqali Chaos Grapnel | Assault of the Zaqali |
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Weapon Drops
Type | Stat | Item | Boss |
Axe | Strength | Proctor’s Tactical Cleaver | The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn |
Axe | Agility | Wallclimber’s Incursion Hatchet | Assault of the Zaqali |
Dagger | Agility | Fang of the Sundered Flame | Scalecommander Sarkareth |
Dagger | Agility | Hellsteel Mutilator | Kazzara, the Hellforged |
Dagger | Intellect | Zskarn’s Autopsy Scalpel | The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn |
Fist Weapon | Agility | Claws of the Blazing Behemoth | Magmorax |
Mace | Intellect | Bloodfire Extraction Conduit | Rashok, the Elder |
Mace | Intellect | Lavaflow Control Rod | Magmorax |
Mace | Strength | Scholar’s Thinking Cudgel | Amalgamation Chamber |
Warglaives | Agility | Rionthus’s Bladed Visage | The Forgotten Experiments |
Type | Stat | Item | Boss |
Bow | Agility | Brutal Dragonslayer’s Trophy | Assault of the Zaqali |
Gun | Agility | Failure Disposal Cannon | The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn |
Off-Hand and Shield
Type | Stat | Item | Boss |
Off-hand | Intellect | Echo’s Maddening Volume | Echo of Neltharion |
Off-hand | Intellect | Thadrion’s Erratic Arcanotrode | The Forgotten Experiments |
Shield | Strength/Intellect | Calamity’s Herald | Echo of Neltharion |
Shield | Strength/Intellect | Experiment 1, Kitewing | The Forgotten Experiments |
Type | Stat | Item | Boss |
Polearm | Agility | Djaruun, Pillar of the Elder FlameVery Rare | Rashok, the Elder |
Polearm | Strength | Infernal Shadelance | Kazzara, the Hellforged |
Staff | Intellect | Erethos, the Empty Promise | Scalecommander Sarkareth |
Staff | Agility | Obsidian Stirring Staff | Amalgamation Chamber |
Sword | Strength | Ashkandur, Fall of the Brotherhood | Echo of Neltharion |